ДБН Пожежна безпека об’єктів (наказ МРРБ та КЖГ України від 2016 р.).
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Code of Civil Protection of Ukraine | on October 2, 2012 № 5403-VI
Official translation
Last modification: 01.01.22 03:05:05


(The Official Bulletin of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (BVR), 2013, Nos. 34–35, Article 458)

{As amended by Laws
No 224-VII of 14.05.2013, BVR, 2014, No 11, Article 132
No 353-VII of 20.06.2013, BVR, 2014, No 13, Article 221
No 1166-VII of 27.03.2014, BVR, 2014, No 20-21, Article 745
No 76-VIII of 28.12.2014, BVR, 2015, No 6, Article 40
No 124-VIII of 15.01.2015, BVR, 2015, No 14, Article 96
No 766-VIII of 10.11.2015, BVR, 2015, No 52, Article 482
No 1404-VIII of 02.06.2016, BVR, 2016, No 30, Article 542
No 2020-VIII of 13.04.2017, BVR, 2017, No 22, Article 257
No 2581-VIII of 02.10.2018, BVR, 2018, No 46, Article 371
No 124-IX of 20.09.2019, BVR, 2019, No 46, Article 295
No 263–IX of 31.10.2019, BVR, 2020, No 2, Article 5
No 524-IX of 04.03.2020, BVR, 2020, No 38, Article 279
No 540-IX of 30.03.2020, BVR, 2020, No 18, Article 123
No 720-IX of 17.06.2020, BVR, 2020, No 47, Article 408
No 1259-IX of 19.02.2021 – effective from 17.06.2021}

{To enact that in 2016, provisions and regulations of parts 3, 7 and 11 of Article 119 of this Code are applied under the procedure and scope established by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, based on the available financial resources of national and local budgets and the budget of the Social Insurance Fund of Ukraine under Law No 928-VIII of 25.12.2015}

{To enact that in 2017, provisions and regulations of parts 3, 7 and 11 of Article 119 of this Code are applied under the procedure and scope established by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, based on the available financial resources of national and local budgets under Law No 1801-VIII of 21.12.2016}

{To enact that in 2018, provisions and regulations of parts 3, 7 and 11 of Article 119 of this Code are applied under the procedure and scope established by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, based on the available financial resources of national and local budgets under Law No 2246-VIII of 07.12.2017}

{To enact that in 2019, the provisions and regulations of Parts 3, 7 and 11 of Article 119 of this Code are applied under the procedure and scope established by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, based on the available financial resources of national and local budgets under Law No 2629-VIII of 23.11.2018}

{To enact that in 2020, provisions of Parts 3, 7 and 11 of Article 119 of this Code are applied under the procedure and scope established by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, based on the available financial resources of national and local budgets under Law No 294-IX of 14.11.2019}

{To enact that in 2021, provisions of Parts 3, 7 and 11 of Article 119 of this Code are applied under the procedure and scope established by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, based on the available financial resources of national and local budgets under Law No 1082-IX of 15.12.2020}

{In the text of the code, the word “disabled person” in singular, plural, or any inflective form has been replaced with the words “person with a disability” in the respective grammatical form, and the word “disabled people” has been replaced with the words “persons with disabilities” as per Law No 2581-VIII of 02.10.2018}

Section I

Chapter 1. General provisions

Article 1. Relations regulated by the Code of Civil Protection of Ukraine

1. Code of Civil Protection of Ukraine regulates relations related to the protection of people, territories, environment and property against emergencies, emergency response, operation of the unified public system of civil protection, and defines the powers of government authorities, the Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, local authorities, rights and responsibilities of citizens of Ukraine, foreigners and stateless persons, businesses, institutions and organisations regardless of their ownership.

Article 2. Definitions

1. For the purposes of this Code, the following definitions shall apply:

1) Emergency Service - a range of organisationally linked authorities, forces and tools under a single organisational structure to provide rescue and other urgent operations;

2) emergency unit – Emergency Service division, independent division, detachment, centre, Fire and Rescue Service (unit);

3) emergency and other urgent operations – people search, rescue and protection operations, destruction and material damage avoidance, localisation of exposure to danger, elimination of factors that prevent operations or threaten rescue workers' life;

4) accident – a dangerous event of a man-made nature that affects people or endanger human life and health in a specific territory or territory of a business and leads to the destruction of buildings, structures, equipment, and vehicles, disruption of production or transport process, or causes excess, emergency emissions and causes another harmful effect on the environment;

5) restoration works – works intended to restore buildings, structures, businesses, institutions, organisations and respective territories destroyed or damaged as a result of emergency regardless of their ownership;

6) traffic accident – an event that occurred to a vehicle while operated on the road resulting in people death or injury or property damage. The level of emergency in traffic accidents is determined through the Man-Made and Natural Emergency Classification Procedure approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine;

7) evacuation – people removed in an orderly manner from an emergency zone or exposure zone when human life and health are at risk, including removal of material and cultural property in case of risk of damage or destruction;

8) epidemic – the mass spread of an infectious disease over a short time among people in a specific territory;

9) epizootics – high incidence of a contagious animal disease over a short time which significantly exceeds the usual incidence of this disease in a specific territory;

10) epiphytotia – high incidence of contagious plant disease within one or more administrative units which significantly exceeds the usual incidence of this disease in a specific area;

11) emergency prevention – a set of legal, economic and social, political, organisational and technical, sanitary and other actions to regulate man-made and natural safety, assess risks, respond in advance to the threat of emergency based on monitoring, expertise, research and estimates of possible course of events in order to prevent an emergency or mitigate possible effect;

12) fire equipment – equipment designed to prevent, detect, localise and eliminate fire, protect people, assets and environment against the hazard of fire;

13) civil protection equipment – fire, rescue and other specialised machines, equipment, mechanisms, devices, instruments, tools, medical equipment, medications, collective and individual protection equipment intended and used for the purpose of civil protection;

14) civil protection facilities – engineering facilities designed to protect people against exposure to hazard resulting in emergency, military operation or terrorist attack;

15) possible kill zone – a specific territory/water area where human life, health or property is at risk as a result of an emergency;

16) emergency zone – a specific territory/water area where an emergency occurred;

17) protection engineering – a set of organisational and engineering actions to prevent an emergency, protect territories, municipalities and businesses against the emergency aftermath and danger that may arise during military operations (combat actions), or as a result of such actions, and create conditions for sustainable operation of businesses and territories in special period;

18) engineering and technical actions of civil protection – a set of engineering and technical solutions to prevent an emergency, protect people and territories against the emergency, and danger that may arise during military operations (combat actions), or as a result of such actions, and create conditions for sustainable operation of businesses and territories during the special period;

19) disaster – a large-scale accident or another event that leads to serious consequences;

20) emergency classification attribute – a technical or another characteristic of a dangerous event that causes a situation identified as an emergency;

21) emergency classification – a system in which emergencies are divided into classes and subclasses depending on their nature of origin;

22) dealing with the aftermath of an emergency – a set of actions, including rescue and other urgent works carried out in case of emergency to eliminate the hazard, save life and health, and localise emergency zone;

23) medical and psychological rehabilitation – a set of medical and preventive measures, recovery and rehabilitation to restore psycho-physiological functions, optimal working capacity, social activity of emergency service (unit) officers, persons involved in rescue operations in the event of an emergency, and persons affected by the emergency, primarily minors;

24) emergency – a situation within a specific territory or business site within it or water facility with disrupted living conditions of people as a result of the catastrophe, accident, fire, natural disaster, epidemic, epizootic, epiphytotic, use of weapons or other dangerous events that (may) endanger human life and health, lead to a great number of dead and injured, cause significant material damage, and make the territory or object uninhabitable, unsuitable for economic activities;

25) dangerous event – an event, including catastrophe, accident, fire, natural disaster, epidemic, epizootic, epiphytotic, which consequences pose threat to life or health of people or lead to material damage;

26) dangerous factor – a part of a dangerous situation (fire, explosion, emission, risk of emission of hazardous chemicals, radioactive and biohazardous substances) or a process involving physical, chemical, bio or other exposure (impact) that exceeds standard ratios and poses threat to human life and/or health;

27) on-site non-professional emergency rescue services – services created from engineering and other experienced personnel properly trained for emergency rescue and other urgent work and are fit for work in harsh conditions;

28) non-specialised emergency rescue service – a professional or non-professional emergency rescue service that has trained rescue workers and appropriate civil protection equipment and able to carry out unspecific emergency and other urgent work;

29) high-risk object – an object that is considered under the law to pose a real threat of accident and/or emergency of a man-made or physical nature;

30) civil protection quick response rescue services – a designated non-military association of emergency and other units of the central executive authority in charge of shaping and implementing the state policy in the field of civil protection;

31) alert notification – communication of civil protection authority alerts and notifications about emergency, accident, catastrophe, epidemic, fire, etc. threat to central and local executive authorities, businesses, institutions, organisations and people;

32) fire – an uncontrolled process that leads to property destruction or damage in fire that involves factors that pose danger for living beings and environment;

33) fire safety – no unacceptable risk of fire and associated risk of harm to living beings, property and environment;

34) fire service – an activity that prevents fire occurrence and protects human life and health, property and environment against exposure to fire hazards;

35) persons affected by the man-made or natural emergency (hereinafter referred to as affected persons) – persons whose health has been harmed as a result of emergency;

36) professional emergency response service – an emergency response service with employees working under employment contracts and the rescue workers, in addition, receive professional, special physical, medical and psychological training;

37) emergency response and dealing with the aftermath – coordinated actions of civil protection entities carried out in accordance with emergency response plans with specified emergency type and level. The actions involve the arrangement of activities to deal with the aftermath of an emergency, terminate exposure to or impact of hazards arising from emergency, rescue people and property, localise zone of emergency, and eliminate or minimise consequences that endanger human life, health, territories, environment or property;

38) civil protection forces – emergency response units, specialised services and other civil protection units that provide emergency and other urgent work to eliminate emergency;

39) alert system – a range of organisational and technical actions, equipment and notification tools, instruments, communication tools and channels that ensure timely communication of alerts and emergency information to central and local executive authorities, businesses, institutions, organisations and people;

40) specialised emergency rescue service – a professional emergency response service that has trained rescue workers and appropriate civil protection equipment and risks its life to provide emergency operations and other urgent work including extinguishing of gas fountains, underwater and mine-rescue operations;

41) specialised civil protection service – businesses, institutions, organisations of respective functional area teamed up for civil protection tasks;

42) natural disaster – a natural phenomenon of great destructive force that causes significant damage to the territory it occurs, disrupts normal life of people, causes material damage;

43) man-made safety – no risk of accidents and/or disasters in potentially hazardous works and businesses that may pose a real threat of occurrence. Man-made safety describes the level of protection of people and territories against man-made emergencies. Man-made safety is a particular (specific) responsibility to ensure people and territory protection against emergencies.

Article 3. Legal basis for civil protection

1. Civil protection is based on the Constitution of Ukraine, this Code, other laws of Ukraine, acts of the President of Ukraine and the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

Article 4. Civil protection

1. Civil Protection is the function of the state that protects people, territories, environment and property against emergency through prevention, dealing with the aftermath and providing assistance to affected persons in times of peace and during the special period.

Article 5. Emergency classification

1. Emergencies are classified by nature of origin, prevalence, human losses and material damage.

2. The following emergency types are identified based on the nature of events that may cause an emergency in Ukraine:

1) Man-made;

2) Natural;

3) Social;

4) Military.

3. The following emergency levels are identified based on consequences caused by emergency, technical and material resources to address it:

1) State;

2) Regional;

3) Local;

4) On-site.

4. Emergency classification procedure by levels is established by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

5. Emergency classification indicators are identified by the central executive authority in charge of shaping and implementing the state policy in the field of civil protection.

Article 6. Facilities under civil protection

1. Civil protection is provided taking into account the specifics identified in the Law of Ukraine “On the Fundamentals of National Security of Ukraine”, entities mandated to protect people, territories, environment and property in peacetime and special period as required by this Code to implement defence actions of Ukraine.

2. Coordination of executive authority's civil protection activities within respective mandate is provided by:

1) National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine;

2) Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

3. To coordinate activities of central and local executive authorities, businesses, institutions and organisations related to man-made and environmental safety, protection of people and territories, prevention and response to emergencies:

1) The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine establishes the State Commission on Technogenic and Environmental Safety and Emergencies;

2) The Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, oblast, Kyiv and Sevastopol city administrations establish Regional Commissions on Technogenic and Environmental Safety and Emergencies;

3) Raion state administrations, municipal, city district and village executive authorities establish Local Commissions on Technogenic and Environmental Safety and Emergencies;

4) Managements of businesses, institutions and organisations establish emergency commissions.

4. Special Emergency Response commissions are established at the national, regional, local and on-site level to coordinate response to a specific emergency.

Article 7. Basic principles of civil protection

1. Civil Protection is based on the following principles:

1) The state guarantees and ensures in the Constitution the right to protection of life, health and property;

2) Comprehensive approach to addressing problems of civil protection;

3) Priority tasks related to saving the lives and protecting the health of people;

4) Keep risk of emergency at the lowest possible level;

5) Management centralisation, unity of command, subordination, the statutory discipline of civil protection quick response rescue services;

6) Transparency, freedom of public information on civil protection other than restrictions established by law;

7) Voluntary nature in case of involvement of people in civil protection is hazardous to their life and health;

8) Responsibility of government officials and local authorities for the compliance with the requirements of civil protection law;

9) Justified risk and responsibility of civil protection leaders for safety during the emergency and other urgent work.

Section II

Chapter 2. Unified National Civil Protection System and its components

Article 8. Unified National Civil Protection System

1. Implementation of the national civil protection policy is ensured by the Unified National Civil Protection System which consists of functional and territorial subsystems and units.

2. Unified National Civil Protection System provisions, standard provisions on functional and territorial subsystems shall be approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

3. Main tasks of the Unified National Civil Protection System:

1) Ensure the readiness of ministries and other central and local executive authorities, local governments and their subordinates to take actions to prevent and respond to an emergency;

2) Ensure implementation of measures to prevent emergency;

3) Train civilians on how to behave and what to do in the event of an emergency;

4) Implement national targeted programmes intended to prevent an emergency, ensure sustainable operation of businesses, institutions and organisations, reduce possible material damage;

5) Process emergency information, publish materials on the protection of people and territories against the aftermath of an emergency;

6) Forecast and assess social and economic consequences of an emergency, based on forecast identify required resources, actions materials and finances;

7) Create, efficiently manage and use pool of material and financial resources necessary to prevent and respond to emergency;

8) Alert people about the risk and occurrence of an emergency, provide timely and reliable information about the actual situation and measures taken;

9) Protect people in case of emergency;

10) Conduct rescue and other urgent work to dealing with the aftermath of an emergency, organise support of affected persons;

11) Mitigate possible consequences of an emergency in case of occurrence;

12) Take actions to ensure the social welfare of affected persons;

13) Implement civil protection rights of people affected by emergency under existing law, including the people (or their families) that have been involved in dealing with the aftermath of emergency;

14) Other actions required by law;

Article 9. Functional subsystems of the Unified National Civil Protection System

1. Functional subsystems of the Unified National Civil Protection System (hereinafter referred to as the Functional subsystems) are established by central executive authorities in the respective field of social life.

2. Functional subsystem provisions shall be made based on standard functional subsystem provisions and approved by central executive authorities that made them. The provisions shall be approved by the central executive authority in charge of shaping and implementing the state policy in the field of civil protection.

In case activities of the central executive authorities are guided and coordinated by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine through the respective minister, the above provisions shall be approved by these ministers based on the approval of the central executive authority in charge of shaping and implementing the state policy in the field of civil protection.

3. The list of central executive authorities that establish functional subsystems shall be defined in the Regulation on the Unified National Civil Protection System.

4. The functional subsystem shall be under the direct supervision of the official, business manager that established this subsystem.

5, Functional subsystems include authorities and their subordinate civil protection forces, respective business entities taking civil protection actions.

Article 10. Territorial subsystems of the Unified National Civil Protection System and their units

1. Territorial subsystems of the Unified National Civil Protection System (hereinafter referred to as the Territorial subsystems) act in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, oblasts of Ukraine, city of Kyiv and city of Sevastopol.

2. Territorial subsystem provisions shall be made based on standard territorial subsystem provisions and approved by the Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea or local state administrations. The provisions shall be approved by the central executive authority in charge of shaping and implementing the state policy in the field of civil protection.

3. Territorial subsystem units are made by:

1) Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea in raions of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea;

2) Raion state administrations, city district state administrations in Kyiv and Sevastopol – in raions, city districts of Kyiv and Sevastopol;

3) Local authorities in oblast capitals, cities of oblast and raion subordination.

4. Provisions on the territorial subsystem unit shall be approved by establishing body.

5. The territorial subsystem and its unit shall be under the direct supervision of the official who heads the authority establishing the respective subsystem, unit.

6. The territorial subsystem of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea shall be under the direct supervision of the Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea.

7. Territorial subsystems and units include authorities and their subordinate civil protection forces and respective business entities.

Chapter 3. Operations of the Unified National Civil Protection System

Article 11. Regimes of operation of the Unified National Civil Protection System

1. The Unified National System based on scale and specific features of an anticipated or occurred emergency operates in the following regimes:

1) Day-to-day operation;

2) High alert;

3) Emergency;

4) State of emergency.

2. The Regulation on the Unified National Civil Protection System identifies actions taken in respective regime, objectives and relationships between civil protection entities during respective system regime is active.

3. During the special period the Unified National Civil Protection System operates under this Code in consideration of the specific features required by laws of Ukraine “On Legal Regime of Martial Law”, “On Mobilisation Preparation and Mobilisation”, other regulatory acts.

Article 12. Regime of day-to day operation

1. Operation of the Unified National Civil Protection System in the day-to-day regime shall be established based on normal production, radiation, chemical, seismic, hydrogeological, hydrometeorological, man-made and fire conditions without epidemic epizootic, epiphytotic.

Article 13. Regime of High Alert

1. In the event of an emergency, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, the Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, oblast, Kyiv, or Sevastopol city administrations respectively takes a decision on an interim regime of High Alert for the Unified National Civil Protection System, either in full or in part for specific territorial subsystems.

Article 14. Emergency

1. In the event of an emergency, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, the Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, oblast, Kyiv, or Sevastopol city administrations respectively takes a decision on an interim Emergency for the Unified National Civil Protection System, either in full or in part for specific territorial subsystems.

Article 15. State of emergency

1. Regime of emergency for the Unified National Civil Protection System shall be provisionally declared on specific territorial subsystems within the area with the legal status of the “State of Emergency” as required by the Law of Ukraine “On the Legal Status of the State of Emergency”.

Section III

Chapter 4. Powers of executive authorities, local government, duties and responsibilities of business entities, rights and responsibilities of citizens of Ukraine in the field of civil protection

Article 16. Powers of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine in civil protection

1. Powers of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine in civil protection include the following:

1) Supervision of the Unified National Civil Protection System;

2) Organisation of actions to deal with the aftermath of an emergency;

3) Setting the procedure for categorising cities by respective civil protection group and businesses by respective civil protection category;

4) Categorising cities by civil protection group, approval of the list of cities;

5) Creating a pool of individual protection equipment and materials to prevent an emergency and deal with the aftermath, identifying amount and the procedure of use;

6) Taking actions to ensure the preparedness of the Unified National Civil Protection System to emergency and special period;

7) Identifying the procedure of transition of the Unified National Civil Protection System from the regime of peacetime operation to special period operation;

8) Assigning civil protection forces to rescue and other urgent operations, dealing with the aftermath of an emergency, humanitarian operations outside Ukraine;

9) Ensuring social protection of persons affected by an emergency;

10) Developing and taking measures to ensure sustainable operation of businesses during the special period;

11) Ensuring compliance with the man-made and fire safety requirements;

12) Identifying objectives of mobilisation to meet civil protection needs and accumulation, storage and use of surge capacity for civil protection during the special period;

13) Identifying the procedure for the preparation and implementation of potentially dangerous measures of the Ukrainian Armed Forces and law enforcement with the use of weaponry and military equipment with the presence of civilians;

14) Identifying the development procedure for the special period civil protection plans and other civil protection plans;

15) Approval of the annual Plan of Key Measures of Civil Protection of Ukraine and Plan of Training Recruitment of Management and Specialists Related to the Organisation and Implementation of Civil Protection Measures;

16) Identifying the procedure of emergency training of civilians;

17) Exercising other authority required by this Code and other legal acts.

Article 17. Powers of the central executive authority in charge of shaping and implementing the state policy in the field of civil protection

1. The central executive authority in charge of shaping and implementing the state policy in the field of civil protection, educational and scientific institutions, healthcare facilities (medical divisions) (hereinafter referred to as the Civil protection authorities and units) that fall under its management.

2. The central executive authority in charge of shaping and implementing the state policy in the field of civil protection:

1) Directly supervises the activities of the Unified National Civil Protection System;

2) Sets up national-level draft civil protection plan for the peacetime and special period and submits them for approval of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, manages drafting of civil protection plans by central and local executive authorities;

3) Provides training for the functional and territorial subsystem authorities of the Unified National Civil Protection System and its units;

4) Alerts and informs central and local executive authorities about the risk and occurrence of an emergency, provides methodological leadership in setting and proper operation of civil protection alert systems of all levels;

5) Assigns search and rescue units and emergency services of central and local executive authorities, businesses, institutions and organisations of all ownership types and coordinates their activities in dealing with the aftermath of an emergency of national and local scale, organises search and rescue operations and controls the performance;

6) Ensures firefighting, rescuing of people and providing assistance in dealing with the aftermath of accidents, disasters, natural disaster and some other dangerous development types that endanger human life and health or cause material damage;

7) Provides fire security at production facilities, institutions, organisations and other facilities based on the procedure required by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine;

{Par. 7, Part II, Article 17 as amended by law № 353-VII of 20.06.2013}

8) Organises air search and rescue of aircraft that have suffered or are suffering accident, coordinates search and rescue and other urgent operations using aviation and equipment of central and local executive authorities, businesses, institutions, organisations of all ownership types;

9) Participates in the work of aircraft incident investigation commissions;

10) Directly supervises transition of the Unified National Civil Protection System from the regime of peacetime operation to special period operation;

11) Participates in the development of the National Mobilisation Plan;

12) In the event of mobilisation, deploys special task forces that conduct specific operations on civil protection of cities listed in civil protection group and businesses listed in civil protection category;

13) Keep track of people doing their civil protection service and persons under civil protection reserve contract;

14) Identifies the need of civil protection authorities and units for financial and material resources to perform special period tasks and in the event of target mobilisation submits respective proposals to the central executive authority in charge of shaping and implementing the state policy in the field of civil protection;

15) Co-ordinates, organises and supervises assessing of preparedness of functional and territorial subsystems to civil protection tasks in peacetime and special period;

16) Identifies and implements national policy activities on establishing, maintaining and reconstructing civil protection facility fund and their accounting;

17) Identifies and implements national policy activities in civil protection engineering, ensures respective regulatory measures, takes actions to categorise municipalities and national economy facilities by civil protection group (category), performs design and construction rationing in civil protection actions;

{Clause 17, part two, Article 17 as amended by Law No 2020-VIII of 13.04.2017}

18) Identifies and implements activities under national radiation and chemical safety policy, coordinates and controls measures of people and territory protection in case of radiation accidents and emergency related to hazardous chemical spill (emission), sets requirements to radiation and chemical protection equipment and search and rescue units;

19) Together with central and local executive authorities, local governments, businesses, institutions and organisations provides a forecast on the possible occurrence of an emergency, determines risk indicators and zones the territory of Ukraine based on emergency risk;

20) Implements national evacuation policy, coordinates activities of central and local executive authorities, businesses in this regard;

21) Within its authority, ensures implementation of the national medical and biosafety policy in the event of an emergency;

22) Deals with the medical and sanitary aftermath of an emergency, provides emergency medical care to affected persons and rescue workers within the emergency zone (zone of exposure), medical equipment (curative and prophylactic, hygienic, medical supplies, and spa treatment) for non-executive, executive staff and veterans of civil protection (war) and their families;

23) Gives an expert opinion on the level of emergency, accounts emergencies;

24) Ensures tasks of minimisation and dealing with the aftermath of an emergency related to technological attacks and other acts of terror during an anti-terrorist operation, implements awareness-raising and hands-on training programmes to prepare people to act in case of an act of terror;

25) Executes explosive operations to destroy explosives remaining in the territory of Ukraine after wars, modern ammunition and blasting products (except those used in acts of terror), except territories allocated for accommodation and ongoing activities of military units, military schools, facilities of the armed forces of Ukraine, other military units of military nature, approves procedures of these operations and interaction procedures during execution;

26) Approves the Emergency Charter of civil protection authorities and quick response rescue units;

27) Approves the procedure of internal, garrison and sentry duty for subordinate authorities and units;

28) Certifies emergency services and rescue workers;

29) Controls preparedness of air force and search and rescue units, supports search and rescue flights of central and local executive authorities, local governments, businesses, institutions and organisations of all ownership types;

30) Submits cease flight proposals to respective authorities in case of violation of search-and-rescue regulatory documents until shortcomings are addressed;

31) Approves the procedure of use of air force and equipment in search-and-rescue and other urgent operations in Ukraine;

32) Evaluates emergency and determines its level;

33) Approves national man-made and fire safety rules and requirements, instructions and guidelines, and other regulatory documents related to man-made and fire safety binding for all businesses, institutions and organisations;

34) Regulates the procedure of government oversight in fire and man-made safety, authorisation and registration activities, format of administrative offence documents, procedure and conditions of application of preventive actions;

35) Approves the list of criteria to categorise radiation-contaminated zones;

36) Approves departmental standards and rules of physical protection of nuclear facilities, nuclear materials, radioactive waste, other ionisation sources;

37) Enforces acts of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, President of Ukraine on the provision of humanitarian aid to other states including procurement of loading, transportation and storage services, escorts cargo to destination and transfers it to the recipient;

38) Approves the list of centres for medical and psychological rehabilitation, the procedure of medical and psychological rehabilitation, medical and psychological rehabilitation provisions and conformity of spa facilities to medical and psychological rehabilitation requirements;

{Clause 39, part two of Article 17 has been deleted under Law No 353-VII of 20.06.2013}

{Clause 40, part two of Article 17 has been deleted under Law No 353-VII of 20.06.2013}

{Clause 41, part two of Article 17 has been deleted under Law No 353-VII of 20.06.2013}

42) Defines main scientific development areas, orders scientific works, participates in applied researches on the comprehensive development of its areas of responsibility, verifies, reviews and cancels civil protection standards, rescue standards and hydrometeorological standards in the respective industry;

{Clause 42, part two of Article 17 as amended by Law No 124-IX of 20.09.2019}

43) Provides training, schedules advanced and refresher training of civil protection non-executive and executive staff per set procedure;

44) Provides civil protection training for the officials of central and local authorities, local governments and businesses, develops, reviews and approves emergency training programmes, schedules and monitors programme execution;

45) Identifies training, refresher training and advanced training procedure of civil protection non-executive and executive staff;

46) Identifies training methods (advanced on-purpose training) of leadership and specialists of central and local executive authorities, local governments, businesses, institutions and organisations affected by social protection laws, approves training schedules and post-graduate programmes;

47) Approves civil protection worker training and advanced training programmes;

48) Approves local training standard provisions, civil protection and safety training and methodological centres;

49) Approves master public service training programmes to provide professional civil protection public service;

50) Participates in planning of defence procurement orders;

51) Implements national secret policy, monitors compliance of the central executive authority in charge of shaping and implementing the state policy in the field of civil protection, local authorities, special units and subdivisions, production facilities, institutions and organisations under respective mandate;

52) Cooperates with other countries in civil protection area;

53) Creates and maintains the State Register of Potentially Hazardous Sites;

54) Exercises other authority under the Constitution and laws of Ukraine.

Article 18. Civil protection powers of other central executive authorities

1. Civil protection powers of other central executive authorities include the following:

1) Ensuring civil protection in public life subject to the national policy implemented by respective executive authority;

2) Taking actions to protect people and territories in emergency;

3) Ensuring civil protection tasks executed by functional subsystem it created;

4) Developing and ensuring implementation of civil protection industry programmes and action plans, in particular programmes and plans intended to protect people and territories in an emergency and prevent an emergency, ensure man-made and fire safety;

5) Developing and taking actions to ensure sustainability of the national economy in special period including businesses under the governance of the central executive authority;

6) Ensuring man-made safety requirements at potentially hazardous facilities, high-risk facilities and other facilities under the governance of the central executive authority that may create the risk of an accident;

7) Supervising emergency rescue services established under the respective authority, businesses that are mainly engaged or can be engaged in emergency prevention and dealing with the emergency aftermath, specialised civil protection services, supporting the activities of the above entities and monitoring readiness for the intended use;

8) Ensuring search and rescue operations and other urgent work, dealing with the emergency aftermath;

9) Identifying the general need for civil protection facilities of businesses under the respective authority in coordination with the central executive authority in charge of shaping and implementing the state policy in the field of civil protection, local state administrations and local governments;

10) Taking actions to create, maintain and use civil protection facility fund of businesses under the respective authority;

11) Maintaining the record of civil protection facility fund of businesses under the respective authority and public civil protection facilities owned by private businesses;

12) Ensuring technical inventory of civil protection facility fund of businesses under the respective authority;

13) Removing shelters and antiradiation shelters from civil protection facility fund in coordination with the central executive authority in charge of shaping and implementing the state policy in the field of civil protection;

14) Categorising businesses under the respective authority by civil protection category in accordance with their main indicators and approving the list of businesses;

15) Initiating building of early emergency detection automatic systems and alerting people in the event of an emergency risk at high-risk facilities under the respective authority;

16) Providing methodological guidance of businesses under the respective authority in regard to man-made and fire safety requirements and monitoring compliance;

17) Establishing and using material reserves to prevent and respond to an emergency;

18) Ensuring civil protection, man-made and fire safety training of ministry officials and other central executive officials and businesses under the respective authority;

19) Developing and implementing action packages to enhance the fire safety at businesses under the respective authority;

20) Creating and maintaining the State Register of Potentially Hazardous Sites;

21) Exercising other civil protection authority required by this Code and other legal acts.

2. Arrangement of civil protection in functional subsystems and support of man-made and fire safety in the area of public life subject to the national policy implemented by a ministry or other central executive authority is provided by civil protection units established by the above authorities within their offices.

3. Provisions of the central executive authority on civil protection units shall be approved by the respective central executive authority.

4. Central executive authorities that establish no functional subsystems appoint civil protection, man-made and fire safety officers.

5. Main civil protection functions within the competence of the respective central executive authority shall be identified in statutory documents.

Article 19. Civil protection powers of the Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, local state administrations, local governments

1. Civil protection powers of the Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, local state administrations include the following:

1) Ensuring civil protection in the respective territory;

2) Ensuring that created territorial subsystems and units execute assigned tasks;

3) Ensuring compliance with man-made safety requirements at potentially hazardous and other facilities under respective authority that may create a real risk of an accident;

4) Developing and ensuring regional, local civil protection programmes and action plans in particular programmes and plans intended to protect people and territories in an emergency and prevent an emergency, ensure man-made and fire safety;

5) Supervising created emergency rescue services, units and specialised civil protection services, local and volunteer fire department, supporting their activities and monitoring readiness for the intended use;

6) Establishing in coordination with the central executive authority in charge of shaping and implementing the state policy in the field of civil protection and support continued engagement of centralised territorial alert system, upgrade and operation;

7) Ensuring people alert and awareness of the risk of an emergency including alerts for visually and hearing impaired persons;

8) Search-and-rescue operations and other urgent work, dealing with the emergency aftermath in the respective territory and providing radiation, chemical, biological and medical protection of people and engineering protection of territories against emergency impact;

8-1) Ensuring fire safety in the respective territories and facilities, engagement of local fire departments in firefighting;

{Article 19, part q has been supplemented with clause 8-1 to comply with Law No 1259-IX of 19.02.2021 – shall be enacted from 17.06.2021}

9) Scheduling and supervising emergency response and rehabilitation;

10) Scheduling and conducting evacuation of people and property to a safe place, accommodating people, establishing medical emergency services to provide emergency healthcare and supporting their vital needs;

11) Monitoring natural environment, sanitary and epidemic situation, sites for the disposal of microbiologically contaminated biomaterials;

12) Developing and taking actions in the respective area to ensure sustainability of businesses under the respective authority during the special period;

13) Preparing proposals on categorising cities by civil protection groups and submitting them to the central executive authority in charge of shaping and implementing the state policy in the field of civil protection;

14) Categorising businesses under the respective authority based on their main indicators in civil protection category and approving the list of businesses following the procedure established by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine;

15) Establishing and using material reserves to prevent and respond to an emergency;

16) Accumulating in a timely manner and maintaining the continuous ready status of individual protection equipment for people living in the estimated chemical contamination zones and radiation hazard zones of category I and II under the observation of businesses and civil protection units and radiation and chemical monitoring devices;

17) Co-operating with the central executive authority in charge of shaping and implementing the state policy in the field of civil protection;

18) Maintaining and supporting vital needs of persons affected by the emergency and combat actions or as a result of such actions;

19) Providing social protection to persons affected by the emergency, in particular in form of support payments;

20) Establishing regional and local man-made and environmental safety and emergency commissions and in the event of emergency special commission for dealing with the aftermath (as required), supporting these commissions;

21) Ensuring civil protection, man-made and fire safety training for local administration officials, businesses under the respective authority, heads and deputy heads to train people for emergency;

22) Ensuring civil protection facility fund establishment, use, maintenance and reconstruction legal compliance;

23) Identifying the need for the civil protection facility fund;

24) Planning and scheduling retrofitting or building of basements and other underground shelters for people during the special period;

25) Deciding on continued use of public and municipal civil protection structures;

26) Ensuring record-keeping of civil protection facility fund;

27) Monitoring ready status and maintenance of civil protection facilities;

28) Ensuring technical inventory of civil protection facilities, removing them from civil protection facility fund upon approval of the central executive authority in charge of shaping and implementing the state policy in the field of civil protection;

29) Developing and implementing a range of measures to enhance the fire safety of businesses under the respective authority;

30) Exercising other civil protection authority required by this Code and other legal acts.

2. Civil protection powers of local governments include the following:

1) Ensuring civil protection in the respective territory;

2) Ensuring task performance by territorial subsystems established by local governments;

3) Ensuring man-made and fire safety compliance at businesses under the respective authority which may pose a real risk of accident;

4) Developing and implementing civil protection programmes and action plans, in particular programmes and plans that can protect people and territories against an emergency, prevent an emergency, ensure man-made and fire safety;

5) Supervising created emergency rescue services, units and specialised civil protection services, local and volunteer fire department, supporting their activities and monitoring readiness for the intended use;

6) Establishing in coordination with the central executive authority in charge of shaping and implementing the state policy in the field of civil protection and supporting the continued engagement of centralised territorial emergency alert system, upgrade and operation;

7) Ensuring people alert and awareness of the risk of an emergency including alerts for visually and hearing impaired persons;

8) Scheduling emergency response in respective cities and villages, and providing radiation, chemical, biological and medical protection of people and engineering protection of territories against emergency impact;

8-1) Ensuring fire safety in the respective territories and facilities, engagement of local fire departments in firefighting;

{Part 2 of Article 19 has been supplemented with clause 8-1 to comply with Law No 1259-IX of 19.02.2021 – effective from 17.06.2021}

9) Scheduling and supervising emergency response and rehabilitation;

10) Scheduling and conducting evacuation of people and property to a safe place, accommodating people and supporting their vital needs;

11) Monitoring natural environment, sanitary and epidemic situation;

12) Developing and taking actions to ensure the sustainability of businesses under the respective authority during the special period;

13) Preparing proposals on categorising cities in civil protection groups and submitting them to the Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, respective state administrations;

14) Categorising businesses under the respective authority by civil protection category in accordance with their main indicators and approving the list of businesses;

15) Establishing and using material reserves to prevent and respond to an emergency;

16) Accumulating in a timely manner and maintaining the continuous ready status of individual protection equipment for people living in the estimated chemical contamination zones and radiation hazard zones of category I and II under the observation of businesses and civil protection units and radiation and chemical monitoring devices;

17) Co-operating with the central executive authority in charge of shaping and implementing the state policy in the field of civil protection;

18) Maintaining and supporting vital needs of persons affected by the emergency and combat actions or as a result of such actions;

19) Ensuring the issuance of emergency affected certificates, making the lists (registries) of affected persons that provide ground for material aid, lists of the died based on their identification;

20) Ensuring social protection of the emergency affected including material aid;

21) Establishing man-made and environmental safety commissions in cities, and in the event of emergency, special respond commissions (as required), and providing support to their work;

22) Ensuring civil protection, man-made and fire safety training for local government officials, municipal businesses, training for people in an emergency;

23) Ensuring compliance with legislative requirements concerning the establishment, use, maintenance and reconstruction of the civil protection facility fund;

24) Identifying the need for civil protection facility fund;

25) Planning and scheduling retrofitting or building of basements and other underground shelters for people during the special period;

26) Deciding on the continued use of public and municipal civil protection structures in case the owner goes bankrupt (liquidated) and unattended protection facilities;

27) Ensuring record-keeping of civil protection facility fund;

28) Monitoring ready status and maintenance of civil protection facilities;

29) Ensuring technical inventory of civil protection facilities, removing them from civil protection facility fund upon approval of the central executive authority in charge of shaping and implementing the state policy in the field of civil protection;

30) Implementing measures to enhance the fire safety of municipal businesses;

31) Exercising other civil protection authority required by this Code and other legal acts.

3. Arrangement of civil protection in territorial subsystems is provided by the Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, local state administrations, local governments.

Article 20. Objectives and responsibilities of businesses

1. Objectives and responsibilities of businesses in civil protection include the following:

1) Ensuring civil protection activities in businesses;

2) Providing under respective legislation collective and individual protection equipment for employees;

3) Posting information about safety measures and appropriate people behaviour in the event of an emergency;

4) Engaging evacuation procedures in an emergency for business employees and property;

5) Establishing on-site civil protection units under this Code and other legal acts required to ensure operation of infrastructure and preparedness of the above units for the intended use;

6) Establishing help desks under this Code and other laws required to ensure safety of high-risk facilities;

7) Assessing risk of emergency on business facilities, taking measures to ensure risk under the set level;

8) Providing civil protection training of employees including man-made and fire safety training;

9) Declaring safety of high-risk facilities;

10) Developing localisation and response plans for high-risk facilities;

11) Providing on-site practice and civil protection training;

12) Ensuring search-and-rescue service of businesses as required by Article 133 of this Code;

13) Implementing at own expense civil protection measures that reduce emergency risk level;

14) Ensuring free access for supervisory authority officials, search-and-rescue workers under search-and-rescue service contracts to undertake a survey on the compliance of emergency measures with localisation and response plans at high-risk and potentially hazardous facilities, civil protection forces to conduct search-and-rescue and other urgent operations in an emergency;

15) Ensuring compliance with legislative requirements concerning the establishment, storage, maintenance, use and reconstruction of civil protection facilities;

16) Providing record-keeping of civil protection facilities owned (kept) by a business;

17) Compliance with anti-epidemic, anti-epizootic and anti-epiphytotic requirements;

18) Establishing and using material reserves to prevent and respond to an emergency;

19) Developing fire safety measures, integrating science, technology and relevant expertise;

20) Making and approval of guidelines and issuing fire safety orders, ongoing execution monitoring;

21) Ensuring man-made and fire safety compliance, compliance with requirements, orders and enactments of the central executive authority responsible for the state supervision of man-made and fire safety;

22) Ensuring the working condition of civil protection and fire equipment, avoiding misuse;

23) Taking actions to integrate automatic fire detection and extinguishing systems using industrial automation for this purpose;

24) Timely informing respective authorities and civil protection units about faults in fire equipment, fire systems, water supply and about blocked roads, driveways in the respective territory;

25) Performing other civil operation tasks and activities required by this Code and other legal acts.

2. Arrangement of civil protection in a business is provided by civil protection units (officials) established (appointed) by management of the above business according to the following requirements:

1) Businesses of respective civil protection categories with over 3 000 employees create civil protection units;

2) Businesses and health facilities with 200 to 3 000 employees and patients and businesses of category II civil protection appoint civil protection officials;

3) Full-time educational facilities with 500 and more students appoint civil protection officials;

4) Businesses with up to 200 employees appoint civil protection officers from among business staff;

3. Ukrainian citizens, foreign citizens and stateless persons involved in economic activity and legally registered as businessmen are engaged in civil protection activities in person.

4. Civil protection unit or appointed officer activity is provided in respective provisions or job description; Provisions on the civil protection unit (job description) are approved by establishing (appointing) a manager based on standard unit provisions approved by the central executive authority in charge of shaping and implementing the state policy in the field of civil protection.

Article 21. Civil protection rights and responsibilities of citizens

1. Citizens of Ukraine have the right to:

1) Receive information about emergencies or hazardous events that occurred or may occur including information presented in the form acceptable for visually or hearing impaired persons;

2) Receive and use collective and individual protection equipment;

3) Contact government authorities and local governments about emergency protection;

4) Participate in emergency prevention and response activities as civil protection unit volunteers;

5) Receive salary for the emergency response work when involved in this work under labour contract;

6) Receive social protection and compensation under existing law for the injuries and property damages they suffered during response and prevention operations;

7) Receive medical care, social and psychological assistance and medical and psychological rehabilitation in case of physical and psychological injury.

2. Citizens of Ukraine must:

1) Comply with the rules of conduct, safety rules and rules of acting in an emergency;

2) Comply with measures of safety in everyday life and work, prevent violations of production and technological discipline, comply with environmental and occupational safety requirements which can cause an emergency;

3) Read and understand how to protect against the emergency and act in case of occurrence, provide emergency medical assistance, terms of use of protective equipment;

4) Inform emergency services about an emergency;

5) In case of emergency take actions to rescue people and property before the arrival of search-and-rescue units;

6) Comply with anti-epidemic, anti-epizootic and anti-epiphytotic requirements, radiation protection requirements;

7) Comply with fire safety rules, ensure basic firefighting in houses they privately own, teach children careful handling of fire.

3. In case of emergency, foreigners and stateless persons legally living in Ukraine have the same rights and responsibilities as citizens of Ukraine with the exceptions described in the Constitution, laws or international treaties of Ukraine ratified by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.

Chapter 5. Civil protection forces

Article 22. Composition and primary tasks of civil protection forces

1. Civil protection forces include:

1) Civil protection quick response rescue service;

2) Emergency rescue services;

3) Civil protection units;

4) Specialised civil protection services;

5) Fire rescue units (divisions);

6) Voluntary civil protection units.

2. Civil protection forces have the following primary tasks:

1) Conducting operations and taking measures to prevent an emergency, protect people and territories;

2) Conducting emergency rescue and other urgent operations;

3) Extinguishing fires;

4) Emergency response in extreme temperature, smoke, gas, risk of explosion, collapse, landslide, flood, radiation, chemical and biological contamination, other hazardous conditions;

5) Executing explosive operations to destroy explosives remaining in the territory of Ukraine after wars, modern ammunition and blasting products (except those used in acts of terror), except territories allocated for accommodation and ongoing activities of military units, military schools, facilities of the armed forces of Ukraine, other military units;

6) Executing explosive operations to prevent and respond to an emergency;

7) Executing operations to address vital needs of affected persons;

8) Providing emergency medical care for persons affected in the emergency zone and transporting them to healthcare facilities;

9) Transporting emergency rescue, response and other equipment for urgent operations and providing humanitarian aid to affected persons;

10) Providing aid to other foreign countries to conduct emergency rescue and other urgent operations, deal with the emergency aftermath;

11) Providing emergency rescue services to businesses and specific territories in danger of an emergency.

3. Civil protection forces can be involved in remediation.

Article 23. Emergency rescue services;

1. Emergency rescue services are divided into:

1) State, regional, municipal, on-site and non-governmental organisations (NGO) services;

2) Specialised and non-specialised;

3) Professional and non-professional;

2. Emergency rescue services are established by:

1) State – the central executive authority in charge of shaping and implementing the state policy in the field of civil protection, other central executive authorities;

2) Regional - the Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, local state administrations in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, oblast, city of Kyiv and city of Sevastopol respectively;

3) Municipal – city, city district, settlement, village authorities;

4) On-site – a business manager who operates high-risk facilities;

5) Non-governmental organisations – NGOs under existing law.

3. State, regional, municipal, on-site services and services of non-governmental organisations established on a professional basis are legal entities.

4. Specialised professional emergency service involved in mine-rescue operations is a paramilitary service.

5. Non-professional on-site emergency rescue service is created from among engineering and other experienced personnel of a business that has the necessary expertise and skills for emergency rescue and other urgent operations and are fit for work in harsh conditions.

6. Emergency rescue personnel is divided into core and support.

7. Core emergency rescue personnel includes personnel provides and delivers emergency rescue and other urgent operations and ensures operational preparedness. Core professional emergency rescue personnel is divided into non-executive and executive staff.

8. Support professional emergency rescue personnel includes personnel that ensures day-to-day work.

9. Special type of emergency rescue services include medical emergency services that are part of emergency health centres within the emergency healthcare system established by the authorities of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, oblast authorities, Kyiv and Sevastopol authorities under existing law.

Emergency health centre and medical emergency services standard provisions shall be approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

Emergency rescue service charter or provisions shall be made based on standard emergency rescue service charter (provisions) and approved by executive authority, local governments, business that established the service.

11. State, municipal emergency rescue services and services of NGOs shall be legally recognised on the day of state registration under the legal state registration of legal entities procedure. Charters of state, municipal emergency rescue services and NGO services submitted to the State Registrar shall be approved by the central executive authority in charge of shaping and implementing the state policy in the field of civil protection.

12. Emergency rescue services perform the following job:

1) Provision of emergency rescue services on a contractual basis to businesses and specific territories under the risk of an emergency;

2) Submission of proposals on the improvement of the accident-prevention status of businesses and territories to local state administrations, local governments and businesses and elimination of man-made safety violations;

3) Raising awareness of business management operating high-risk facilities about fire and man-made safety violations found at their businesses;

4) Execution of emergency rescue and other urgent operations, emergency response in the event of occurrence;

5) Execution of prevention operations and minimise impact to people and territories;

6) Protection of natural environment and localisation of adverse and hazardous effect emerging during accidents and disasters;

7) Ensuring preparedness of emergency service administrations, forces and equipment for the intended use;

8) Search and rescue of people in affected facilities and territories and provision of assistance to a possible extent including medical assistance to those in life and the health-threatening situation on the site and during evacuation to healthcare facilities;

9) Dealing with severely hazardous effect of emergency in extreme temperatures, smoke, gas, risk of explosion, collapse, landslide, flood, radiation and bacteriological contamination, other hazardous situations;

10) Monitoring of preparedness of facilities and territories under service to emergency response operations;

11) Participation in development and approval of accident localisation and response plans at facilities and territories under service;

12) Scheduling of repair and maintenance work of rescue equipment, design and production of some equipment items;

13) Participation in training of local people, institutions and organisations to act in an emergency;

13. Emergency rescue services have the right to:

1) Receive information required for their mission from state administrations, local governments and businesses;

2) Easily access business facilities and surrounding area for emergency rescue and other urgent operations, emergency response;

3) Identify safety compliance requirements for all people in the zone of emergency;

4) Document, record video and audio, make films, take photos during emergency response operations;

5) Temporarily deny or restrict access of vehicles and people to the areas close to or within the emergency zone.

14. Objectives and functions of specific emergency rescue services are determined in respective charters or provisions approved by the central executive authority in charge of shaping and implementing the state policy in the field of civil protection and approved in accordance with the existing law.

15. Emergency rescue services receive technical and financial support from the state and local budgets, budgets of businesses, institutions, organisations established the emergency rescue services, proceeds from additional chargeable services and voluntary donations of legal entities, individuals and other lawful sources.

Article 24. Civil protection quick response rescue service

1. Civil protection quick response rescue service operates within the central executive authority in charge of shaping and implementing the state policy in the field of civil protection and includes authorities, central-level emergency rescue units, special command emergency rescue units, special air, marine and other units, state fire units (departments), training centres, units and support units.

2. Daily work and on-mission operations of civil protection quick response rescue service are conducted under the procedures defined in civil protection quick response rescue service Provisions approved by the central executive authority in charge of shaping and implementing the state policy in the field of civil protection.

3. The central executive authority in charge of shaping and implementing the state policy in the field of civil protection defines responsibility areas of central-level quick response rescue units of civil protection quick response rescue service based on the decision of the head of this central executive authority.

4. Criteria for establishment of the state fire rescue units (departments) of civil protection quick response rescue service within territorial administrative units and list of businesses where such units (departments) are established shall be defined by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

5. Authority of civil protection quick response rescue service includes:

1) Provision of emergency rescue services on a contractual basis to emergency-threatened high-risk facilities and specific territories owned, possessed or used by businesses based on the list defined by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine;

{Clause 1, part 5, Article 24 as revised by Law No 353-VII of 20.06.2013}

2) Submission of proposals on the improvement of the accident-prevention status of high-risk facilities and specific territories owned, possessed or used by businesses to local state administrations, local governments and businesses and elimination of man-made safety violations;

3) Raising awareness of business management operating high-risk facilities about man-made safety violations;

4) Receiving information required for their mission from state administrations, local governments and businesses;

5) Easily access business facilities and surrounding area for emergency rescue and other urgent operations, emergency response, firefighting;

6) The right to demand that those in the zone of emergency comply with set safety rules;

7) Documenting, video and audio recording, film making, photographing during emergency response operations;

8) Participation in the work of emergency investigation commissions at businesses and territories under service;

9) Temporarily deny or restrict access of vehicles and people to the areas close to or within the emergency zone, firefighting scene and access of people to specific facilities or territories;

10) Provision of rescue equipment to hiker groups or individual hikers;

6. Authority of civil protection quick response rescue service and other professional emergency rescue services can be restricted within the territories and businesses subject to access control under the Law of Ukraine “On State Secret”.

7. Civil protection quick response rescue authorities and units use special vehicles for emergency response management. These vehicles have the priority on road, use beacon lights and siren and special colour coding defined in legal acts.

Article 25. Specialised civil protection services

1. Specialised civil protection services (energy, farm animal and plant protection, engineering, utilities, material supply, medical, communication and alert, fire, commercial and catering, technical, transport, public order) are established to provide special operations and civil protection operations requiring engagement of specialists in particular field, specific equipment and property:

1) On-site - within business facilities (respective specialised services form units, teams, groups from among business staff) - by the business manager;

2) Sectoral – within the central executive authority (by grouping on-site units into respective sectoral specialised civil protection service) – by the central executive authority. The list of central executive authorities that create specialised civil protection services is determined by the Provisions on unified public civil protection system;

3) Territorial (by linking on-site units into respective local territorial specialised civil protection service or linking local territorial specialised civil protection services into the regional specialised civil protection service);

a) In the Autonomous Republic of Crimea – by the Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea or other authority identified under regulatory documents of the Verkhovna Rada of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea;

b) In oblasts, Kyiv and Sevastopol, raion – by the local state administration;

c) In oblast capitals - by local governments.

2. Governing authorities of specialised civil protection service:

1) Respective authority identified by the Verkhovna Rada of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, local state administration, local governments;

2) Respective unit of the central executive authority.

3. Specialised civil protection services have the right to:

1) Receive information required for civil protection operations from state administrations, local governments and businesses;

2) Easily access business facilities and surrounding area for emergency rescue and other urgent operations, emergency response operations;

3) Set safety compliance requirements for all those within the emergency zone.

4. Rights and responsibilities of businesses assigned to specialised civil protection services shall be identified by this Code and other legal acts.

5. The procedure of formation and operation of specialised civil protection services shall be defined by respective provision approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

Article 26. Civil protection units

1. Civil protection units are divided into on-site and territorial units.

2. Civil protection units are established to manage heavy jobs in response to an emergency, military (combat) actions or acts of terror and conduct rehabilitation work requiring large numbers of people and equipment:

1) On-site – businesses that have special equipment and property and personnel is prepared to act in an emergency – by business;

2) Territorial (by the consolidation of on-site civil protection units in the respective territory);

a) In the Autonomous Republic of Crimea – by the Verkhovna Rada of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea;

b) In oblast, Kyiv and Sevastopol, raions – by the respective local state administration;

c) In oblast capitals – by the city council.

3. Civil protection units shall enjoy the rights of specialised civil protection services identified in this Code.

4. Rights and responsibilities of businesses assigned to civil protection units shall be identified by this Code and other laws.

5. The Procedure of establishment of civil protection units, objectives and operation shall be identified by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

Article 27. Volunteer civil protection units

1. Volunteer civil protection units are established in the event of threat or occurrence of an emergency to provide support in emergency prevention or response based on the decision of the Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, central executive authority, local state administration, local government.

2. Volunteer civil protection units have the right to:

1) Receive information required for emergency prevention and response from local state administrations, local governments, businesses and emergency rescue services operating within the emergency zone;

2) Easily access business facilities and surrounding area for emergency rescue and other urgent operations, emergency response operations;

3) Require safety compliance from all those within the emergency zone.

3. Volunteer civil protection units engage volunteers.

4. Volunteers performing emergency prevention or emergency response jobs in volunteer civil protection units have the right to:

1) Receive information about the emergency and required safety measures;

2) Receive and use individual protection equipment during emergency prevention and emergency response;

3) Be compensated for injuries during emergency prevention and emergency response;

4) Medical and psychological care in case of physical and psychological trauma during emergency prevention and emergency response;

5. People performing emergency prevention and emergency response jobs in volunteer civil protection units are responsible for:

1) Completing tasks and works identified based on the nature of the emergency;

2) Compliance with safety measures during emergency prevention and emergency response, observation of rules of conduct in the emergency zone;

3) Learning the emergency protection methods, providing early medical assistance, and using protective equipment.

6. Provisions on volunteer civil protection units shall be approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

Article 28. Engagement of the Ukrainian armed forces, other military units and special law enforcement units established under the existing law of Ukraine in emergency response operations

1. Ukrainian armed forces, other military units and special law enforcement units established under the existing law of Ukraine can be engaged in emergency response operations according to laws of Ukraine.

2. Conditions of engagement of Ukrainian armed forces, other military units and special law enforcement units established under the existing law of Ukraine in emergency response operations are defined in the Constitution of Ukraine, laws of Ukraine “On the Legal Status of the State of Emergency”, “On the Armed Forces of Ukraine” and other laws.

Article 29. Non-governmental organisations

1. Non-governmental organisations can be created to execute specific civil protection operations.

2. Non-governmental organisations are engaged in emergency response operations on a voluntary or contractual basis providing that those involved in emergency response operations have sufficient training.

Section IV

Chapter 6. Alert and information of civil protection entities

Article 30. Alert of the emergency threat or occurrence

1. The alert of the emergency threat or occurrence includes timely delivery of such information to civil protection forces governing authorities, businesses and people.

2. The alert of the emergency threat or occurrence is made through:

1) Operation of nationwide, territorial, local automatic systems of centralised alert of the emergency threat or occurrence, special, local and on-site alert systems;

2) Centralised use of common telecommunication networks including mobile networks, corporal telecommunication networks and business telecommunication networks based on the procedure established by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine as well as regional and local radio and TV networks and other information (video) broadcasting media;

3) Automation of emergency threat or occurrence alert signal transmission;

4) Operation of automatic early emergency detection and alert systems in high-risk facilities;

5) Technical and organisational integration of centralised emergency alert systems and automatic early emergency detection and alert systems;

6) Operation of signal loudspeakers and electronic boards in municipalities and crowded public areas to broadcast civil protection information.

3. Installation of signal loudspeakers and electronic boards is the responsibility of local governments and businesses. Places of installation of signal loudspeakers and electronic boards shall be identified by local governments and businesses.

4. Telecommunication network, TV company operators must ensure media equipment connection to central automated alert systems and install special equipment for automatic transmission of emergency threat or occurrence signals.

{Article 30, part 4 as amended by Law No 353-VII of 20 June 2013}

5. Civil protection emergency threat or occurrence alert procedure in the communication network is defined in the provision approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

Article 31. Civil protection information

1. Civil protection information includes information about forecast or occurred emergencies including classification, exposure and aftermath limits and protection methods.

2. Central civil protection authorities must use mass media to transmit the latest and reliable information mentioned in part I of this article as well as information about actions taken for civil protection including information for visually and hearing impaired persons

{Part III, Article 31 is removed based on Law No 353-VII of 20.06.2013}

4. The information must include: provider's data, his field of activity, nature of potential risk in an emergency including people and natural environment exposure, method of delivery in the event of accident threat or occurrence and conduct to be adhered to.

5. Civil protection central authorities must support mass media in provision of the latest information mentioned in part I of this article. Emergency aftermath information shall be published under information law.

{Part V, Article 31 as amended by Law No 540-IX of 30.03.2020}

Chapter 7. Sheltering of people in civil protection facilities and evacuation

Article 32. Sheltering of people in civil protection facilities

1. Civil protection facilities include:

1) Shelter - a sealed protection structure that within a certain period of time ensures conditions excluding hazardous exposure arising from an emergency, military (combat) actions and acts of terror;

2) Antiradiation shelter - a non-sealed protection structure that within a certain period of time ensures conditions excluding ionising radiation impact arising from radioactive contamination;

3) Prefabricated civil protection structure - a protection structure built of constructions of special design in a short period of time to protect people against munition during the special period.

2. Dual-use structures and simple design structures can also be used to protect people against some hazards arising from an emergency in peacetime and munition impact during the special period.

Dual-use structure - a land or underground structure that can be used for its primary function and people protection.

Simple design structure - a fortification, ground floor or basement that reduces combined exposure of people to hazardous emergency aftermath munition impact during the special period.

3. People subject to sheltering:

1) In shelters:

a) Largest working shift personnel of a business of the respective civil protection category and located in zones of potential significant destruction of municipalities which continue their work during the special period;

b) Personnel of nuclear power plants, other nuclear facilities and business staff that ensures work of these plants (facilities);

c) Largest working shift personnel of a business of high priority civil protection category and located outside zones of potential significant destruction of municipalities and duty personnel of businesses that ensure the vital activity of cities of the respective civil protection category;

d) Sick people, medical and service personnel of health facilities that don't qualify for evacuation or can't be evacuated to a safe place;

2) In antiradiation shelters:

a) Business personnel of civil protection Category I and II and located outside zones of potential significant destruction of cities which continue their work in wartime;

b) Business personnel located in zones of potential destruction, hazardous and significant radioactive contamination around nuclear power plants;

c) Population of cities and other localities of no civil protection category and people evacuated from the cities of particular civil protection category within a zone of potential significant destruction;

d) Sick people and medical and service personnel of health facilities located outside zones of potential significant destruction of cities of particular civil protection category and businesses of particular civil protection category and health facilities that continue to work in wartime;

3) In prefabricated, simple-design and dual-use civil protection structures - the population of cities and municipalities of particular civil protection category not qualified for evacuation to a safe place.

4. To decide on sheltering people in civil protection structures, central executive authorities, the Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, local state administrations, local governments and businesses establish a fund of these structures in a timely manner.

5. The procedure of establishing, maintaining and accounting of the civil protection structure fund shall be identified by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

6. Design, construction, adaptation and accommodation of protection structures and dual-use facilities are made in accordance with requirements of the law of Ukraine "On Building Standards".

7. Protection structure maintenance and operation requirements are identified by the central executive authority in charge of shaping and implementing the state policy in the field of civil protection.

8. Businesses owning protection structures maintain the readiness of these structures for the intended use (including structures that were not included in their authorised capital during privatisation (corporatisation) at their own expense.

9. In case several businesses use the same protection structure they participate in structure maintenance under contracts signed between them.

10. Civil protection structures can be used in peacetime for economic, cultural and everyday purposes as provided by the procedure identified by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

11. At the moment a protection structure is removed from the civil protection structure fund, this structure loses its civil protection structure status. Ownership, use and disposal of structures that lost their civil protection structure status is carried out under the respective law.

12. State-owned and municipal civil protection structures can not be privatised (seized).

13. In peacetime protection structures can be leased for economic, cultural and everyday purposes maintaining their intended use except structures in constant readiness for the intended use, namely:

1) Structures that accommodate control systems;

2) Structures intended as shelters for the employees of businesses owning high-risk facilities;

3) Structures located in nuclear power station observation zones and intended as shelters for people in radiation accidents.

14. Specific protection structure lease features are described in standard lease agreement approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

15. Readiness of civil protection structures for the intended use shall be ensured by the central executive authority responsible for the state supervision of man-made and fire safety together with the respective authorities and civil protection units, local state administrations.

Article 33. Evacuation

1. Evacuation is carried out on state, regional, local or on-site level.

2. There are three evacuation types based on emergency features:

1) Mandatory;

2) General or partial;

3) Temporary or irrevocable.

3. Evacuation decisions are made:

1) At state level - by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine;

2) At the regional level – by the Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, oblast administrations, Kyiv and Sevastopol city state administrations;

3) At the local level – by raion, city district state administrations in Kyiv and Sevastopol, respective local authorities;

4) On-site level - by business manager.

4. In case of a radiation accident, the decision on evacuation of people that could be situated in a radioactive contamination zone is made by local state administrations based on the conclusion of the sanitary and epidemiological service and estimated radioactive dosage or information of businesses that operate nuclear plants about a malfunction.

5. In urgent cases emergency response operation manager, in his absence head of emergency rescue service who was first to arrive in emergency zone can make a decision about urgent evacuation of people from the emergency zone or potential exposure zone.

6. Mandatory evacuation is carried out in case of the following threats:

1) Accidents involving emission of hazardous radioactive and chemicals;

2) Disastrous flooding;

3) Large-scale forest or peat fires, earthquakes, landslides, other geological and hydrogeological phenomena and processes;

4) Armed conflicts (from potential battle action areas to safe areas identified by the Ministry of Defense for the special period).

7. General evacuation is done for all people categories of the following zones:

1) Zone of potential radioactive and chemical contamination;

2) Zone of disastrous flooding where the breach wave can reach the affected area within four hours in case of destruction of hydraulic engineering works.

8. Partial evacuation is done for the categories of people who can not take independent steps to save their lives or health in case of emergency due to their age or health and people who under existing law provide care (nursing) for these people. Partial evacuation can also be done for other categories based on the decision of authorities and officials identified in part IV of this article.

9. Evacuation is ensured by:

1) Establishment of regional, local and on-site evacuation authorities;

2) Evacuation planning;

3) Identification of safe areas fit to accommodate evacuated people and property;

4) Inform business management and people about evacuation start;

5) Evacuation management;

6) Ensuring vital needs of evacuated people in safe locations;

7) Training people to act in evacuation.

10. Based on the decision of the authorities specified in part III of this article (except business management), vehicles of businesses, and in the event of direct threat of life and health, all available vehicles of businesses and people shall be used under legal procedure to evacuate the majority of people from emergency zone, potential battle action areas.

11. Businesses and people provided their vehicles are subject to compensation of the cost of their services and actual losses funded through respective emergency response or threat addressing budget as required by the procedure identified by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

12. Business employee, owner, user, driver who refuses to provide their transport services in emergency shall be liable under the law.

13. In case of threat to life or health of citizens of Ukraine in foreign countries, respective central executive authorities evacuate them.

14. Material and cultural property is subject to evacuation in case of threat or occurrence of an emergency that can harm or damage them if time allows to do this.

15. Evacuation procedure is determined by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

16. Evacuation planning is based on methods approved by the central executive authority in charge of shaping and implementing the state policy in the field of civil protection.

Chapter 8. Engineering protection of territories, radiation and chemical protection

Article 34. Protection engineering

1. Protection engineering includes the following:

1) Zoning of territories based on existing potentially hazardous facilities and dangerous geological, hydrogeological and meteorological phenomena and processes, and risk of related emergency occurrence;

2) Categorising cities by respective civil protection groups and categorising businesses by respective civil protection categories;

3) Developing and incorporating civil protection engineering requirements into respective city-planning and design documents and integrating these requirements in construction and operation;

4) Provisioning at the master plan design stage and city building stage potentially dangerous geological, hydrogeological and meteorological phenomena and processes and adverse effect of accidents;

5) Locating high-risk facilities taking into account possible accident effect at these facilities;

6) Developing and taking steps to ensure accident-free operation of high-risk facilities;

7) Constructing structures, buildings, engineering networks and transport infrastructure of set safety and reliability level;

8) Constructing landslide, flood, mudflow, avalanche, erosion resistance and other special engineering facilities, maintaining their operational status;

9) Inspecting houses, structures, engineering networks and transport infrastructure, developing and taking steps to ensure their safe operation;

10) Taking other protection engineering steps depending on situation.

2. Civil protection entities are responsible for protection engineering works.

3. Based on results of risk identification of an emergency that occurred following dangerous geological, hydrogeological and meteorological phenomena and processes and on high-risk facilities, the central executive authority in charge of shaping and implementing the state policy in the field of civil protection maintains the state registry of high-risk territories under the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine procedure.

4. City planning and design of business facilities that may cause an emergency and impact people and territories protection status are done in a way that ensures civil protection engineering requirements.

5. Business facilities designed with respect to civil protection engineering requirements are identified by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

6. Construction site civil protection activities are defined in the design documents in accordance with construction standards.

{Part VI, Article 34 as amended by Laws No 353-VII of 20.06.2013, No 2020-VIII of 13.04.2017}

7. Civil protection activities requirements binding in city planning and design documents are set in accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On Construction Standards"

Article 35. Radiation and chemical protection of people and territories

1. Radiation and chemical protection of people and territories includes the following:

1) Identification and evaluation of radiation and chemical situation;

2) Radiation and chemical monitoring;

3) Development and implementation of typical radiation protection regimes;

4) Use of collective protection equipment;

5) Use of individual protection equipment, radiation detection and chemical monitoring instrumentation by emergency rescue services, units and specialised civil protection services carrying out rescue and other urgent operations, firefighting operations in primary radiation and chemical contamination sites that affect residents of hazardous areas;

6) Iodine protection of rescue workers involved in radiation accident response operations, personnel of facilities of radiation hazard and residents of potentially contaminated areas with radioactive iodine isotopes to prevent thyroid radiation;

7) Provide an opportunity for people to own individual protection equipment, radiation detection and chemical monitoring instrumentation;

8) Sanitation of people and cleaning of clothes, property and vehicles;

9) Development of general criteria, methods and methodology of radiation and chemical observations;

10) Other situation-based radiation and chemical protection steps.

2. Radiation and chemical protection of people and territories is based on the following:

1) Identification of businesses equiped with people sanitation and clothe, property, vehicle cleaning areas;

2) Pre-accumulation and maintaining the operational readiness of:

a) Collective and individual protection equipment;

b) Radiation detection and chemical reconnaissance and monitoring devices;

c) Pharmacology and radiation protection equipment for iodine protection of people, rescue workers and personnel of facilities of radiation hazard with radioactive iodine isotopes to prevent thyroid radiation.

3. Engagement and support of radiation and chemical protection steps is the responsibility of civil protection entities.

4. The procedure of provision of individual protection equipment, radiation detection and chemical reconnaissance and monitoring devices for people, rescue unit and civil protection service personnel is identified by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

Chapter 9. Medical, biological and psychological protection, sanitary and epidemic welfare of people

Article 36. Medical protection, sanitary and epidemic welfare of people

1. Medical protection, sanitary and epidemic welfare of people includes:

1) Delivery of medical assistance and psychological rehabilitation to persons affected by an emergency, rescue personnel and other persons involved in rescue and other urgent operations, firefighting. Medical assistance is ensured by medical emergency service under the guidance of the central executive authority in charge of shaping and implementing the state policy in the field of civil protection;

2) Planning and use of healthcare capacities of all ownership types;

3) Timely use of preventive medications and epidemic and sanitary control;

4) Control of quality of food and food commodities, drinking water and water supply sources;

5) Preliminary establishment and training of special medical units;

6) Establishment in emergency of required temporary additional mobile medical units or engagement of additional healthcare facilities;

7) Accumulation of medical and special assets and equipment;

8) Training and advanced training of first aid personnel;

9) Early medical assistance and personal hygiene training of people;

10) Steps to prevent adverse effect of natural environment and emergency impact and conditions that promote spread of infectious diseases;

11) Monitoring of natural environment, epidemic, sanitary and hygienic situation;

12) Sanitary protection of territories and businesses within emergency zone;

13) Other situation-based medical protection activities.

2. Medical protection activities are the responsibility of civil protection entities.

3. Spa facilities of all ownership establish centres for medical and psychological rehabilitation of persons specified in paragraph 1, part I of this article. The list of spa facilities with established medical and psychological rehabilitation centres shall be jointly approved by the central executive authority in charge of shaping and implementation the state policy in the field of healthcare and the central executive authority in charge of shaping and implementing the state policy in the field of civil protection.

Article 37. Biological protection of people, animals and plants

1. Biological protection of people, animals and plants includes the following:

1) Timely detection of factors and site of spread of biological infection, localisation and eradication;

2) Estimation of biological infection scale and impact, development and implementation of timely anti-epidemic preventive, anti-epizootic, anti-epiphytotic actions and treatment;

3) Urgent specific and non-specific prevention of biological infection of people;

4) Timely use of individual and collective protection equipment;

5) Implementation of restrictive anti-epidemic activities, observation and quarantine;

6) Disinfection in infected site. decontamination of businesses, animals and sanitation of people;

7) Urgent medical assistance to persons affected by biological pathogenic organisms;

8) Other situation-based biological protection activities.

2. Biological protection of people, animals, plants also includes the establishment of anti-epidemic, anti-epizootic and anti-epiphytotic regimes and their observance by businesses, healthcare facilities and people.

3. Civil protection entities are responsible for the implementation of biological protection measures;

Article 38. Psychological protection of people

1. Psychological protection activities aim to reduce and neutralise people's negative mental state and reactions in the event of an emergency threat. They include the following:

1) Planning of psychological protection related activities;

2) Timely application of informational, psycho-diagnostic and remedial individual practices certified in Ukraine;

3) Identification of factors using psychological practices which promote social and psychological tension;

4) Use of advanced psychological methods to neutralise adverse effect of emergency factors on people;

5) Implementation of other situation-based psychological protection activities.

2. Implementation of other psychological protection techniques rests on the central executive authority in charge of shaping and implementing the state policy in the field of civil protection.

Chapter 10. Emergency training for people

Article 39. Civil protection training for people;

1. Emergency training for people is provided:

1) At workplace – working people;

2) At respective educational facilities – pre-school children, school children, university students;

3) At place of residence – the unemployed.

2. Emergency training is the responsibility of:

1) The employed and unemployed – the central executive authority in charge of shaping and implementing the state policy in the field of civil protection, the Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, local state administrations, local government that develop and approve respective methodological guidance and training programmes for people;

2) Pre-school children, school children and university students – the central executive authority in charge of shaping and implementing the state policy on science and education that develops and approves training programmes on safety measures, methods of protection against hazardous factors caused by an emergency, first medical aid approved by the central executive authority in charge of shaping and implementing the state policy in the field of civil protection.

3. Vocational and university educational standards include civil protection expertise.

4. Emergency training procedure for people is identified by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

5. Non-governmental organisations and extra-curricular educational facility provide emergency training under their respective authority.

Article 40. Training of the employed

1. Emergency training of the employed is mandatory and provided during working hours at the employer's expense based on emergency training programmes for people and during special on-site emergency training and practice.

2. Procedure of special on-site emergency training and practice is identified by the central executive authority in charge of shaping and implementing the state policy in the field of civil protection.

3. Each business shall have an informational space to provide information about specific emergency actions with respect to specific business production activity for personnel.

4. At admission to employment, personnel is annually briefed on civil protection, fire safety and emergency.

5. People employed in high fire risk jobs must take special training (fire safety certification). People employed in high fire risk jobs shall take yearly testing on the knowledge of respective fire safety regulatory documents and officials shall take fire safety training and testing (every 3 years) before taking up duties.

6. People who received no fire safety training, were not briefed or tested can not be cleared for duty.

7. Fire safety training programmes shall be approved by the central executive authority in charge of shaping and implementing the state policy in the field of civil protection.

Article 41. Building a culture of safe vital activity of people. Training of school children, university students and pre-school children

1. Culture of safe vital activity of people is a set of values, standards, moral and rules of conduct to ensure self-discipline as a safety-enhancing method.

2. Culture of safe vital activity in children and youth is promoted by the central executive authority in charge of shaping and implementing the state policy in the field of civil protection together with the central executive authority in charge of shaping and implementing the state policy on education and science, non-governmental organisations by:

1) School, raion (city), oblast and national safe vital activity competitions;

2) Establishing training and field camps;

3) Participation of winning teams in relevant international events.

3. Emergency and fire safety training of school children, university students and pre-school children is mandatory and included in the educational process with funds provided by educational facilities.

4. Emergency training of pre-school children and prevention of fire caused by childish games is done by creating self-protection and rescue behaviour appropriate to the age of the child.

Article 42. Training of the unemployed

1. The unemployed read instructions and other informational emergency materials, fire safety rules at home and in public on their own and have the right to receive from government authorities and local governments via mass media, other visual materials, information about the emergency zone or emergency impact zone which may include the residence area of the unemployed and about protection against hazardous factors resulting in these emergencies.

Section V

Chapter 11. State civil protection regulation of businesses

Article 43. Emergency monitoring and forecasting

1. Ukraine provides ongoing emergency monitoring and forecasting to ensure emergency prevention activities.

2. Emergency monitoring is a system of continuous surveillance, laboratory and other control to assess people and territory protection status and hazardous processes that can lead to emergency threat or occurrence and timely detection of trends towards changing.

3. Surveillance, laboratory and other control include collection, processing and transmission of environment, food, food commodities, fodder, water radioactive and chemical contamination data, information about infectious disease pathogens and other biological agents.

4. To ensure emergency monitoring and forecasting Ukraine establishes emergency monitoring and forecasting system.

5. The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine identifies operation procedure of emergency monitoring and forecasting system, emergency monitoring and forecasting regime, list of institutions and organisations owned by entities subject to the emergency monitoring, surveillance, laboratory control and forecasting.

6. Entities subject to the emergency monitoring, surveillance, laboratory control and forecasting of regional, local and on-site level are identified by the Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, respective local state administrations, local governments, businesses.

{Article 44 is removed based on Law No 124-IX of 20.09.2019}

Article 45. Civil protection assessment

1. Documents subject to civil protection assessment in cases provided by law:

1) City planning design documents in respect of compliance with the legal requirements of man-made and fire safety;

2) Construction design documents in respect of compliance with regulatory acts of man-made, fire, nuclear and radiation safety, durability, reliability and long-term stability.

2. Assessment of city planning and construction design documents is made in accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On Regulation of City Planning Activity"

{Article 45 as amended by Law No 353-VII of 20.06.2013}

Article 46. Civil protection conformity assessment

1. Civil protection conformity assessment is made in cases and under the procedure defined by the existing law.

{Article 46 as amended by Law No 124-VIII of 15.01.2015}

Article 47. Civil protection state supervision (oversightg)

1. Civil protection state supervision (oversight) is provided in conformity with man-made and fire safety, people and territory protection against natural and man-made emergency with the engagement of emergency rescue services as well as industrial and mining safety requirements, management of radioactive waste under the Law of Ukraine “On the Main Principles of State Supervision (Oversight) in the Area of Commercial Activity”, this Code and other legal documents.

Article 48. Certification of emergency rescue services and rescue personnel

1. Certification of emergency rescue services and rescue personnel is done to verify their ability to conduct emergency rescue and other rescue operations, firefighting and grant the right to conduct such operations.

2. Certification of emergency rescue services manned with divers equipped with diving gear has a specific prerequisite for prior certification of diver units of the above services to identify diving jobs they are qualified for.

3. Certification covers emergency rescue services and rescue personnel working on a contractual basis and citizens of Ukraine employed in emergency rescue services on a contractual basis.

4. Certification of emergency rescue services is made by the respective interdepartmental commission established by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

5. Provisions on the interdepartmental commission shall be approved by the central executive authority in charge of shaping and implementing the state policy in the field of civil protection.

6. Interdepartmental certification commission includes members of the central executive authority in charge of shaping and implementing the state policy in the field of civil protection, other central executive authorities that include emergency rescue services and central executive authorities authorised to perform respective state supervision.

7. Certification commission of the central executive authority in charge of shaping and implementing the state policy in the field of civil protection certifies medical emergency service units and personnel to estimate whether their professional level and health conditions are appropriate to provide assistance for affected persons directly in the emergency zone. The certification procedure shall be identified by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

8. Certification of emergency rescue services, medical emergency service units and issuance of certificates is free.

The central executive authority in charge of shaping and implementing the state policy in the field of civil protection and the central executive authority in charge of shaping and implementing the state policy in the field of healthcare make a decision within 10 working days after the certification of an emergency rescue service about the issuance and issue the certificate, ID and rescue worker badge or written notification that waives the issuance.

10. Certification is valid for 5 years.

11. Applicant can be refused to receive emergency rescue service, medical emergency service certificate on the following grounds:

1) Applicant fails to submit complete information required for certification;

2) Documents submitted by the applicant include misleading information;

3) Over 20 per cent of key personnel fails to pass the assessment;

4) Applicant is less than 70 per cent manned with key personnel;

5) Applicant has less than 70 per cent of required specific equipment and inventory;

6) Technical availability rate of individual protection equipment for rescue personnel is less than 0.9 and emergency rescue equipment less than 0.8;

7) Emergency alert time is 10 per cent above the time set by the central executive authority in charge of shaping and implementing the state policy in the field of civil protection.

12. After the assessment, the applicant can be refused to receive a certificate, ID and rescue worker badge on the following ground:

1) Applicant fails to submit complete information required for certification;

2) Documents submitted by the applicant include misleading information;

3) Lack of signed employment contract with a key employee;

4) Applicant doesn't meet specific and/or physical training requirements and standards;

5) Applicant has no medical opinion certifying suitability of his health condition for emergency rescue and other urgent operations, firefighting.

13. Emergency rescue service's certificate can be cancelled on the following ground:

1) Emergency rescue service terminated its activities;

2) Significant irregularities during emergency rescue and other urgent operations;

3) Time to complete the task is over 10 per cent of standard time and key personnel's special training doesn't meet requirements;

4) Serious systematic violation of safety rules in emergency rescue and other urgent operations committed by key personnel;

5) Incomplete or low quality performance of preventive operations at businesses subject to emergency rescue services;

6) Death or injury of rescue personnel during emergency rescue and other urgent operations resulting from the violation of safety rules.

14. Rescue worker's certificate, ID and badge can be cancelled on the following ground:

1) Retirement or reassignment to a position unrelated to key staff;

2) Low practical skills in emergency rescue and other urgent operations, firefighting;

3) Rescue worker fails to take advanced training within scheduled time;

4) Systematic serious violation of safety rules in emergency rescue and other urgent operations, firefighting;

5) Trauma or injury resulting from the violation of safety rules in emergency rescue and other urgent operations, firefighting;

6) Unsuitability for emergency rescue and other urgent operations, firefighting based on the medical certificate;

7) Systematic violation of labour discipline.

15. Certificate can be re-issued when emergency rescue service, medical emergency service changes its name or location.

16. Certificate, ID and badge of a rescue worker can be re-issued when the rescue worker changes his/her work or name.

17. Replacement certificate of emergency rescue service, medical emergency service can be issued in case of loss or damage.

18. Replacement certificate, ID and badge of a rescue worker can be issued in case of loss or damage.

19. Decision to refuse to issue or cancel the certificate, ID and rescue worker badge made by the respective authority doesn't deny his/her right to apply for the certificate after found deficiencies have been addressed.

20. Decision to refuse to issue or cancel the certificate, ID and the rescue worker badge can be appealed under established legal procedure.

21. The procedure of certification of emergency rescue services, issuance of the certificate, ID, the rescue worker badge, list of documents required to obtain the assessment certificate, ID and the rescue worker badge is identified by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

22. Uncertified emergency rescue services, rescue workers shall not be authorised to conduct emergency rescue and other urgent operations, firefighting.

23. Certified emergency rescue services, rescue workers and medical emergency services shall be listed in respective emergency service registries. The emergency service registry is maintained following the procedure set by the central executive authority in charge of shaping and implementing the state policy in the field of civil protection.

Article 49. Insurance

1. Purpose of civil protection insurance:

1) Property insurance of businesses and people against damages caused by an emergency, accident or emergency response operations.

2) Insurance compensation on behalf of businesses operating high-risk facilities to third parties or their property and other legal entities for the damages caused by a potential emergency that occurred at such facilities.

3) Voluntary insurance covers emergencies under the existing law.

Chapter 12.  Man-made safety

Article 50. Man-made emergency hazard sources

1. Man-made emergency hazard sources include:

1) Potentially hazardous facilities and high-risk facilities;

2) Violation of operation conditions of businesses and structures;

3) Businesses with critical production assets and violating operation conditions;

4) Violation of operation conditions of nuclear facilities;

5) Aftermath of terrorist activities;

6) Hydraulic engineering works;

7) Uncontrolled import and use in Ukraine of hazardous technologies, substances, materials;

8) Unregulated accumulation of household and industrial waste, unusable plant protection products;

9) Effect of military and other hostile to environment activity;

10) Businesses that produce, store and dispose of explosives in their facilities;

11) Welfare facilities violating operation conditions;

12) Other potentially dangerous facilities.

Article 51. Man-made safety management by government authorities, local governments, businesses

1. Man-made safety management is the part of the production, operation and other activities of the respective officials, business, institution, organisation personnel. This requirement shall be reflected in the respective charters or provisions.

2. Business manager is responsible for the man-made safety management of a business.

3. Architecture authority, customers, developers, design and construction organisations are responsible for the man-made safety management of buildings and structures at the design and construction stage.

4. Housing management, tenants and landlords in apartment buildings or house owners and tenants of single-owner houses are responsible for the man-made safety management in living quarters of public, municipal, single-owner buildings and houses, housing cooperatives as required by lease agreements.

Article 52. Man-man safety compliance requirements

1. Man-man safety compliance requirements must be in line with people and territory emergency protection, sanitary welfare, environmental protection, environmental, fire, occupational, construction engineering and industrial safety standards.

{Article 52, Part I as amended by Law No 124-IX of 20.09.2019}

2. Development of man-man safety compliance requirements is the responsibility of central executive authorities, local state administrations, businesses within their respective competencies under this Code and other laws.

Article 53. Automatic early emergency detection and alert system

1. High-risk facilities establish and operate automatic early emergency detection and alert systems (hereinafter referred to as the Automatic systems) to ensure timely detection of an emergency and alert personnel and people in the potential exposure zone.

2. Hydraulic engineering works of the multi-step Dnieper and Dniester Reservoirs and potential disastrous flooding zones, nuclear power plants, main ammonia, oil and gas pipelines establish and operate automatic early emergency detection and special alert systems.

3. Facilities with large numbers of people establish and operate on-site alert systems.

4. Automatic early emergency detection and alert system requirements, management, operation and maintenance is defined in the rules approved by the central executive authority in charge of shaping and implementing the state policy in the field of civil protection.

Article 54. Categorising cities and businesses by groups and civil protection categories

1. Cities with businesses of great economic, strategic and security importance that pose threat to people and territory safety in terms of radiation, chemical contamination or disastrous flooding risk shall be categorised in the respective civil protection group - special group or group I, II or III.

2. Businesses of great national economic and defence importance shall be categorised in the respective civil protection group - special importance group or group I or II.

Chapter 13. Fire safety management

Article 55. Fire safety management activities

1. Management of fire safety in Ukraine, regulation of relations between government authorities, local governments, businesses and people in this area shall be carried out under this Code, laws and other regulatory acts.

2. Fire safety management activity is part of the production and other activity of officials, facility, institution and organisation personnel. The above requirement is reflected in labour contracts, charters and provisions.

3. Land and other real estate owner(s) or tenants (lessees) and business manager(s) are responsible for ensuring fire safety if this is defined in the lease (rental) agreement.

{Article 55, Part III as amended by Law No 1259-IX of 19.02.2021 - effective from 17.06.2021}

4. Fire safety authority of associations, corporations, concerns, other business groups shall be defined in their respective charters or business contracts signed between organisations established the above business groups. Fire safety service shall be established within a business group to perform delegated functions.

5. Architecture authority, customers, developers, design and construction organisations are responsible for the man-made safety management at the design and development stage, construction of buildings and structures.

6. Tenants and landlords, as well as house owners and tenants of single-owner houses and other structures, estates, country houses and villas including household structures and outhouses are responsible for the man-made safety management in living quarters of public, municipal, social buildings and houses, housing cooperatives as required by lease agreements.

Article 56. Harmonisation of standards and regulations

{Article 56 title as amended by Law No 124-IX of 20.09.2019}

1. Standards that set fire-safe process and product requirements must include fire safety requirements and be agreed with the central executive authority responsible for the state supervision of man-made and fire safety.

{Article 56, Part I as amended by Law No 124-IX of 20.09.2019}

2. Fire safety requirements included in departmental regulations must not contravene standards and regulations.

{Article 56, Part II as amended by Law No 124-IX of 20.09.2019}

Article 57. Compliance with fire safety requirements at design, construction and reconstruction stage for production and other facilities

1. Production facilities, residential and other buildings, equipment. vehicles commissioned after construction, reconstruction or technological upgrading, as well as processes and products, must meet fire safety regulatory requirements.

2. Business launches new production facilities, real estate property (buildings, structures, premises or part thereof) based on the submitted declaration of compliance of business's infrastructure with legal fire safety requirements (hereinafter referred to as the Declaration). High-risk businesses must also have a positive fire safety assessment (expert conclusion) of the production or other facility, premises (hereinafter referred to as the Fire safety assessment).

Respectively licensed business is responsible for the fire safety assessment.

The business conducted an assessment of fire safety issues and provides a conclusion based on fire safety assessment.

A positive conclusion based on a fire safety assessment shall be provided prior to the start of operation of the new production facility, use of the real estate, providing no fire safety violations have been found and effective until declaration registration.

3. The list of high-risk businesses is identified by the central executive authority responsible for the state supervision of man-made and fire safety together with the central executive authority implementing permitting and licensing state regulatory policy.

Businesses are divided into high-risk and low-risk categories based on criteria defined by the Cabinet Ministers of Ukraine.

4. Business submits a declaration to the state administration or central executive authority responsible for the state supervision of man-made and fire safety (licensing authority).

The declaration shall be registered by the licensing authority within 10 working days of submission free of charge.

{Article 57, Part IV, subparagraph 2 as amended by Law No 353-VII of 20.06.2013}

The date of registration of declaration by the state registrar or licensing authority in the incoming mail or the date indicated in the post office stamp in case of the registered letter shall be deemed the submission date.

The state registrar within one working day of receiving the declaration shall submit it to the licensing authority.

In case the declaration is submitted or issued in violation of set requirements, the licensing authority denies registration of the declaration and returns it to the business for correction.

In case the licensing authority neither registers nor denies the declaration within the time defined in subparagraph 2 of this Part, the right of economic activity required by Part II of this Article takes effect on the next day after the set registration date. In this case the declaration is deemed registered.

{Article 57, Part IV, subparagraph 6 as amended by Law No 353-VII of 20.06.2013}

Declaration is exempt:

1) For trading places, kiosks and containers when their market location matches the plan agreed with state fire authority;

2) For real property tenant (an individual who uses real property under legal civil agreement not providing for the transfer of ownership of this facility) providing that the owner has registered the real property;

3) For the facilities commissioned after construction, reconstruction, restoration, overhaul in accordance with the law.

{Article 57, Part IV is amended with par. 3 to comply with Law No 353-VII of 20.06.2013}

5. Businesses acquire the economic activity right required by Part II of this Article from the date the declaration has been registered by the respective licensing authority.

Declaration form, submission and registration procedure are identified by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

Individuals that submitted a declaration are accountable under the existing law for the reliability of information provided in submitted declaration.

Article 58. Purpose and objectives of fire services

1. Fire service is established to protect people's life and health, private, collective and public property against fire maintain the required level of fire safety at production facilities, institutions, organisations and municipalities.

2. Main objectives of fire services:

1) Fire safety managements;

2) Prevention of fire and incidents during a fire;

3) Firefighting, people rescue and assistance in other emergency response operations.

Article 59. Types of fire services

1. Fire services include state, departmental, local and voluntary fire services.

Article 60. State fire service

1. State fire service management under respective authority rests on:

1) central executive authority and units responsible for public supervision of man-made and fire safety;

2) State fire departments (units) of the civil protection quick response and rescue services;

3) Support services responsible for fire safety;

4) Civil protection educational facilities, research facilities, central executive authority in charge of shaping and implementing the state policy in the field of civil protection and central executive authority responsible for the state supervision of man-made and fire safety;

5) State Certification Centre of the central executive authority in charge of shaping and implementing the state policy in the field of civil protection.

2. The procedure of state fire management is defined in the state Fire Service Provisions approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

Article 61. Departmental fire service

1. Businesses belonging to the management of the respective central executive authorities establish state fire departments (units) to provide departmental fire service.

2. The list of businesses establishing departmental fire serviceshall be identified by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

3. Departmental fire service support procedure, rights and responsibilities are identified in provisions approved by respective ministries based on Typical Departmental Fire Service Provision. Typical Departmental Fire Service Provision shall be approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine

4. Fire rescue units of departmental fire services have fire-fighting vehicles, are engaged in firefighting under the procedure established by the central executive authority in charge of shaping and implementing the state policy in the field of civil protection.

5. Training of rescue personnel and firefighting management of fire rescue units of departmental fire service is based on the acts of the central executive authority in charge of shaping and implementing the state policy in the field of civil protection and acts of other ministries managing departmental fire services.

6. Ministry regulations on the training of fire rescue personnel of departmental fire services and firefighting management shall be agreed upon with the central executive authority in charge of shaping and implementing the state policy in the field of civil protection.

7. Fire services established to ensure fire safety at the facilities of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, Security Service of Ukraine, Foreign Intelligence Service of Ukraine, National Police, central executive authority in charge of shaping and implementing the state policy on border protection and protection of sovereign rights of Ukraine in its (maritime) exclusive economic zone, Special State Transport Service of the central executive authority in charge of shaping and implementing the state policy on transport and infrastructure oversee the compliance of fire safety rules at these facilities.

{Article 61, Part VII as amended by Laws No 766-VIII of 10.11.2015, No 1404-VIII of 02.06.2016}

Article 62. Local fire service

1. In villages, settlements with no fire departments, the local communities establish local fire units upon agreement with the central executive authority in charge of shaping and implementing the state policy in the field of civil protection.

2. Local fire units ensuring are funded and supported from local budgets and other lawful sources.

3. In case the municipality located on respective territory and connected with other municipalities with public motorways establishes a fire rescue unit ensuring local fire protection needs able to perform the intended job at municipalities without such units the respective local budgets may allocate funds to support these units.

4. Local fire unit support procedure, rights and responsibilities of fire unit personnel are defined in local fire service provisions approved by establishing authority upon agreement with the central executive authority in charge of shaping and implementing the state policy in the field of civil protection.

Article 63. Voluntary fire service

1. Local governments based on the decision of local communities and business managers may establish voluntary fire units at businesses, municipalities to prevent fire hazard and ensure firefighting.

2. Voluntary fire units that ensure fire protection at businesses include own personnel of businesses and voluntary fire units in municipalities include municipality residents.

3. Voluntary fire unit support procedure, rights and responsibilities of voluntary fire unit personnel are defined in voluntary fire service provisions approved by establishing business management or local governments upon agreement with the central executive authority in charge of shaping and implementing the state policy in the field of civil protection.

4. Voluntary fire unit operation procedure shall be identified by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

5. To support voluntary fire unit, the Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, local state administrations, local governments, businesses can provide fire units with houses, buildings, premises of special purpose, communication and fire equipment and other required property owned by the municipality, municipality residents (with their consent) and businesses.

6. Voluntary fire units can be also funded and supported from the membership fee, contributions, revenues from own economic activity, fire unit property, dividends, proceeds of insurance companies, donations of individuals and companies and other lawful sources.

Chapter 14.  Man-made and fire safety state supervision (oversight)

Article 64. Central executive authority responsible for the state supervision in man-made and fire safety

1. The central executive authority responsible for the state supervision in man-made and fire safety is authorised to supervise (monitor) the compliance with man-made and fire safety, civil protection and rescue service activity legal and other regulatory requirements.

2. Central executive authority responsible for the state supervision (oversight) in man-made and fire safety fulfils the authority directly through its territorial authorities in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, oblast, Kyiv and Sevastopol, raion, city districts, cities of oblast subordination and cities of the Republican (the Autonomous Republic of Crimea) subordination.

{Article 64, Part II as amended by Law No 353-VII of 20.06.2013}

3. Central executive authority responsible for the state supervision (oversight) in man-made and fire safety and its territorial authorities include:

1) State fire safety authorities;

2) State civil protection and man-made safety authorities;

3) Support units and other divisions.

Article 65. Government authorities, businesses, rescue services under state man-made and fire safety, civil protection supervision (oversight)

1. The central executive authority responsible for the state supervision in man-made and fire safety carries out state supervision (oversight) in areas defined in Article 64, Part I of this Code regarding:

1) Central executive authorities, the Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, local state administrations, other government authorities and local governments;

2) Businesses;

3) Rescue services.

2. In private businesses state civil protection authorities monitor the implementation of activities to protect people and personnel in the event of an emergency and address man-made and fire safety related to the rights and interests of other legal entities and people.

Article 66. Methods of state supervision (oversight)

1. The central executive authority responsible for the state supervision in man-made and fire safety carries out state supervision (oversight) by scheduled and unscheduled checks in accordance with the existing law.

Article 67. The mandate of the central executive authority responsible for the state supervision in man-made and fire safety

1. The central executive authority responsible for the state supervision in man-made and fire safety has the right to:

1) Carry out state supervision (oversight) in man-made and fire safety, civil protection to detect and prevent violation of legal requirements committed by businesses and rescue services identified in Article 65 of this Code;

2) Carry out state supervision of man-made and fire safety requirements in the construction of buildings and structures except for complexity category I and II of the total area under 300 square metres (except built-in facilities, single-owner (cottage) houses, cottages, country houses, outhouses (associated buildings and structures), private garages);

{Article 67, Part I, par. 2 as amended by Law No 353-VII of 20.06.2013}

3) Participate in the development of state man-made and fire safety rules;

4) Harmonise man-made and fire safety rules and other regulatory documents under the legal procedure;

{Article 67, Part I, par. 4 as amended by Law No 124-IX of 20.09.2019}

{Article 67, Part I, par. 5 is removed on the basis of Law No 353-VII of 20.06.2013}

6) Participate in the development of man-made and fire safety provisions, instructions and other regulatory documents made by businesses;

7) License fire safety services and performance activity under the existing law;

{Article 67, Part I, par. 7 as amended by Law No 353-VII of 20.06.2013}

{Article 67, Part I, par. 8 is removed on the basis of Law No 720-IX of 17.06.2020}

9) Participate in the investigation of emergency cause and failure to complete preventive measures;

10) Monitore making, storing and targeted use of material resources used by central executive authorities, local state administrations, local governments and businesses in emergency response activities;

11) Complete inspection certificates, orders to eliminate violation of civil protection, man-made and fire safety requirements if any;

12) Initiate administrative court proceedings to take remedial actions in form of termination or suspension of work until man-made and fire safety violations of legal requirements at specific enterprise, production facility, production department, in the maintenance of buildings, facilities, structures, shops, departments, operation of machines, mechanisms, equipment, vehicles are fully addressed including termination of construction and assembly operations, production and marketing of fire hazardous products, fire safety systems and equipment, servicing in case these violations endanger people's life and/or health;

13) Register certificates of compliance of business's infrastructure with fire safety legal requirements;

14) Complete administrative liability reports and impose penalties on officials and staff responsible for the violation of laws and other man-made and fire safety, civil protection regulatory documents;

15) Verify the planning activity and readiness to evacuate people in the event of an emergency;

16) Submit data about legal entities and individuals responsible for the violation of the civil protection law to the Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, central executive authorities, local state administrations, local governments;

17) Make regulatory acts and other regulatory documents within its competencies and ensure their adoption as established by law;

18) Impose administrative sanctions for the violation of legal requirements of man-made and fire safety and civil protection;

19) Consider in the manner prescribed by law administrative violations related to violation of legal fire safety requirements, non-completion of orders and enactments of the central executive authority responsible for the state supervision in man-made and fire safety and impose administrative penalties;

20) Investigate circumstances and causes of an emergency, death and injury of people, destruction and damage of property;

21) Check availability of explosive work permit;

22) Record sound and video, take photos to document man-made and fire safety violation, prepare emergency prevention proposals;

23) Arrange and hold meetings as established by law within its competencies;

24) Receive information required to achieve set targets from central executive authorities, local state administrations, local governments, businesses;

25) Involve representative officials of central and local executive authorities, local governments, experts of research and design institutions, other state supervision officials in consultation with their superiors to comprehensive inspections providing that their authority or participation in comprehensive inspections is required by law;

26) Exercising other authority required by this Code and other legal acts.

Article 68. Sanctions for the violation of legal requirements of man-made and fire safety

1. In case of violation of the legal requirements of man-made and fire safety including failure to satisfy lawful requirements of the officials of the central executive authority responsible for the state supervision in man-made and fire safety, the latter must impose sanction required by law.

2. In case the officials of the central executive authority responsible for the state supervision in man-made and fire safety find a violation of the legal requirements of man-made and fire safety that endangers people's life and health, they go to the Administrative Court and initiate remedial actions in form of termination or suspension of a specific enterprise, production facility, production department and equipment, building, facility, structure, premises maintenance and production and marketing of fire hazardous products, fire safety systems and equipment as established by law.

3. Requirements, orders and enactments of the central executive authority responsible for the state supervision in man-made and fire safety to address the violation of the legal requirements of man-made and fire safety can be appealed in court within the time established by law.

4. The central executive authority responsible for the state supervision in man-made and fire safety and its officials can not be held responsible for the damage to legal entities and individuals arising from legitimate sanctions.

Article 69. Grounds for requirements, orders and enactments of the central executive authority responsible for the state supervision in man-made and fire safety

1. Officials of the central executive authority responsible for the state supervision in man-made and fire safety issue respective requirements, orders and enactments within their authority:

1) Fire safety issues in case of:

a) Failure to comply with fire safety requirements defined in this Code, other regulatory documents, standards and rules;

{Article 69, Part I, paragraph 1, subparagraph "a" as amended by Law No 124-IX of 20.09.2019}

b) Violation of fire safety requirements provided by standards and rules during construction of industrial facilities, buildings and structures;

{Article 69, Part I, paragraph 1, subparagraph "b" as amended by Law No 124-IX of 20.09.2019}

c) Production and marketing of explosive products and firefighting products with deviations from requirements defined in regulatory documents or without information about conformity of these products to fire safety;

{Article 69, Part I, paragraph 1, subparagraph "c" as amended by Law No 124-IX of 20.09.2019}

2) Man-made safety issues in case of:

a) Failure to comply with man-made safety regulatory documents and other standards;

b) Lack of man-made organisational documents required for businesses;

с) Failure to provide required emergency training to business personnel;

d) Failure to take actions to protect personnel against the hazardous impact of an emergency;

e) Failure to issue documents that identify and certify facilities of potential high-risk;

f) Lack of safety declaration for a high-risk facility;

g) Production facilities using hazardous substances have no safety data sheets (forms) for equipment and instruments or systems ensuring uninterrupted (trouble-free) operation;

h) Industrial individual protection equipment protecting the respiratory system against hazardous chemicals is inconsistent with business personnel provision standard, unsuitable or missing, and this equipment is stored in violation of storage procedures;

i) Violation of handling rules of hazardous substances;

j) High-risk facility has no accident localisation and response plan and plan-based accident-prevention actions;

k) Lack of on-site material reserves to prevent and respond to an emergency or inconsistence with approved range and quantity of items;

l) Persons servicing potentially high-risk facilities and high-risk facilities and persons involved in emergency response activities under localisation and response plan have no individual protection equipment or this equipment is unsuitable for use;

m) High-risk facility has no automatic early detection and alert emergency system or this system is not functional;

n) High-risk facility has no dispatch service or this service is not ready to do the assigned job due to lack of respective documents, instruments, equipment, or individual protection equipment;

o) Rescue and protection equipment of a business is not ready for intended job;

p) Persons servicing potentially high-risk facilities and high-risk facilities and persons involved in emergency response activities under localisation and response plan are not ready for the job;

r) High-risk facility has no civil liability insurance agreement which provides responsibility of businesses for potential damage to third parties or their property, other legal entities as a result of an emergency caused by fire, accident, disaster or dangerous event;

s) The violation of transport regulations for hazardous substances concerning transport procedures by pipeline and vehicles;

t) Construction of buildings and structures, location of other high-risk facilities, engineering and transport communications that violate legal man-made safety procedure or these works endanger the safety of people, businesses, equipment and property within their premises.

Article 70. Grounds to terminate operation of enterprises, facilities, specific production facilities, shops, departments, machines, mechanisms, equipment, vehicles

1. The central executive authority responsible for the state supervision in man-made and fire safety can go to Administrative Court to initiate remedial actions in form of termination or suspension of operations, facilities, specific production facilities, shops, departments, machines, mechanisms, equipment, vehicles on the following grounds:

1) Non-compliance with fire safety requirements defined in this Code, other regulatory documents, standards and rules;

{Article 70, Part I, par. 1 as amended by Law No 124-IX of 20.09.2019}

2) Violation of fire safety requirements during construction of industrial buildings, facilities and structures defined in standards and rules;

{Article 70, Part I, par. 2 as amended by Law No 124-IX of 20.09.2019}

3) Production and marketing of explosive products and firefighting products with deviations from requirements defined in regulatory documents or without information about conformity of these products to fire safety;

{Article70, Part I, par. 3 as amended by Law No 124-IX of 20.09.2019}

4) Failure to take actions to protect personnel against the hazardous impact of a potential emergency;

5) Production facilities using hazardous substances have no safety data sheets (forms) for equipment and instruments or systems ensuring uninterrupted (trouble-free) operation;

6) Individual protection equipment protecting the respiratory system against hazardous chemicals is inconsistent with business personnel provision standard, unsuitable or missing;

7) Violation of handling rules of hazardous substances;

8) Persons servicing potentially high-risk facilities and high-risk facilities and persons involved in emergency response activities under localisation and response plan have no individual protection equipment or this equipment is unsuitable for use;

9) High-risk facility has no dispatch service or this service is not ready to do the assigned job due to lack of respective documents, instruments, equipment, or individual protection equipment;

10) Non-ready status of intended use of rescue equipment, civil protection equipment and equipment intended to ensure protection of businesses;

11) Construction of buildings and structures, location of other high-risk facilities, engineering and transport communications that violate legal man-made safety procedure or these works endanger the safety of people, businesses, equipment and property within their premises.

2. Termination or suspension of work, facilities, specific facilities, shops, departments, operation of machine, mechanisms, equipment, vehicles, operations, services shall be based exclusively on Administrative Court decision.

Section VI

Chapter 15. Emergency response management

Article 71. Emergency aftermath management

1. The following steps shall be taken to coordinate actions of government authorities, local governments and civil protection forces and implement combined measures and activities to deal with emergency aftermath:

1) Use of emergency management systems and control centres;

2) Establish special emergency response commissions;

3) Appoint emergency response team leaders;

4) Create emergency response crisis centres;

5) Identify the need of civil protection forces;

6) Engage civil protection forces to emergency response operations.

2. Before a special emergency response commission is established or an emergency response team leader is appointed, emergency aftermath operations are managed by the respective man-made safety and emergency commissions.

3. General management of emergency response and remediation operations is the responsibility of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, central executive authorities, local state administrations, local governments, businesses within the emergency administrative territory or territory depending on the emergency scale and nature.

Article 72. Management system

1. Government authorities, local state administrations, local governments, businesses use the state management system to ensure sustainable management of civil protection entities and implement functions provided for the special period.

2. The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine defines the list of the government authorities responsible for the establishment of management systems and identification of requirements.

3. The list of management system controls, the procedure of use shall be identified by government authorities and local governments owning them depending on management system objectives.

Article 73. Emergency control centres

1. The central executive authority in charge of shaping and implementing the state policy in the field of civil protection includes an emergency control centre to ensure management of day-to-day operation of civil protection entities, 24-hour presence and collection, processing, compilation and analysis of information within the emergency area.

2. The central executive authority in charge of shaping and implementing the state policy on civil protection includes emergency control centres at the regional level.

3. In the event of an emergency, the respective emergency control centres work together with the emergency response crisis centre (if established) and provide support. Emergency response team leader's orders and instructions are binding for emergency control centre staff.

4. In the event of an emergency, government authority stakeholders are engaged in the work of emergency control centres.

5. The central executive authority in charge of shaping and implementing the state policy on civil protection identifies the operation procedure of emergency control centres.

Article 74. 112 System

1. Legal and organisational basis of 112 System is defined by law.

Article 75. Emergency response team leader

1. Emergency response team leader is appointed to provide direct management of rescue and other urgent operations in an emergency.

2. Depending on the emergency scale, an emergency response team leader shall be appointed by:

1) The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine in case of a state-level emergency - First Deputy Prime Minister, Vice Prime Minister, or head of a central executive authority or his/her first deputy (deputy);

2) The Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, oblast state administration, Kyiv and Sevastopol state city administrations in case of regional-level emergency – First Deputy Chairperson of the Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea or one of his/her deputies, heads of oblast state administrations, heads of Kyiv and Sevastopol state city administrations;

3) Raion state administration in case of local-level emergency – one of deputy chairpersons of raion state administration;

4) City executive authority in case of city-level emergency - one of mayor's deputies;

5) Village, township council in case of an on-site emergency - village, township chairman;

6) Business manager in case of respective on-site emergency - business manager or one of the managers from approved personnel list.

3. Before the arrival of the emergency response team leader, the head of a civil protection unit (service, division) or a task force (emergency control centre officer) shall act as the emergency response team leader who is first to arrive at the emergency zone. If an emergency occurred at a potentially high-risk or high-risk facility, the facility dispatcher or senior engineer of the working shift shall act as the emergency response team leader.

4. In case the nature and impact of an emergency don't require an emergency response team leader, the head of the emergency rescue service engaged in response operations shall act as the emergency response team leader.

5. All rescue emergency services engaged in response operations shall come under command of the emergency response team leader for the time of emergency response operations.

6. No one has the right to interfere with the emergency response team leader work

7. Depending on the situation in the emergency zone, the emergency response team leader takes independent decisions on:

1) Evacuation management;

2) Termination of operations of businesses within the emergency zone and restricted access to this zone;

3) Engagement of required vehicles, other business property in accordance with the established procedure within the emergency rescue zone, emergency services and people with their consent in emergency rescue and other urgent operations;

4) Termination of emergency rescue and other urgent operations in case of high risk to rescue personnel and other persons involved in emergency response operations;

5) Other decisions required to deal with the emergency aftermath and ensure the safety of affected persons.

8. Decisions of the emergency response team leader shall be issued in form of orders. Emergency response team leader orders shall be prepared and registered in accordance with the established procedure after signing and brought to the attention of the emergency response crisis centre. Emergency response team leader orders are binding for all entities involved in emergency response operations, people and businesses within the emergency zone.

9. The emergency response team leader, leaders of emergency rescue services have the right to receive complete and reliable information about the emergency to manage response operations and must inform respective government authorities, local governments about actions taken.

10. Upon completion of emergency response operations, the emergency response team leader submits a report about his decisions and the course of events during emergency response operations to the appointing authority.

11. The emergency response team leader is personally responsible for the emergency rescue end other urgent operation management.

Article 76. Emergency response crisis centre

1. Emergency response crisis centre that represents the executive body of the emergency response team leader shall be established to manage and coordinate the emergency rescue, response and other urgent operations.

2. The emergency response team leader takes decisions on the establishment and dissolving of the emergency response crisis centre.

3. The emergency response crisis centre operates under the supervision of the head appointed by the emergency response team leader.

4. The emergency response crisis centre includes personnel of the central executive authority in charge of shaping and implementing the state policy on civil protection, heads of emergency rescue services involved in emergency response operations, officers or experts of the respective central executive authorities, local state administrations, local governments, institutions and organisations (with the consent of their superiors).

5. As a rule, the emergency response crisis centre is deployed and operates in the emergency zone.

6. The respective emergency control centres directly work and support the emergency response crisis centre during its operation.

7. Emergency response operations shall be recorded in respective operative documents and reflected in the emergency rescue service action report attached to emergency investigation materials.

8. Objectives, functions and operational procedure of the emergency response crisis centre, types and samples of operative documents and reports shall be identified by the central executive authority in charge of shaping and implementing the state policy on civil protection agreed with the respective central executive authority.

Article 77. Engagement of civil protection forces in emergency response operations

1. Engagement of civil protection forces in emergency response operations is based on emergency response action plans, management authority and civil protection forces emergency communication plans and emergency localisation and response plans.

2. The decision about the engagement of civil protection forces shall be taken by management authorities based on the request of government authorities, local governments, businesses within the emergency zone, or emergency response team leader depending on the emergency scale.

3. Functional subsystem resources in an emergency shall come under command of respective territorial subsystem management authorities.

Chapter 16. Dealing with the emergency aftermath

Article 78. High alert and emergency regime

1. Provisional high alert regime is introduced in Ukraine or within its specific area in the event of an emergency, depending on its estimated impact and scale based on the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, local state administrations, local governments.

2. Provisional emergency regime is introduced in Ukraine or within its specific area in the event of the severe impact of an emergency based on the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, local state administrations, local governments.

3. The Unified National Civil Protection System Provision approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine identifies conditions and procedure of high alert and emergency regime and civil protection entity emergency prevention and response communication procedure for the above regimes.

Article 79. Emergency rescue and other urgent operations management

1. Emergency rescue and other urgent operations to deal with the emergency aftermath are free.

2. Emergency rescue and other urgent operations to deal with the emergency aftermath in peacetime and the special period include:

1) Emergency rescue and other urgent operations management;

2) Emergency response area, zone, land, facility survey;

3) Identification and localisation of emergency zone;

4) Identification and marking of zones affected by radiation, chemical or biological contamination (except military action areas);

5) Forecasting of the potential distribution of emergency zone and potential impact scale;

6) Elimination or minimisation of hazardous factors resulting from an emergency;

7) Search and rescue of affected persons, emergency assistance and transportation to healthcare facilities;

8) Evacuation or resettlement of affected persons;

9) Search and destroy of explosive items;

10) Sanitation of people and decontamination of clothes, vehicles, machinery, protection equipment, buildings, structures and land affected by radiation, chemical or biological contamination;

11) Medical assistance to affected persons, sanitary and epidemic control measures within the emergency zone and at temporary accommodation facilities;

12) Introduce restrictive measures, observation and quarantine;

13) Psychological and financial assistance to affected persons, medical and psychological rehabilitation;

14) Ensuring public order within the emergency zone;

15) Priority repair and rehabilitation of damaged vital facilities, transport and communications;

16) Social protection of persons affected by the emergency;

17) Other activities depending on emergency type and nature.

3. Air search and rescue of affected persons in the air accident (crash) is done by civil protection entities based on their respective competencies. Air search and rescue operations are the responsibility of the central executive authority in charge of shaping and implementing the state policy in the field of civil protection.

4. Emergency rescue and other urgent operations are based on the procedure identified in instructions, regulations, charters, other regulatory emergency documents approved by the respective central executive authorities.

5. Emergency rescue and other urgent operations, firefighting are conducted in the shortest possible time without interruption until completion. They use all available resources with strict compliance with set regime requirements and safety rules.

6. In some cases students of civil protection educational facilities may be recruited for emergency response operations with the provision of Article 103 requirements of this Code.

7. Material damage caused by management authorities and civil protection forces in emergency rescue and other urgent response operations is not compensable.

Damage caused in emergency rescue and other urgent response operations is compensated under Chapter 17 of this Code.

9. Costs of specific emergency rescue and other urgent operations performed by civil protection forces can be compensated in full or in part as required by law.

10. Vehicles of civil protection forces with standard colour coding, special sound signals and beacons have the right for unimpeded transition, priority fuelling and greasing on way to the emergency zone.

11. Heavy vehicles operate on roads on way to the site of emergency response and other urgent operations and back based on the permit of authorised National Police unit issued within 1 hour of request without any additional alignment procedures.

{Article 79, Part XI as amended by Law No 766-VIII of 10.11.2015}

Article 80. Firefighting

1. Firefighting is free.

2. Fire departments and units establish a 24-hour presence as required by the central executive authority in charge of shaping and implementing the state policy in the field of civil protection

3. Fire units go to all fires except for fires at underground facilities (apart from operating underground stations).

4. Firefighting and involved fire unit operations are done under the firefighting manager. A senior official of the central executive authority in charge of shaping and implementing the state policy on civil protection also supervises firefighting operations. All involved fire departments and units are subordinate to the firefighting manager.

5. Firefighting at underground facilities is carried out following the procedure established by the central executive authority in charge of shaping and implementing the state policy on civil protection and by the central executive authority in charge of shaping and implementing the state policy on forestry and gamekeeping at state forestries.

6. Firefighters have the right to unimpeded access to any residential, production and other facilities and engage any actions to rescue people, prevent distribution and fight fire.

7. To fight the fire, on firefighting manager's request the Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, local state administrations, local governments and businesses must provide free firefighting agents, vehicles, oil and lubricants, equipment, communication equipment and during firefighting operations of 3 and more hours supply food, room for rehabilitation of the fire staff.

8. Material damage caused by firefighting is not compensable by fire units. Material damage caused by firefighting is compensated in accordance with Chapter 17 of this Code.

9. Firefighting management and procedure, rights and responsibilities of firefighters are established by the Firefighting Emergency Operations Statute approved by the central executive authority in charge of shaping and implementing the state policy in the field of civil protection.

Article 81. Vital support for affected persons

1. Vital support for affected persons is provided in an emergency and during military (battle) actions, or as a result of such actions.

2. Vital support for affected persons includes basic conditions for life and health of people within the emergency zone, on escape routes and at accommodation facilities for evacuated people based on set standards and regulations and supply of water, food, essential goods, interim accommodation, medical products, medication, municipal services, transport and information.

3. Property types and standards, type and amount of vital support provided for affected persons shall be identified by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

4. Vital support for affected persons is the responsibility of:

1) In the Autonomous Republic of Crimea - the Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea;

2) In oblast, Kyiv and Sevastopol – oblast, Kyiv and Sevastopol city state administrations;

3) In raions – raion state administrations;

4) In cities (except Kyiv and Sevastopol), townships and villages – local governments.

5. Respective specialised civil protection services of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, oblasts, cities of Kyiv and Sevastopol, oblast capitals provide direct vital support for affected persons. Resources of central executive authorities, emergency rescue service are engaged in vital support operations for affected persons.

Article 82. Rehabilitation

1. Respective central executive authorities, the Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, local state administrations, local governments, business managers within the emergency zone are responsible for emergency response management.

2. Based on decisions of local government authorities, civil protection forces under their command and local residents shall be engaged in emergency response operations.

3. Emergency response operations are funded from state, local and business budgets and other sources. The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, local state administrations, local executive authorities, businesses take the decision on allocation of funds from reserve budget based on emergency scale.

4. Total funding of response operations is identified based on cost estimates or consolidated calculation of such operations prepared in accordance with the established procedure.

Article 83. Targeted mobilisation

1. Targeted mobilisation can be carried out to respond to a man-made or natural emergency and deal with the aftermath following the procedure described in the Law of Ukraine "On Legal Regime of Emergency" and other regulatory documents.

2. Organisational, financial, legal and other activities necessary to ensure operation of civil forces during targeted mobilisation are based on Targeted Mobilisation Action Plan and under the Law of Ukraine "On Mobilisation Training and Mobilisation" including specific features provided for in this Code.

Chapter 17. Compensation of material damage and support for the emergency affected

Article 84. Social protection of affected persons

1. Emergency affected is the person who suffered a moral, physical or material damage in an emergency or emergency response operations.

2. Social protection and compensation of material damage of the emergency affected include:

1) Material assistance (compensation);

2) Accommodation;

3) Medical and psychological assistance;

4) Humanitarian aid;

6) Other assistance.

3. Social protection and compensation of material damage of the emergency affected are funded:

1) From state and local budgets;

2) From budgets of businesses or by individuals responsible for the occurrence of an emergency;

3) From budgets of voluntary insurances signed in accordance with insurance law;

4) From donations of legal entities and individuals, charitable organisations and civil associations;

5) From other lawful sources.

4. Medical assistance to affected persons can be funded from state and local reserve budgets according to the scale of an emergency and material reserves intended for emergency prevention and response.

Article 85. Compensation of material damage for the emergency affected

1. Material damage of the emergency affected is compensated under legal procedure.

Article 86. Accommodation of the emergency affected

1. Accommodation of affected persons whose house is no longer habitable due to an emergency is funded by local state administrations, local governments and businesses by:

1) Allocation of residential property from interim residential fund;

2) Prioritised allocation of residential property built by request of local state administrations, local governments and businesses;

3) Building of residential property for affected persons;

4) Purchase of flats or houses.

2. Building or purchase of houses or flats for affected persons who resided in state or municipal houses shall be funded from targeted state funds with the provision of an area of the residential (non-residential) property and the number of rooms in the possession of affected persons.

3. Building or purchase of houses or flats for affected persons who resided in a single-owner house shall be funded from targeted state funds minus house insurance settlement in case the house was insured.

4. The affected persons who resided in a single-owner house have the right to build their own house with funding described in part three of this Article and provided with respective land.

5. At the request of the beneficiary, a house or flat for the affected person can be purchased centrally.

6. Houses or flats for affected persons can be purchased in the municipality they lived in or any other municipality of Ukraine with their consent.

7. If a flat (house) for affected persons is purchased by local state administrations, local governments and businesses the monetary compensation for the destructed or damaged flat (house) is not payable.

8. The affected persons who received monetary compensation for the destructed or damaged flat (house) are not entitled to residential property from the public fund.

9. Affected persons are entitled to a residential property or monetary compensation under the condition they voluntarily transfer destructed or damaged property to local state administrations, local governments or businesses.

10. The amount of monetary compensation for destructed or damaged flat (house) shall be determined based on the average construction cost of residential property in Ukraine depending on the location of such property.

Article 87. Medical and psychological assistance

1. The emergency affected have the right for medical and psychological assistance.

2. Affected persons and persons involved in emergency rescue and other urgent operations, firefighting are entitled to psychological rehabilitation based on conclusions of medical and social expert commissions.

3. Minors affected by an emergency are entitled to psychological assistance at spa facilities with medical and psychological rehabilitation centres.

4. Affected persons and persons involved in emergency rescue and other urgent operations firefighting are entitled to free psychological assistance.

Article 88. Humanitarian aid

1. Ukraine receives, distributes and provides international humanitarian aid for affected persons by an emergency following the procedure established by law.

Article 89. Other assistance

1. In the event of an emergency and emergency response operations, persons affected by an emergency outside Ukraine are entitled to compensation of damage under the respective partnership and assistance agreements signed between the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and governments of other states.

2. Evacuated people resettled due to an emergency are entitled to the following compensations and benefits:

1) Compensation of travel cost, cost of shipment of property by railroad, water or road transport (except the cases when transport is provided for free);

2) Interest-free loan to buy household items following the procedure and amount established by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

3. Affected persons who continue to live at their previous residence are entitled to monetary assistance following the procedure and amount established by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

4. Persons affected are entitled to an average monthly salary within the time established in the rehabilitation programme (if disabilities are diagnosed and moral damage established within at least one year). During this time damage is compensated on general basis. Compensation of damage is reviewed under legal procedure.

Section VII

Chapter 18. Training of civil protection specialists

Article 90. Training, refresher training and advanced training of non-executive and executive staff of civil protection service and rescue workers of professional emergency rescue services

1. Respective job, competency (specialisation) educational and qualification courses, refresher and advanced training for non-executive and executive staff of civil protection service are provided by state civil protection educational facilities established on a legal basis.

2. Those employed to civil protection service and appointed to non-executive staff and non-commissioned officers of a civil protection service must take entry-level professional courses and those appointed to mid-level and senior managerial positions of a civil protection service must take a refresher or speciality course at respective of civil protection educational facility.

3. The procedure of training, refresher training and advanced training of non-executive and executive staff of civil protection service is identified by the central executive authority in charge of shaping and implementing the state policy on education and science.

4, Professional training level of civil protection non-executive staff and non-commissioned officers and key staff of professional rescue services is determined by vocational training standards. Training level of civil protection service mid-level and senior management and management of professional rescue services is determined by higher education standards.

5. A person who passed competency assessment receives the qualifications or upgraded qualifications document in accordance with the appropriate standard template, certificate, ID and rescue worker badge.

6. To ensure the success of intended jobs, non-executive and executive staff of civil protection service take knowledge, skills and competencies advanced courses during in-service training working hours. In-service training procedure shall be identified by the central executive authority in charge of shaping and implementing the state policy in the field of civil protection.

7. Theoretical knowledge, practical skills and mastery of rescue personnel, other key personnel of professional rescue services are improved during professional training working hours scheduled by the service manager in accordance with the service profile.

8. Professional rescue services provide special physical, medical and psychological training of rescue personnel.

9. Advanced training of rescue personnel is provided at respective educational facilities.

10. The procedure of professional training and advanced training of professional rescue service key personnel is identified by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

11. Refresher and advanced training of medical personnel from among non-executive and executive staff of civil protection service and professional rescue service staff are provided under health laws.

12. Based on the professional level, civil protection service non-executive and executive staff and professional rescue service staff are graded by classes and medical personnel by categories respectively.

13. The grading procedure and conditions are established by the central executive authority in charge of shaping and implementing the state policy in the field of civil protection.

14. Advanced training qualifications are the key factors for the assessment, promotion, rank.

Article 91. Training of executives and specialists related to civil protection management

1. The central executive authority in charge of shaping and implementing the state policy on civil protection together with local state administrations and local governments establishes civil protection methodical and training centres to provide training of executives and specialists related to civil protection management.

2. Executives and specialists of central executive authorities, local governments and businesses related to civil protection management must take civil protection training in the first year of their appointment to the office and periodical training once in 3 to 5 years at respective civil protection training and methodological centres.

3. The training is done upon request of the state and funded from the national budget of Ukraine allocated for the central executive authority in charge of shaping and implementing the state policy on civil protection and under the contracts funded by legal entities and individuals. Respective trainings are kept in job record.

4. The Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, local state administrations, local governments identify the training need for executives and specialists, schedule periodical training and transfer civil protection activities under operational management or ownership of training and methodological centres, institutions, organisations, premises, facilities and other property required for their work.

5. The central executive authority responsible for the state supervision of man-made and fire safety, state supervision (oversight) of scheduled training of executives and specialists involved in civil protection management and takes actions to address identified shortcomings.

6. The procedure of training of executives and specialists involved in civil protection management, list of attendants, and manning and training plan of the above individuals shall be approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

Chapter 19. Training of civil protection management and forces for the intended job

Article 92. Training of civil protection management and forces for the intended job

1.Civil protection management is trained for the intended job during tabletop exercises and other exercises and practice training.

2. Civil protection forces are trained for the intended job during special, demonstration, experimental civil protection exercises and practice training.

3. The procedure of training of civil protection management and forces for the intended job is identified by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

4. Training of civil protection management and forces for the intended job rests on the Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, local state administrations responsible for the management of respective civil protection forces and local governments that provide management of civil protection forces. Training of respective civil protection forces for the intended job is done under the command of accountable executives.

Section VIII

Chapter 20. Financial support

Article 93. Funding civil protection activities

1. Civil protection activities are funded from the national budget of Ukraine, local budgets, budgets of businesses, and other lawful sources.

2. Funds allocated by potentially hazardous facilities and high-risk facilities for required civil protection activities must be at least 0.5 per cent of the gross income of such facility.

Article 94. Funding of civil protection management and forces

1.The central executive authority in charge of shaping and implementing the state policy on civil protection, other central executive authorities responsible for the state supervision of man-made and fire safety, implementation of industrial safety, vocational safety and supervision in the mining industry, management of the exclusion zone and zone of mandatory (unconditional) resettlement are funded from the national budget of Ukraine.

2. Civil protection units operating within central executive authorities are funded from the national budget of Ukraine.

3. Units responsible for civil protection of businesses are funded by these businesses.

4. Civil protection forces are funded from national and local budgets, by businesses and from other lawful sources.

Article 95. Funding of medical and psychological rehabilitation

1. Medical and psychological rehabilitation of civil protection personnel is funded from the national budget of Ukraine.

2. Funds for medical and psychological rehabilitation of civil protection personnel are determined by the central executive authority in charge of shaping and implementing the state policy in the field of civil protection.

3. Medical and psychological rehabilitation of other rescue personnel, medical personnel of the emergency medical service are funded from service budgets allocated by national or local budgets or from budgets of businesses,

4. Medical and psychological rehabilitation of affected persons and people involved in emergency response operations is funded by the emergency response budget allocated from the national budget of Ukraine in the amount determined by the central executive authority in charge of shaping and implementing the state policy in the field of healthcare.

5. Medical and psychological rehabilitation of minors affected by a local or on-site emergency including minors who lost one or both his/her parents in the emergency is funded from the local or national budget, budgets of businesses, other sources. The Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, local state administrations make respective annual regional plans and ensure their approval and execution to provide medical and psychological rehabilitation of the above minors.

Article 96. Emergency prevention and response activities

1. Emergency prevention and response activities are funded under the procedure established by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

Chapter 21. Logistic support

Article 97. Logistic support

1. Central executive authorities, the Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, local state administrations, local governments and businesses provide civil protection equipment, other property, service space, classrooms, utility rooms, other facilities (fire depots, storage rooms for equipment, practice areas, sports grounds), warehouses in the required amount for civil protection units under their management, civil protection forces and other organisations involved in civil protection activity and allocate land for them.

2. Land, water, other natural resources and property of the central executive authority in charge of shaping and implementing the state policy on civil protection, central executive authorities responsible for the state supervision of man-made and fire safety, implementation of industrial safety, vocational safety and supervision in the mining industry, management of the exclusion zone and zone of mandatory (unconditional) resettlement are public property assigned to their civil protection forces, training and scientific facilities, other units and facilities under their operational management.

Article 98. Establishment and use of emergency prevention and response material reserves

1. Emergency prevention and response material reserves are established in order to use them in case of emergency threat or occurrence.

3. Emergency prevention and response material reserves are established by the central executive authority in charge of shaping and implementing the state policy on civil protection (operational material reserve), other central executive authorities (department material reserve), local state administrations, local governments (regional and local material reserves) and businesses (on-site material reserve).

3. The procedure of establishment and use of material reserves for emergency prevention and response is identified by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

Section IX

Chapter 22. Manning of civil protection management and forces

Article 99. The procedure of manning of civil protection management and forces

1. Personnel (staff) of civil protection management and forces include non-executive and executive staff performing contract-based civil protection services, government officials and other personnel under labour agreements.

2. Jobs of civil protection service qualified for non-executive and executive staff and list of vacancies shall be approved by the central executive authority in charge of shaping and implementing the state policy in the field of civil protection.

3. Jobs of civil protection service qualified for non-executive and executive staff and expertise required for these jobs shall be approved by the President of Ukraine.

4. Civil protection service reserve shall be established to enable the manning of civil protection services in mobilisation by the central executive authority in charge of shaping and implementing the state policy on civil protection as required by Article 107 of this Code.

5. Labour relations between the management and civil protection forces are regulated under labour law, public service law and signed labour contracts.

Article 100. Number of non-executive and executive staff of civil protection service

1. Number of non-executive and executive staff of civil protection service is established by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

Chapter 23. Civil protection service duty

Article 101. The procedure of civil protection service

1. Civil protection service is a special public service that ensures fire protection, protection of people and territories against the adverse impact of emergencies, emergency prevention and response, dealing with the aftermath in peacetime and special period.

2. The procedure of civil protection service of citizens of Ukraine is established in this Code and Duty Provisions for Non-executive and Executive Staff of Civil Protection Serviceapproved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

3. Non-executive and executive staff of civil protection service is covered by the approved Disciplinary Code.

4. Time served by non-executive and executive staff of civil protection service is accounted for in their insurance period, work experience, professional employment experience and public service experience in accordance with the law.

5. Executive staff of civil protection service is bound by requirements and restrictions of the Law of Ukraine "On Prevention of Corruption".

{Article 101, Part V as amended by Laws No 224-VII of 14.05.2013, No 524-IX of 04.03.2020}

Article 102. Recruitment to civil protection service and duty conditions

1. Citizens of Ukraine who completed secondary education, meet qualification requirements and whose personal, business and moral qualities, educational and professional level, health conditions enable them to carry out official duties are recruited to civil protection service on a competitive and contractual basis,

2. Qualification requirements of individuals recruited to civil protection service are identified by the central executive authority in charge of shaping and implementing the state policy in the field of civil protection.

3. For the purpose of this Code, students of the first year of a civil protection educational facility, aged 17 and above including those who turn 17 in the year of enrolment are equal to individuals employed at civil protection service.

4. Individuals who have a criminal record and this criminal record is not expunged under the legal procedure, or individuals who have been under administrative corruption sanctions within the last year can not be employed at civil protection service.

{Article 102, Part IV as amended by Law No 524-IX of 04.03.2020, No 720-IX of 17.06.2020}

5. Prior to appointment, civil protection service candidates must inform respective authorities they apply to about their family members working in this authority.

{Article 102 is amended with Part V to comply with Law No 524-IX of 04.03.2020}

Note. In this Code the term "family members" has the meaning specified in the Law of Ukraine "On Prevention of Corruption".

{Article 102 is amended with a note to comply with Law No 524-IX of 04.03.2020}

Article 103. Civil protection service contract

1. Civil protection service can be based on:

1) Civil protection service contract signed with an individual appointed to non-executive and executive staff of civil protection service;

2) Civil protection training contract (civil protection service duty) signed with an individual enrolled on a civil protection training facility;

3) Civil protection reserve contract signed with an individual enrolled on civil protection reserve under this Code.

2. Prerequisite of civil protection training (civil protection service duty) contract prohibit involving these individuals in hazardous jobs.

3. Civil protection service contract is signed for the following time:

1) 3 to 5 years with the individuals recruited to contractual positions of non-executive and non-commissioned staff;

2) 3 to 10 years with the individuals recruited to contractual positions of mid-level, senior and command staff;

3) Training with the individuals enrolled on higher civil protection educational facilities;

4) 5 years with the individuals enrolled on civil protection reserve;

4. The form and procedure of contract, termination (cancel) of contract and consequences are identified by non-executive and executive staff provisions of civil protection duty.

Article 104. Special tasks of non-executive and executive staff of civil protection service

1. Individuals performing civil protection duty are promoted to the following special ranks:

1) Non-executive staff - a private of civil protection service;

2) Non-commissioned officers - Lance Sergeant of Civil Protection Service, Sergeant of Civil Protection Service, First Sergeant of Civil Protection Service, Master Sergeant of Civil Protection Service, Warrant Officer of Civil Protection Service, Senior Warrant Officer of Civil Protection Service;

3) Mid-level staff - Second Lieutenant of Civil Protection Service, Lieutenant of Civil Protection Service, First Lieutenant of Civil Protection Service, Captain of Civil Protection Service;

4) Senior executive staff - Major of Civil Protection Service, Lieutenant Colonel of Civil Protection Service, Colonel of Civil Protection Service;

5) Command staff - Major General of Civil Protection Service, Lieutenant General of Civil Protection Service, Colonel General of Civil Protection Service, General of Civil Protection Service.

2. The procedure of promotion and deprivation of special civil protection ranks, demotion and reinstatement of special civil protection ranks and the promotion to a special civil protection rank of individuals served in other state authority units in the event of their recruitment to civil protection service is identified by non-executive and executive staff provisions of civil protection duty.

Article 105. Maximum civil protection service time

1. Maximum civil protection service time:

1) Non-executive, non-commissioned and mid-level staff - up to 50 years;

2) Executive staff - up to 55 years;

3) Command staff - up to 60 years.

2. Non-executive and executive staff of civil protection service of high professional training level, practical experience on their position, found fit for service may continue to serve above maximum service time for up to 5 years at their own request based on the decision of the head of the central executive authority in charge of shaping and implementing the state policy in the field of civil protection.

3. In exceptional cases identified by the central executive authority in charge of shaping and implementing the state policy on civil protection based on the decision of the head the service can be re-extended by 5 years and by 10 years for the PhD or academic executive staff of educational and scientific facilities.

Article 106. Retirement

1. Non-executive and executive staff of civil protection service can be:

1) Transferred in the reserve of the Ukrainian armed forces (enrolled in the military registry) in case the retired are under maximum reserve time established by the Law of Ukraine "On Military Duties and Military Service" and fit for military service;

2) Retired if they reach maximum reserve time established by the Law of Ukraine "On Military Duties Military Service" and are recognised by the medical commission unfit for further service and deregistered.

2. The contract shall be terminated (cancelled) and non-executive and executive staff retired from civil protection service owing to:

1) The end of contract;

2) The age - when they reach maximum service time;

3) Health conditions - based on the conclusion (act) of the central medical expert commission of the central executive authority in charge of shaping and implementing the state policy on civil protection about unfit or limited condition;

4) Reduction of staff - in case they can't continue their service due to reduction of staff or institutional arrangements;

5) Resignation for family reasons or any other good reasons listed by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine;

6) Systematic breach of contract by non-executive and executive staff;

7) Systematic breach of contract by the management of executive authority, unit or division, educational facility, scientific facility, other organisation of the central executive authority in charge of shaping and implementing the state policy on civil protection, and the central executive authority responsible for the state supervision of man-made and fire safety;

8) Indictment that came into force;

{Article 106. Part II, par. 8 as amended by Law No 224-VII of 14.05.2013}

9) Сall-up for regular military service on the basis of raion (city) recruiting board decision;

10) Inability to reassign a person who has a family member under his/her direct authority;

{Article 106, Part II as amended by Law No 524-IX of 04.03.2020}

10-1) Actual or potential conflict of interests of continuing nature that can not be resolved in another way;

{Article 106, Part II is amended with par. 10-1 to comply with Law No 524-IX of 04.03.2020}

11) Membership of foreign state;

12) Other lawful reasons.

3. The contract is also terminated (cancelled), and executives are dismissed from civil protection service when the Court's decision to bring a person to justice for corruption comes into force, and when the Court finds the person's assets or fiduciary assets, or any other assets provided for in Article 290 of the Civil Procedure Code of Ukraine unjustified, and are then retrieved and placed into the state revenue.

{Article 106, Part III as amended by Law No 224-VII of 14.05.2013, No 263-IX of 31.10.2019}

4. In cases provided for in Part II, paragraph 8 and Part III of this Article the above persons shall be dismissed within three days of the receipt of a copy of the respective effective Court's decision by the respective authority or civil protection unit.

{Article 106 is amended with Part IV to comply with Law No 224-VII of 14.05.2013}

Note. In this Code, the term "direct authority" has the meaning specified in the Law of Ukraine "On Prevention of Corruption".

{Article 106 is amended with a note to comply with Law No 524-IX of 04.03.2020}

Article 107. Reserve of civil protection service

1. Civil protection reserve contract shall be entered into voluntarily and signed by the citizen of Ukraine who graduated from a civil protection educational facility or retired from civil protection service or military service, fit for civil protection service, and is under maximum civil protection service time.

2. An individual who entered into civil protection reserve contract:

1) Shall be assigned to civil protection service and regarded to be in the special register throughout the contract;

2) Recruited to civil protection service for the time of mobilisation under conditions defined by this contract to carry out assigned functions.

3. The individual recruited to civil protection service under reserve contract keeps for the time of mobilisation his/her work, position and average salary at the production facility, institution or organisation of any ownership.

4. Individuals registered in civil protection reserve and recruited to civil protection service for the time of mobilisation under the contract to carry out responsibilities of executive staff are subject to a special security check with their written consent under the Law of Ukraine "On Prevention of Corruption".

{Article 107, Part IV as amended by Laws No 224-VII of 14.05.2013, No 524-IX of 04.03.2020}

5. The procedure and scope of training of individuals under civil protection reserve contract and time of camp inspection or training is identified by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

6. The procedure of payments and allowance amount of the civil protection reserve staff is identified by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

7. Non-executive and executive staff of civil protection service is increased in the time of targeted mobilisation following the procedure identified by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

8. Individuals recruited under civil protection reserve contracts are retired following the decision taken under the procedure provided for in the Laws of Ukraine "On Legal Regime of Emergency" and "On Mobilisation Training and Mobilisation".

Article 108. The oath of civil protection service

1. Citizens of Ukraine recruited to civil protection service for the first time shall take the Oath and sign it in person. The Oath includes the following:

"I, citizen of Ukraine (full name), join civil protection service and take the Oath to be ever loyal to the people of Ukraine, adhere to the Constitution and laws of Ukraine, be honest, conscientious and disciplined.

I pledge my high responsibility in duties, statutes and orders, continuous improvement of skills and full support in strengthening the authority of the civil protection service.

I pledge my courageous and strong protection of the life and health of people, property of Ukraine, natural environment against emergencies.

If I am not true to this Oath I am ready to be held accountable under the law.

Article 109. Rescue worker status

1. Rescue worker is the person certified for rescue and other urgent operations, firefighting, and directly involved in those operations, has respective special, physical, psychological and medical training.

2. Citizens of Ukraine acquire the rescue worker status by a decision of respective certification authority based on certification result.

Article 110. Rights and responsibilities of rescue worker

1. In his job rescue worker follows this Code and regulatory and other civil protection, rescue and/or firefighting documents. During the rescue and other urgent operations and firefighting, the rescue worker reports to his direct management. Only designated officials have the right to interfere with the rescue worker activity during emergency rescue and other urgent operations and/or firefighting.

2. Rescue workers have the right to:

1) Receive free medical assistance from emergency medical service and respective medical facilities that fall under emergency medical service;

2) Receive medical and psychological rehabilitation in medical facilities and rehabilitation centres following the procedure set in this Code;

3) Improve their theoretical knowledge and professional skills during working hours in accordance with the established procedure;

4) The priority tickets for any transport to access the site of emergency rescue and other urgent operations and/or firefighting;

5) Establish trade unions under existing procedure (except for non-executive and executive staff of civil protection service).

3. During emergency response operations rescue workers have the right to:

1) Receive complete and reliable information including information about businesses and territories of rescue and other urgent operations and/or firefighting required for their duties;

2) Free access to businesses affected by an emergency;

3) Request compliance with set safety rules from all those in emergency zone;

4) Civil protection equipment that conforms to the technology of emergency rescue and other urgent operations and/or firefighting;

5) Free meal.

4. Responsibilities of rescue workers:

1) During emergency response operations rescue workers must be proactive, dedicated and persistent;

2) Rescue workers must be proactive in emergency rescue and other urgent operations, firefighting and take all required steps to rescue people, provide emergency medical and other assistance, avoid unnecessary risk;

3) Comply with technology requirements of rescue and other urgent operations;

4) In case of an off-duty fire or other emergency inform rescue (fire) unit and undertake supervision, rescue and emergency operations or firefighting, emergency medical assistance prior to the arrival of the rescue unit;

5) Take periodical emergency medical assistance training;

6) Comply with respective statute, provision, emergency and other urgent operation requirements, firefighting procedures;

7) Improve professional skills, keep physical conditions at appropriate level;

8) Ensure ready status of civil protection equipment;

9) Raise people's safety awareness to avoid emergencies and how to act in the event of an emergency;

10) Keep secret official and confidential information that comes to the attention of rescue workers in course of their duties.

5. Other rescue worker duties are defined in respective statutes, job description (responsibilities) and contracts they signed in recruitment.

6. Rescue workers are held responsible under the law for the Improper fulfilment of their duties.

Article 111. Uniforms and insignia of non-executive and executive staff of civil protection service and key staff of state emergency rescue services

1. Non-executive and executive staff of civil protection service is provided with uniforms and respective insignia from the funds of the State budget of Ukraine allocated to the central executive authority in charge of shaping and implementing the state policy on civil protection, another central executive authority responsible for the state supervision in man-made and fire safety.

2. Description and samples of uniforms and respective insignia of non-executive and executive staff of civil protection service and uniform provision standards shall be approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

3. Use of uniforms and insignia of non-executive and executive staff of civil protection service by outsiders is punishable by law.

4. Uniforms are provided for the key staff of the state emergency rescue services from the funds allocated for the maintenance of the state emergency rescue services based on standards and samples approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

Article 112. Provision of ammunition, equipment and individual protection equipment for non-executive and executive staff of civil protection service and key staff of the state emergency rescue services

1. Ammunition, equipment and individual protection equipment is provided for the following staff to ensure emergency rescue and other urgent emergency response operations and firefighting:

1) Non-executive and executive staff of civil protection service from the State budget of Ukraine allocated to the central executive authority in charge of shaping and implementing the state policy on civil protection, another central executive authority responsible for the state supervision in man-made and fire safety.

2) Staff of departmental, local and voluntary fire units from local budget and budgets of businesses that maintain these fire units;

3) Key staff of emergency rescue services from the budget allocated for the maintenance of these emergency rescue services;

4) Staff of civil protection units from budget of businesses that establish these units.

Article 113. Provision of food for non-executive and executive staff of civil protection service and key staff of emergency rescue services

1. Non-executive and executive staff of civil protection service and key staff of emergency rescue services, emergency medical service is provided with free meals:

1) During civil protection service in accordance with standards and professional categories set by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine;

2) During emergency response operations from the budgets of local state administrations and local governments, budgets of businesses within the emergency zone;

3) During emergency response operations in foreign countries and on the way to destination and back from the funds allocated for foreign emergency assistance.

Article 114. Identity card

1. Individuals and employees of civil protection service or perform service in civil protection forces under the central executive authority in charge of shaping and implementing the state policy on civil protection, emergency medical service, other central executive authorities responsible for the state supervision in man-made and fire safety, implementation of industrial safety, occupational safety and state supervision in the mining industry, management of the exclusion zone and zone of mandatory (unconditional) resettlement are provided with identity cards.

2. Samples of identity cards, issuance, revocation and replacement procedure is identified by the central executive authority in charge of shaping and implementing the state policy in the field of civil protection and the central executive authority in charge of shaping and implementing the state policy in the field of occupational safety under its respective authority.

3. Individuals who perform civil protection service or work in management authorities and civil protection forces are provided during the special period with international civil protection identity cards set in accordance with The Protocol Additional to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949 and relating to the Protection of Victims of International Armed Conflicts (Protocol 1 of 8 June 1977).

Section X

Chapter 24. Social and legal protection

Article 115. Social and legal protection of non-executive and executive staff of civil protection service, management authorities and civil protection forces staff

1. The state ensures social and legal protection of non-executive and executive staff of civil protection service, management authorities and civil protection forces staff and their family members in accordance with the Constitution of Ukraine, this Code and other legal acts.

Article 116. Civil rights and freedoms of non-executive and executive staff of civil protection service, emergency rescue staff

1. Non-executive and executive staff of civil protection service have the right to establish public associations under the existing law. Non-executive and executive staff of civil protection service can not be members of political parties, organisations or movements. Non-executive and executive staff of civil protection service, employees of professional emergency rescue services are not allowed to organise strikes or participate in strikes.

2. Non-executive and executive staff of civil protection service must suspend their membership in political parties, organisations or movements for their service period.

Chapter 25. Medical services, one-off financial aid and insurance

Article 117. Medical services and spa treatment for non-executive and executive staff of civil protection service, family members, and employees of professional emergency rescue services

1. Medical services for non-executive and executive staff of civil protection service are provided by healthcare facilities of the central executive authority in charge of shaping and implementing the state policy in the field of civil protection.

2. Non-executive and executive staff of civil protection service take yearly medical check-up and preventive treatment as required.

3. If there are no healthcare facilities of the central executive authority in charge of shaping and implementing the state policy in the field of civil protection or healthcare facilities (units) have no specific wards, specialists, special equipment at duty station or place of residence of non-executive and executive staff of civil protection service, the above individuals shall be treated at healthcare facilities of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, central executive authority in charge of shaping and implementing the state policy in the field of healthcare, other state or municipal healthcare facilities from the funds allocated to the central executive authority in charge of shaping and implementing the state policy in the field of civil protection.

4. Non-executive and executive staff of civil protection service have the right to a spa treatment at spa facilities of the central executive authority in charge of shaping and implementing the state policy in the field of civil protection and other spa facilities of any ownership or organisational affiliation from the funds allocated to the central executive authority in charge of shaping and implementing the state policy in the field of civil protection.

Benefits set out in this part provided that the family total average income in the previous 6 months per one family member is not higher than the income that gives rise to tax benefits identified by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

{Article 117, Part IV is amended with subparagraph 2 to comply with Law No 1166-VII of 27.03.2014}

5. Non-executive and executive staff of civil protection service referred to a spa after healthcare facilities for continued treatment are entitled to free treatment.

6. Civil protection service employees who retired with a disability I and II as a result of disease, trauma or injury they sustained in course of their service are entitled to a spa treatment regardless of their pension type. Civil protection service employees with a disability III who retired on health grounds and receive a disability pension are entitled to a spa treatment based on their medical conditions.

7. Civil protection service employees who retired with a disability as a result of disease or injury they sustained in course of their service are entitled to a spa treatment from the funds allocated to the central executive authority in charge of shaping and implementing the state policy in the field of civil protection, other central executive authorities responsible for the state supervision of man-made and fire safety, implementation of industrial safety, occupational safety, and state supervision in the mining industry, management of the exclusion zone and zone of mandatory (unconditional) resettlement.

8. The procedure and conditions of medical assistance, spa treatment of non-executive and executive staff of civil protection service and their family members at healthcare facilities of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, central executive authority in charge of shaping and implementing the state policy in the field of health care, other state or municipal healthcare facilities, and settlements between them and the central executive authority in charge of shaping and implementing the state policy in the field of civil protection are identified by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

9. Medical services for key staff of professional emergency rescue services are provided by healthcare facilities under their authority and under health service contracts at state or municipal healthcare facilities funded from the maintenance budget.

10. Key staff of professional emergency rescue services must take a yearly medical check-up and a check-up after each emergency rescue operation. Check-up frequency and procedure are established by the central executive authority in charge of shaping and implementing the state policy in the field of healthcare.

11. On request of non-executive or executive staff of civil protection service, a key employee of a professional emergency rescue service, an extraordinary medical check-up is scheduled if the employee believes that his/her bad health is related to his/her professional duties or prevents the further work.

12. An extraordinary medical check-up of non-executive or executive staff of civil protection service, a key employee of a professional emergency rescue service can be scheduled on the employer's initiative if the health of such employees prevents further work or contract responsibilities.

13. The procedure of medical services, provisional leave from work of non-executive and executive staff of civil protection service in case of disease, trauma or injury are identified by the central executive authority in charge of shaping and implementing the state policy in the field of civil protection upon agreement with the central executive authority in charge of shaping and implementing the state policy in the field of healthcare.

14. Staff directly involved in emergency rescue and other urgent operations or engaged in a 24-hour presence related to emergency response operations, is entitled to take once a year a free medical and psychological rehabilitation of fewer than 14 days, and those who were injured or engaged in emergency rescue operations involving people's death must take respective treatment and medical and psychological rehabilitation at medical and psychological rehabilitation centres.

15. Medical expert commissions of the central executive authority in charge of shaping and implementing the state policy in the field of civil protection, or central executive authority in charge of shaping and implementing the state policy in the field of healthcare at the place of employment issue conclusions on required medical and psychological rehabilitation for professional emergency rescue and civil protection staff.

16. Conclusions on medical and psychological rehabilitation of non-executive and executive staff of civil protection service are issued by the medical expert commissions of the central executive authority in charge of shaping and implementing the state policy in the field of civil protection.

17. For the time of medical check-up and medical and psychological rehabilitation, the key professional emergency rescue and civil protection staff retain their average employment earnings.

18. Transport to the treatment facility and medical and psychological rehabilitation of the individuals entitled to medical treatment and medical and psychological rehabilitation under this Article is paid from the maintenance funds allocated to the central executive authority responsible for policy-making and implementation of the state civil protection, central executive authority responsible for the state supervision of man-made and fire safety, professional emergency rescue services.

19. The procedure of medical and psychological rehabilitation is identified in the joint act of the central executive authority in charge of shaping and implementing the state policy in the field of civil protection and the central executive authority in charge of shaping and implementing the state policy in the field of healthcare.

20. To prevent outbreak and distribution of infectious diseases, poisoning, radioactive exposure of non-executive and executive staff of civil protection service, medical units of the central executive authority in charge of shaping and implementing the state policy in the field of civil protection supervise the sanitary and epidemiological situation within the divisions and units under their authority,

Article 118. One-off financial assistance paid in case of death, trauma, injury, disease, or disability of non-executive or executive staff of civil protection service

1. In case a non-executive or executive of civil protection dies while on duties, his family, and in case he has none, his parents and persons in his care shall receive one-off financial assistance equal to the ten-year allowance of the diseased at his last employment based on the procedure and conditions identified by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

2. In case of trauma or injury sustained by a non-executive or executive of civil protection service while performing his duties, and disability caused while performing his duties, or at least within 3 months after retirement resulting from disease or incident occurred in course of duty and related to duty, depending on the degree of incapacity, such person is entitled to the one-off financial assistance equal to up to the five-year allowance at his last employment based on the procedure and conditions identified by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. The degree of incapacity of a non-executive or executive of civil protection service sustained while performing his duties is determined for each particular case as required by law.

3. In all cases, the amount of the one-off financial assistance paid in case of death of a non-executive or executive of civil protection service can't be less than 100 living wages legally set for capable people during disability payments.

4. If a non-executive or executive of civil protection service or his family member is entitled to simultaneous one-off payment on the grounds described in this Article, one-off financial assistance, or compensation set by other laws, the payment is done on either ground at the entitled person's choice.

Chapter 26. Housing needs and utility costs

Article 119. Housing needs of non-executive and executive staff of civil protection service and rescue workers

1. Housing needs of non-executive and executive staff of civil protection service and their family members are funded from the state and local budgets.

2. State administrations, local governments provide priority housing for non-executive and executive staff of civil protection authorities and units in need of improvement of their living conditions.

3. Non-executive and executive staff of civil protection authorities and units is provided with a lodging or hostel room until permanent housing is provided. In case civil protection authorities or units don't have such accommodation, the respective civil protection authority or unit rents a temporary accommodation for non-executive and executive staff of the civil protection service or units or compensate them rent cost under the procedure, conditions and in the amount identified by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. These individuals retain the right for the accommodation they had before the employment at civil protection service. They can't be removed from the housing list. In case the above persons continue their service for more than 5 years, they are provided with accommodation on general basis.

4. Non-executive and executive staff of civil protection authorities and units and their family members living with them shall be provided with accommodation in accordance with the requirements of Article 50 of the Housing Code of the Ukrainian SSR.

5. Non-executive and executive staff of civil protection authorities and units including those who serve for at least 20 years and equivalent persons retired for health or age reasons, or due to reduction of staff are subject to priority accommodation allocated by central executive authorities, local state administrations no later than 3 months of the arrival of such person to his appropriately chosen place of residence.

6. Non-executive and executive staff of civil protection authorities and units retired for disability reasons resulting from an injury (trauma) or disease they sustained while serving are entitled to priority accommodation at their appropriately chosen place of residence.

7. Students and attendants of educational facilities of the central executive authority in charge of shaping and implementing the state policy in the field of civil protection who have a family are entitled to hostel rooms. In case of unavailability of hostel rooms, they are compensated for the temporary rent of accommodation in the amount, identified by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

8. In case of transferring of a non-executive and executive of civil protection authorities and units who serves for at least 20 years outside Ukraine, or to a radiation-contaminated location after the Chornobyl Disaster, the housing they resided at with their family is reserved for the time they stay outside Ukraine or in the above location.

9. Non-executive and executive staff of civil protection authorities and units serving for at least 17 years, including military or enforcement service, in need of improvement of their living conditions, are entitled to free land allocated by local state administrations, local governments for the construction and maintenance of a house, outhouses and facilities (farmland), summer house and garage, agricultural and gardening activities within appropriately chosen municipalities. The above persons and family members pay 50 per cent of set rent.

10. Local governments allocate land within their legal authority and can provide assistance in house building and purchase of construction materials to non-executive and executive staff of civil protection, parents of non-executive and executive staff of civil protection who died or gone missing during their service, and to non-executive and executive staff of civil protection who became disabled during their service in case they express a desire to build a single-owner house.

11. Non-executive and executive staff of civil protection who have no permanent accommodation are entitled to a 20-year soft bank loan for the construction of a house or a house (flat) purchase with repayments from the state budget funds allocated for the maintenance of the central executive authority in charge of shaping and implementing the state policy in the field of civil protection, the central executive authority responsible for the state supervision of man-made and fire safety; for those who served for more than 15 years – 50 per cent, more than 20 years – 75 per cent, more than 25 years – 100 per cent of bank loan. Non-executive and executive staff of civil protection service is entitled to a one-off loan during their entire service under the procedure established by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

12. Non-executive and executive staff of civil protection with at least 20 years of service retired for health or age reasons, or due to reduction, or persons with I and II disability, family members of non-executive and executive staff of civil protection authorities or units who died or gone missing while their duty performance, are entitled to own their residence in a state-owned building in accordance with the law.

13. Families of civil protection non-executives and executives who died while on duty requiring improvement of their living conditions are provided with priority permanent housing within 3 months.

14. Families of non-executives and executives of civil protection authorities and units who died while on duty who are in need of improvement of their living conditions have accommodation priority.

15. Families of rescue workers who died while on duty retain the accommodation right including conditions provided for by contracts signed by the rescue workers. The central executive authority in charge of shaping and implementing the state policy in the field of civil protection, the central executive authority responsible for the state supervision of man-made and fire safety, emergency rescue service employed the dead rescue worker together with the respective local state administration, local government, the non-governmental organisation must finalise the matter of allocation of housing for the family of the dead rescue worker within 6 months of his death.

16. Local state administrations and local governments provide priority housing under the law for the retired rescue workers of emergency rescue service who took a post within the service for over 20 years and in case of their disability sustained during the performance of their duties.

Article 120. Paying utility bills

1. 50% rent and utility discount (water supply, gas, electricity, heating, etc.) in residential buildings of any ownership within the consumption rates set out by law and fuel cost including liquid fuel within the rates set out for residents of buildings without centralised heating is offered to:

1) Non-executives and executives of civil protection service and family members they support;

2) Parents and family members of non-executives and executives of civil protection services who died or gone missing while on duty;

3) Civil protection service employees superannuated or retired for age, health reasons, or due to a disability sustained while on duty and their family members.

2. The benefits included in Part I of this Article are offered when the family average total income per one person in the previous 6 months is no greater than the income that entitles to social benefits identified by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

{Article 120, Part II as amended by Law No 1166-VII of 27.03.2014, No 76-VIII of 28.12.2014}

Chapter 27. Additional social protection guarantees

Article 121. Social protection of family members of non-executive and executive staff of civil protection service and key staff of professional emergency rescue services

1. Children of non-executives and executives of civil protection service who died while on duty and key staff of professional emergency rescue services have the priority right to enter civil protection and other educational facilities in accordance with the law.

2. In case of death of a non-executive or executive of civil protection service while on duty, his family members or the person responsible for the burial are entitled to burial assistance or compensation of burial and memorial costs in the amount established by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

3. The family of the diseased employee who was engaged in departmental and local fire protection and the member of voluntary fire department retain the right for benefits he had during employment.

Article 122. Additional social protection guarantees for non-executive or executive staff of civil protection service and management authority and civil protection forces staff

1. The Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, local state administrations, local governments may provide additional social protection guarantees for non-executive and executive staff of civil protection service and civil protection forces and authorities funded from local budgets set by this Code.

Article 123. Transport costs of non-executive and executive staff of civil protection service and rescue workers

1. Non-executive and executive staff of civil protection service and rescue workers are entitled to priority tickets for any transport types without regard to seat availability and hotel accommodation in their official trips.

2. In case of transfer to a new job, non-executive and executive staff of civil protection service are entitled to settling allowances in the amount and under the procedureestablished by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

Article 124. Veterans of civil protection service

1. Veteran of civil protection service status and family member of veteran of civil protection service status is identified by the law.

Chapter 28. Financial support, pension, wage

Article 125. Financial support of non-executive and executive staff of civil protection service

1. The state guarantees financial support of non-executive and executive staff of civil protection service to ensure commitment and diligence.

2. The procedure and conditions of financial support of non-executive and executive staff of civil protection service are established by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

Article 126. The wage of staff engaged in departmental and local fire protection and included in units or specialised civil protection services

1. The staff engaged in departmental and local fire protection receive payment in accordance with the law.

2. The staff included in units or specialised civil protection services receive an hourly payment for emergency response operations in accordance with their position and law.

3. Civil protection volunteers, individuals engaged in case-by-case emergency response operations are remunerated for the firefighting, fire prevention activity and duty services under civil law contracts between those individuals and the Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, local state administrations, local governments, business that involved individuals to the above operations funded from the budgets allocated for emergency response based on average monthly salary at their main job but no less than ten tax-free income minimums.

Article 127. Pension of non-executive and executive staff of civil protection service

1. Pension for non-executive and executive staff of civil protection service is paid under the procedure and in the amount set in the Law of Ukraine "On Pension of the Retired from Military Service and Some Other Persons".

Chapter 29. Working time and leaves

Article 128. Working time of civil protection authorities and units

1. Working time of the non-executive and executive staff of the civil protection service is established at 40 hours per week.

2. In the case of a high-alert, emergency regime and the threat of specific emergencies, or during emergency response operations, non-executive and executive staff of civil protection service and employees of civil protection authorities and units shall work long hours, on weekends and holidays.

3. The long-hour work, weekends and holidays work of non-executive and executive staff of civil protection service is paid in accordance with the Labour Code,

4. Non-executive and executive staff of civil protection service is entitled to other off days for the work on weekends and holidays.

Article 129. Right to leave of non-executive and executive staff of civil protection service. Non-executive and executive staff of civil protection service can take a leave and be recalled from a leave under established procedure

1. Non-executive and executive staff of civil protection service have the right for the following leave types:

1) Annual regular leave;

2) Additional school holiday;

3) Sabbatical;

4) Other additional leaves provided by law;

5) Social leaves:

a) Maternity leave;

b) 3-year parental leave;

6) Sick leave due to disease;

7) Leave for family and other good reasons.

2. Non-executive and executive staff of civil protection service are entitled to annual regular leave at a full material compensation and financial recreational support in the amount of monthly wage. Leave of non-executive and executive staff of civil protection service whose time of service (in calendar terms) calculated following the procedure established for non-executive and executive staff of civil protection service is under 10 years - 30 calendar days, 10 to 15 years - 35 calendar days, 15 to 20 years - 40 calendar days, over 20 years - 45 calendar days.

Non-executive and executive staff of civil protection service involved in military activities and persons of equivalent status are entitled to an annual regular leave of 45 days at a convenient time without regard to the time of service.

4. Leaves are measured in calendar days. Holidays and days-off are not accounted for in the annual regular leave granted to non-executive and executive staff of the civil protection service and social leaves granted to persons with children.

5. Annual regular leave doesn't account for the time required to arrive at the destination and then return within Ukraine. This time is also not accountable in case the leave is split in two or an employee is recalled from leave.

5. Annual regular leave is granted within a calendar year. In specific cases on respective executive permit, annual regular leave can be granted for the previous year in the 1st quarter of the next year providing it wasn't granted for serious reasons.

7. On the 1st year of service, annual regular leave is equal to 1/12 of the leave granted to non-executive and executive staff of the civil protection service per each calendar month of service before the calendar year-end. The non-executive and executive staff of the civil protection service entitled to a leave of 10 and more days are granted additional time to arrive at the destination and then return. Leave of less than 10 days can be granted at the request of a non-executive and executive of the civil protection service at the time of the next year annual regular leave. Annual regular leave is granted under the same procedure to non-executives and executives of the civil protection service who were on a 3-year parental leave.

8. Annual regular leave of 40 and more calendar days can be split in two at the request of a non-executive and executive of the civil protection service providing that its main half is 30 calendar day long,

9. Leave of non-executives and executives of the civil protection service who got sick in the time of annual regular leave or annual additional leave shall be extended upon recovery for sickness time by the executive who granted the leave.

10. Non-executives and executives of the civil protection service taking entrance exams in civil protection and other educational facilities are entitled to the leave specified in the exam document issued by the educational facility, minus the time required to arrive at the educational facility and then return.

11. Full-time students (attendants) of civil protection educational facilities are entitled to school holidays of up to 14 calendar days in winter and up to 30 calendar days in summer. Duration of these leaves doesn't depend on service time.

Summer school holiday is the main holiday and winter school holiday is the additional holiday. The time required to arrive at the destination and then return is not accounted for in the leaves.

In case students of civil protection educational facilities have school debt, they are granted a leave after the debt is paid within the time set in the school schedule. Summer school holiday can be less than 15 calendar days.

Apart from school holidays specified in subparagraph 1 of this part, students (attendants) of civil protection educational facilities can also be granted additional sick leave or family leave following the procedure described in Part XVI and XVII of this Article,

12. Non-executives and executives of the civil protection service approved for study or an official trip outside Ukraine, are entitled to annual regular leave which they have to fully use before the school or departure outside Ukraine.

13. Non-executives and executives of the civil protection service who graduated from civil protection educational facilities and have the first executive rank are entitled to 30 calendar day annual regular leave upon graduation, typically at their assigned place of service.

14. Non-executives and executives of the civil protection service on an official trip outside Ukraine can combine on their request annual regular leave for two years. The total time of combined leave shouldn't be over 90 calendar days excluding the time required to arrive at the destination and then return.

15. In case the above persons are promoted or transferred, the leave (or its part) they didn't use over the previous or current year shall be granted at their new place of service or new position. If required combined leave can be split within its total length.

16. Non-executives and executive staff of the civil protection service is entitled to a school holiday, sabbatical and social leave under the Law of Ukraine "On Leaves". They are entitled to other additional leaves on the grounds and under the procedure established by law.

17. Family leave at a full material compensation is granted to non-executives and executive staff of the civil protection service in the following cases:

1) Marriage - for up to 10 calendar days;

2) Critical health condition or death of a family member:

a) Wife (husband), father (mother), stepfather (stepmother), son (daughter), stepson (stepdaughter), brother (sister) of a non-executive and executive of the civil protection service, wife's (husband's) father (mother), or the person who brought up the non-executive and executive of the civil protection service - for up to 7 calendar days excluding the time required to arrive at the destination and then return;

b) Other relatives - for up to 3 calendar days excluding the time required to arrive at the destination and then return;

3) Fire or other natural disaster affected the family of a non-executive and executive of the civil protection service, or persons listed in par. 2 of this Part - for up to 15 calendar days excluding the time required to arrive at the destination and then return;

4) Other exceptional cases requiring the presence of a non-executive and executive of the civil protection service on the decision of respective executive civil protection authority and unit - for up to 3 calendar days excluding the time required to arrive at the destination and then return;

18. Family leave is granted when a non-executive and executive of the civil protection service has used his annual regular leave and other additional leaves.

19. Sick leave at full compensation is granted on basis of medical expert certificate. Length of leave depends on the nature of the disease based on the medical expert certificate. Total continuous leave from work due to temporary incapacity as a result of disease and sick leave shouldn't be over 4 months (except when the law provides for a longer time in hospital). This time can be extended by direct authority based on medical certificate.

20. Sick leave of non-executive and executive staff of the civil protection service in relation to the injury sustained while on duty, occupational disease and other health problems is not limited. Upon completion of their treatment, the above persons are referred to a medical expert check-up.

21. Sick leave is not granted after issuing a retirement order of a non-executive and executive of the civil protection service.

22. Wife (husband) of a non-executive and executive of the civil protection service are entitled at her/his request to annual regular leave at a convenient time at the same time as the non-executive and executive of the civil protection service.

23. Non-executive and executive staff of the civil protection service to be retired except those retired for age, health reasons or redundancy are entitled at their request to annual regular leave of 1/12 of the leave they are entitled to under this Code per each full month of service in the year of retirement. In case the leave is more than 10 calendar days they are entitled to additional time to arrive at the destination and then return.

24. Non-executive and executive staff of the civil protection service to be retired for age, health reasons and due to reduction are entitled at their request to annual regular leave in the year of retirement of the length set in this Code.

25. In the year of retirement specified in Part XXII, XXIV of this Article, in case non-executive and executive staff of the civil protection service didn't use their annual regular leave or additional leave, they are entitled to financial compensation for all unused days of annual regular leave and days of additional leave.

26. In case a non-executive and executive of the civil protection service is retired before the calendar year-end in which he/she has already used annual regular and additional leave, except those retired for age, health reasons, directly subordinate to a family member, redundancy, or institutional arrangements, based on the order of executive (head) of civil protection authority and unit, head of the authority, educational facility, institution and organisation he/she is subject to deduction of allowance for the days of the leave used from the part of the calendar year remaining after the retirement of the non-executive and executive of the civil protection service.

{Article 129, Part XXVI as amended by Law No 524-IX of 04.03.2020}

27. In case of death of a non-executive and executive of the civil protection service he/she is not subject to the deduction of allowance for the used days of leave.

28. In case a non-executive and executive of the civil protection service retires (except dismissal due to professional incompetence, an indictment which came into force establishing conviction, restriction of freedom, demotion, disqualification from the office, effective court's decision on a corruption-related administrative offence, disciplinary demotion, and systematic violation of contract provisions by a non-executive and executive) and didn't use annual regular leave he can take the unused leave with the consequent retirement.

{Article 129, Part XXVIII as amended by Law No 224-VII of 14.05.2013, No 524-IX of 04.03.2020}

29. In this case the retirement date of a non-executive and executive of the civil protection service is the last day of leave.

30. In case a non-executive and executive of the civil protection service is retired at the end of his/her contract, annual regular leave he/she didn't use can be granted at his request when the length of the leave exceeds in full or in part the length of his/her contract. In this case, the contract is extended till the end of the leave.

31. Non-executives and executives of the civil protection service can only be recalled from annual regular leave by the superior who granted it in case of need. The unused part of leave is granted following the procedure provided in Part VI of this Article. If the unused part of leave is more than 10 calendar days non-executive and executive staff of the civil protection service is entitled to the additional time required to arrive at a holiday destination and then return, however, this destination can't be farther than the destination he has been recalled from.

32. Leaves are granted to non-executive and executive staff of the civil protection service on the grounds and under the procedure provided by the law.

Section XI

Chapter 30. Additional functions of civil protection entities

Article 130. Unified National Civil Protection System planning management

1. To manage Unified National Civil Protection System, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, central executive authorities, local state administrations, local governments, business make and approve:

1) Emergency action plan (for Ukraine, industry, the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, oblast, city, raion, city district, business entity) and businesses of under 50 employees make and approve an emergency instruction for business staff;

2) Emergency Localisation and Response Plan for high-risk facilities;

3) Civil Protection Plan for the Special Period (for Ukraine, the industry, the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, oblast, city, raion, city district and business entity that continues operating in wartime and is categorised in civil protection category);

4) Yearly Basic Activity Plan of the Civil Protection of Ukraine;

5) Yearly Basic Activity Plan of the Civil Protection of Functional and Territorial Subsystems and Units;

6) Targeted Mobilisation Plan to address state-level emergency aftermath in peacetime, or respective targeted mobilisation steps (to be made for all levels).

2. The planning procedure is identified by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

Article 131. Keeping emergency registry

1. Ukraine keeps emergency registry, fires in particular.

2. Emergency registry is kept under the procedure identified by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

3. Central executive authorities, the Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, local state administrations, local governments, businesses must keep the emergency registry, fires, in particular, occurred on territories and businesses, submit respective statistical reports, review emergency and fire cause, and take steps to prevent them.

Article 132. Civil protection technical and scientific management

1. To ensure civil protection technical and scientific management departmental scientific establishments and scientific and industrial facilities operate within the central executive authority in charge of shaping and implementing the state policy in the field of civil protection and central executive authority in charge of shaping and implementing the state policy in the field of healthcare established by the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine based on the request of the respective authority and approved by the central executive authority in charge of shaping and implementing the state policy on education and science.

2. The required number of departmental scientific establishments and scientific and industrial facilities is identified by the central executive authority in charge of shaping and implementing the state policy in the field of civil protection and central executive authority in charge of shaping and implementing the state policy in the field of healthcare approved by the central executive authority in charge of shaping and implementing the state policy on education and science.

3. Scientific and technical and scientific activity of departmental scientific establishments and scientific and industrial facilities is based on the Law of Ukraine “On Scientific and Technical and Scientific Activity”, “On Scientific and Technical and Scientific Examination”, acts of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and respective central executive authorities under their authority.

4. Management of scientific and technical and scientific activity of departmental scientific establishments and scientific and industrial facilities is carried out by respective central executive authorities under their authority.

Article 133. Emergency rescue management of businesses and territories

1. Businesses and specific territories under an emergency risk are subject to ongoing and mandatory emergency rescue management by properly certified emergency rescue services on a contractual basis.

{Article 133, Part I as amended by Law No 353-VII of 20.06.2013}

2. Emergency rescue management includes respective emergency prevention, localisation and response services, other contractual services.

3. Businesses, industries, and specific territories subject to ongoing and mandatory emergency rescue management, and the service procedures are identified by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

Article 134. Paid emergency rescue services

1. State, regional and municipal emergency rescue services can provide paid services that do not hamper and impede their main activity.

{Article 134, Part I, subparagraph 1 as amended by Law No 353-VII of 20.06.2013}

List of paid services is identified by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

2. Proceedings received from paid services shall be utilised under the law.

Chapter 31. International cooperation in civil protection

Article 135. Providing emergency response assistance to foreign countries

1. Emergency response assistance is provided to foreign countries based on assistance request made by respective authority of the county affected by an emergency.

2. Decision on emergency response assistance to foreign countries requested such assistance including sending of emergency rescue units outside Ukraine is made by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

3. In case a territory of adjacent state requests assistance in emergency response, the head of the central executive authority in charge of shaping and implementing the state policy in the field of civil protection is entitled to take a decision on sending quick emergency response units and special equipment.

Article 136. International emergency response assistance to Ukraine

1. International emergency response assistance to Ukraine is provided based on the request for such assistance or an offer of assistance from foreign countries and international organisations.

2. Decision on requesting emergency response assistance from international organisations or foreign countries is made by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

3. In case of an emergency in the oblast of Ukraine bordering with another country when the engagement of emergency rescue units of the adjacent region of the foreign country is more practical, the head of the central executive authority in charge of shaping and implementing the state policy in the field of civil protection is entitled to request emergency response assistance from the respective administrative authority of the foreign country.

Article 137. Civil protection representation in international organisations

1. Ukraine is represented in international organisations on civil protection by the central executive authority in charge of shaping and implementing the state policy in the field of civil protection, other central executive authorities responsible for the state supervision in man-made and fire safety, industrial safety, occupational safety and state supervision in the mining industry, management of the exclusion zone and zone of mandatory (unconditional) resettlement.

Chapter 32. Civil protection monitoring

Article 138. Monitoring of civil protection authorities and forces

1. Civil protection authorities and forces are monitored under the procedure established by the Constitution and laws of Ukraine.

Article 139. Public monitoring of compliance with civil protection laws

1. Public monitoring of compliance with civil protection laws and other regulatory documents is carried out by civil protection non-governmental organisations in accordance with their respective statutes.

Chapter 33. Civil protection law violation liability

Article 140. Civil protection law violation liability

1. Individuals responsible for the violation of civil protection laws are accountable under the law.

Section XII

1. This Code takes effect on the date following the publishing date and is enforced starting from 1 July 2013.

2. The following documents are null and void from the date of enforcement of this Code:

1) Law of Ukraine "On Civil Protection of Ukraine" (News from the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, 1993, No 14, p. 124; 1999, No 19, p. 171; 2001, No 32, p. 172; 2004, No 19, p. 259; 2007, No 33, p. 442);

2) Bill of Ukrainian Parliament "On the Enactment Procedure of Law of Ukraine "On Civil Protection of Ukraine" (News from the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, 1993, No 14, p. 125);

3) Law of Ukraine "On Fire Safety" (News from the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, 1994, No 5, p. 21 as amended);

4) Bill of Ukrainian Parliament "On the Enactment Procedure of the Law of Ukraine "On Fire Safety" (News from the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, 1994, No 5, p. 22);

5) Law of Ukraine "On General Framework and Number of Civil Defence Forces" (News from the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, 1999, No 5-6, p. 40);

6) Law of Ukraine "On Civil Defence Forces of Ukraine" (News from the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, 1999, No 19, p. 172);

7) Law of Ukraine "On Emergency Rescue Services" (News from the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, 2000, No 4, p. 25; 2001, No 9, p. 38; 2006, No 22, p. 184; 2009, No 9, p. 117; 2011, No 6, p. 41; revised by the Law of Ukraine of 5 July 2012 No 5081-VI);

8) Law of Ukraine "On Protection of People and Territories against Man-Made and Natural Emergencies" (News from the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, 2000, No 40, p. 337; 2004, No 19, p. 259; 2006, No 22, p. 199; 2009, No 9, p. 117);

9) Law of Ukraine "On Legal Grounds of Civil Protection" (News from the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, 2004, No 39, p. 488; 2005, Nos 17-19, p. 267; 2006, No 51, p. 519; 2007, No 33, p. 442; 2008, Nos 5-8, p. 78; 2009, No 15, p. 188; 2010, No 5, p. 42; 2011, No 34, p. 343; as amended by Law of Ukraine No 5081-VI of 5 July 2012).

{Par. 3, Section XII is removed based on Law No 353-VII of 20.06.2013}

4. Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine within six months of the effective date of this Code must:

{Par. 4, subparagraph 2, section XII is removed based on Law No 353-VII of 20.06.2013}

ensure adoption of regulatory acts provided by this Code;

bring its regulatory acts in line with this Code;

ensure conformity of regulatory acts of ministries and other central executive authorities of Ukraine to this Code;

ensure revision of identification criteria of businesses of high level of acceptable man-made and fire safety risk.

President of Ukraine


City of Kyiv
2 October 2012
No 5403-VI

Про затвердження Правил експлуатації та типових норм належності вогнегасників | від 15.01.2018 № 25



15.01.2018  № 25

Зареєстровано в Міністерстві
юстиції України
23 лютого 2018 р.
за № 225/31677

Про затвердження Правил експлуатації та типових норм належності вогнегасників

{Із змінами, внесеними згідно з Наказом Міністерства
внутрішніх справ
№ 765 від 28.10.2020}

Відповідно до пункту 33 частини другої статті 17 Кодексу цивільного захисту України, з метою вдосконалення нормативно-правового забезпечення у сфері пожежної безпеки НАКАЗУЮ:

1. Затвердити Правила експлуатації та типові норми належності вогнегасників, що додаються.

2. Департаменту формування політики щодо підконтрольних Міністрові органів влади та моніторингу МВС (Боднар В.Є.) забезпечити подання цього наказу на державну реєстрацію до Міністерства юстиції України в установленому порядку.

3. Цей наказ набирає чинності з дня його офіційного опублікування.

4. Контроль за виконанням цього наказу покласти на Голову Державної служби України з надзвичайних ситуацій Чечоткіна М.О.


А.Б. Аваков


Голова Спільного представницького органу
репрезентативних всеукраїнських
об'єднань профспілок на національному рівні

Заступник Голови
Державної служби України з питань праці

Голова державної регуляторної служби України

Голова Державної служби України
з надзвичайних ситуацій

Г.В. Осовий

І.І. Шумелюк

Ксенія Ляпіна

М. Чечоткін

Наказ Міністерства
внутрішніх справ України
15.01.2018  № 25

Зареєстровано в Міністерстві
юстиції України
23 лютого 2018 р.
за № 225/31677

експлуатації та типові норми належності вогнегасників

І. Загальні положення

1. Ці Правила установлюють вимоги до експлуатації переносних вогнегасників повною масою до 20 кг та пересувних вогнегасників повною масою до 450 кг, призначених для гасіння пожеж класів А, В, С, D, F, та електроустановок, що перебувають під напругою до 1000 В (далі - Е), та норми їх належності на об’єктах суб’єктів господарювання незалежно від форм власності (далі - об’єкти).

2. Ці Правила поширюються на будинки і приміщення різного призначення, що експлуатуються, підприємства, установи та організації (незалежно від виду їх діяльності та форм власності) (далі - суб’єкти господарювання), механічні транспортні засоби і є обов’язковими для виконання посадовими особами (власниками).

3. Ці Правила не поширюються на:

{Підпункт 1 пункту 3 розділу I виключено на підставі Наказу Міністерства внутрішніх справ № 765 від 28.10.2020}

1) підземні споруди підприємств гірничодобувної промисловості;

2) електрорухомий склад, шахти, тунелі та підземні споруди метрополітену;

3) транспортні засоби залізничного, повітряного, річкового та морського транспорту.

4. Міністерства та інші центральні органи виконавчої влади, виходячи із специфічних умов та особливостей пожежної небезпеки виробництв, можуть додатково розробляти свої галузеві правила експлуатації та норми належності вогнегасників, що затверджуються в установленому законодавством порядку після їх погодження з центральним органом виконавчої влади, який здійснює державний нагляд у сфері техногенної та пожежної безпеки.

Вимоги галузевих правил експлуатації та норм належності вогнегасників мають бути не нижчі встановлених вимог, передбачених цими Правилами, а також не мають суперечити їм.

5. У цих Правилах терміни вживаються в таких значеннях:

визнання вогнегасника непридатним до використання - календарна дата в документі, який засвідчує неможливість відновлення роботи вогнегасника з показниками якості, передбаченими технічними вимогами до нього;

вогнегасник - технічний засіб, призначений для припинення горіння подаванням вогнегасної речовини, що міститься в його корпусі, під дією надлишкового тиску, за масою і конструктивним виконанням придатний для транспортування і застосування людиною;

{Абзац четвертий пункту 5 розділу I виключено на підставі Наказу Міністерства внутрішніх справ № 765 від 28.10.2020}

{Абзац п'ятий пункту 5 розділу I виключено на підставі Наказу Міністерства внутрішніх справ № 765 від 28.10.2020}

гарантiйний строк експлуатацiї вогнегасника - проміжок часу, встановлений виробником або підприємством з технічного обслуговування вогнегасників i зазначений у технічній документації та на маркуваннi вогнегасника, протягом якого гарантується його працездатний стан за умови дотримання споживачем вимог iнструкцiї з експлуатації;

експлуатація вогнегасника - термін від часу виготовлення вогнегасника до визнання його непридатним до використання;

застосування вогнегасника за призначенням - застосування вогнегасника для припинення горіння подаванням вогнегасної речовини, що міститься в його корпусі, під дією надлишкового тиску;

зберігання вогнегасника під час експлуатації - утримання вогнегасника в спорядженому стані у відведеному для його збереження місці протягом установленого строку;

зняття вогнегасника з експлуатації - документально оформлена подія, яка фіксує технічну неможливість або недоцільність подальшого застосування вогнегасника за призначенням чи його технічного обслуговування;

настанова з технічного обслуговування вогнегасника - нормативний документ, що містить відомості про практичні прийоми або методи технічного обслуговування вогнегасника;

огляд вогнегасника - первинна та (або) періодична перевірка його відповідності вимогам експлуатаційної документації;

підприємство з технічного обслуговування вогнегасників (далі - ПТОВ) - суб’єкт господарювання, який здійснює технічне обслуговування вогнегасників, засвідчує їх справність і має ліцензію з надання послуг і виконання робіт протипожежного призначення відповідно до законодавства та настанови з технічного обслуговування вогнегасників від виробників;

працездатний стан вогнегасника - стан вогнегасника, за яким значення параметрів, якi характеризують його здатність виконувати заданi функцiї, вiдповiдають вимогам нормативних та експлуатацiйних документiв;

робочий цикл вогнегасника - проміжок часу від виготовлення до визнання непридатним до використання вогнегасника, який зазначений у схемі робочого циклу вогнегасника (додаток 1);

технічне діагностування вогнегасника - стадія технічного обслуговування, метою якої є визначення технічного стану вогнегасника, пошук несправностi та прийняття рішення щодо його ремонту, перезаряджання або завершення експлуатації;

технічне обслуговування вогнегасника - комплекс операцiй, спрямованих на перевiрку вогнегасника та забезпечення його роботи в режимах очiкування використання за призначенням, транспортування i зберiгання або на прийняття рiшень щодо ремонту чи зняття його з експлуатації;

транспортування вогнегасника під час експлуатації - переміщення вогнегасника в спорядженому стані із застосуванням (за потреби) транспортних і вантажопідйомних засобів;

6. У цих Правилах наведено такі позначення типів вогнегасників:

ВВ - вогнегасник водяний;

ВВП - вогнегасник водопінний (у тому числі аерозольний);

{Абзац третій пункту 6 розділу I із змінами, внесеними згідно з Наказом Міністерства внутрішніх справ № 765 від 28.10.2020}

{Абзац четвертий пункту 6 розділу I виключено на підставі Наказу Міністерства внутрішніх справ № 765 від 28.10.2020}

ВГ - вогнегасник газовий, у тому числі вуглекислотний (ВВК);

ВП - вогнегасник порошковий.

Цифра після позначення типу вогнегасника означає масу вогнегасної речовини в кілограмах, що міститься в його корпусі. Наприклад, ВП-5 - вогнегасник порошковий з масою вогнегасної речовини 5 кг.

{Абзац шостий пункту 6 розділу I із змінами, внесеними згідно з Наказом Міністерства внутрішніх справ № 765 від 28.10.2020}

ІІ. Загальні вимоги до експлуатації вогнегасників

1. Під час експлуатації вогнегасників необхідно керуватися цими Правилами та іншими нормативними актами, що регламентують вимоги до експлуатації вогнегасників.

2. Забезпечення виконання вимог цих Правил покладається на суб’єктів господарювання.

Забезпечення виконання вимог цих Правил у житлових будинках (квартирах) приватного житлового фонду та інших приватних окремо розташованих господарських спорудах і гаражах, на територіях, у дачних будинках та на садових ділянках покладається на їх власників чи орендарів, якщо інше не обумовлено договором найму відповідно до вимог Кодексу цивільного захисту України.

3. Суб’єкти господарювання, а також орендарі зобов’язані:

1) дотримуватися вимог цих Правил та інших нормативних документів у цій сфері;

2) проводити своєчасні огляди та технічне обслуговування вогнегасників;

3) утримувати вогнегасники в працездатному стані;

4) не допускати використання вогнегасників не за призначенням;

5) проходити теоретичне навчання та практичне відпрацювання навичок застосування вогнегасників.

4. Виробники та постачальники вогнегасників зобов’язані:

1) гарантувати відповідність виготовленої (такої, що реалізується) продукції вимогам документів, що підтверджують якість та безпечність продукції;

2) надавати покупцю експлуатаційну та технічну документацію на вогнегасники;

3) гарантувати роботу вогнегасників з дати реалізації (продажу) до першого гарантійного терміну обслуговування.

5. Для забезпечення працездатного стану та якісної експлуатації вогнегасників на об’єкті особою, відповідальною за пожежну безпеку, має бути організовано їх технічне обслуговування відповідно до норм, правил (настанови з технічного обслуговування вогнегасників), установлених їх виробником, та інших нормативних документів у сфері пожежної безпеки.

6. Виробники або постачальники зобов’язані забезпечити проведення технічного обслуговування вогнегасників відповідно до ДСТУ 4297:2004 «Пожежна техніка. Технічне обслуговування вогнегасників. Загальні технічні вимоги» на всій території України за регіональним принципом (розподілом) шляхом створення власних ПТОВ або надання повноважень існуючим ПТОВ, перелік яких наводиться в паспорті на кожний вогнегасник.

Виробник (постачальник) зобов’язаний забезпечити технічне обслуговування, гарантійний ремонт вогнегасників, їх випуск і поставку для ПТОВ у необхідному обсязі та асортименті, а також випуск і поставку запасних частин до них протягом усього строку їх виробництва, а після зняття з виробництва - протягом строку служби, у разі відсутності такого строку - протягом десяти років.

ІІІ. Організаційні заходи щодо забезпечення експлуатації вогнегасників

1. Особі, відповідальній за пожежну безпеку, необхідно обов’язково провести огляд вогнегасників перед розміщенням їх на об’єкті. Під час огляду встановлюються:

1) наявність сертифіката відповідності;

2) наявність інструкції з експлуатації та паспорта на кожний вогнегасник;

3) цілісність пломб на запірних пристроях;

4) наявність чи відсутність зовнішніх пошкоджень на корпусах вогнегасників;

5) положення стрілок індикаторів тиску закачних вогнегасників (у межах робочого діапазону);

6) наявність у маркуванні та в експлуатаційній документації відомостей про виробника, дату виготовлення (продажу) і технічного обслуговування.

2. Після проведення огляду вогнегасникам присвоюються облікові (інвентарні) номери за прийнятою на об’єкті системою нумерації.

3. Особі, відповідальній за пожежну безпеку на об’єкті, необхідно вести журнал обліку вогнегасників (додаток 2).

4. У разі зняття вогнегасника з експлуатації суб’єкт господарювання зобов’язаний ужити заходів щодо недопущення зниження рівня протипожежного захисту.

{Абзац перший пункту 4 розділу III із змінами, внесеними згідно з Наказом Міністерства внутрішніх справ № 765 від 28.10.2020}

Вогнегасники, зняті з експлуатації або надані на технічне обслуговування (ремонт, проведення випробувань або перезарядження), мають бути замінені на резервні вогнегасники з технічними характеристиками, які не можуть мати нижчі технічні характеристики знятих з експлуатації або наданих на технічне обслуговування.

{Абзац другий пункту 4 розділу III із змінами, внесеними згідно з Наказом Міністерства внутрішніх справ № 765 від 28.10.2020}

5. У приміщеннях з технологічними процесами, внаслідок яких при аварійному режимі можуть утворюватися газо-, пило- або пароповітряні суміші, вогнегасники слід розміщувати за межами приміщень з урахуванням безпечних відстаней.

Вогнегасники в місцях розміщення (всередині будинків і приміщень, біля входів або виходів з них, у коридорах) не мають створювати перешкод під час евакуації людей.

У приміщеннях з тимчасовим перебуванням людей вогнегасники слід розміщувати ззовні приміщення або біля входу (виходу).

У приміщеннях з постійним перебуванням людей вогнегасники потрібно розміщувати всередині приміщення, запобігаючи створенню перешкод для евакуації людей.

6. Переносні вогнегасники розміщують шляхом навішування за допомогою кронштейнів на вертикальні конструкції на висоті не більше 1,5 м від рівня підлоги до нижнього торця вогнегасника і на відстані від дверей, достатній для їх повного відчинення, або встановлюють у пожежні шафи пожежних кран-комплектів, на пожежні щити, стенди, підставки та спеціальні тумби.

Для зазначення місцезнаходження вогнегасників на об’єктах мають встановлюватися вказівні знаки згідно з ДСТУ ISO 6309:2007 «Протипожежний захист. Знаки безпеки. Форма та колір» (ISO 6309:1987, IDT). Знаки розташовуються на видимих місцях на висоті 2-2,5 м від рівня підлоги як всередині, так і за межами приміщень.

7. Розміщувати вогнегасники слід таким чином, щоб забезпечити можливість прочитування маркувальних написів на їх корпусах.

При цьому необхідно забезпечити їх захист від дії механічних пошкоджень, сонячних променів, опалювальних і нагрівальних приладів, а також хімічно агресивних речовин (середовищ), які можуть негативно вплинути на їх роботу.

8. На механічних транспортних засобах вогнегасник має бути в закріпленому стані в місцях, визначених підприємством-виробником. У разі якщо конструкцією транспортного засобу зазначене місце не передбачено, вогнегасник слід розташовувати в легкодоступному місці.

Вогнегасники, що розміщуються за межами кабін, потрібно захищати від впливу атмосферних опадів, сонячних променів і бруду. Забороняється зберігання вогнегасника в багажнику механічного транспортного засобу (крім легкового автомобіля), кузові вантажного автомобіля та інших місцях, доступ до яких обмежено.

9. Вогнегасники, які розміщуються за межами приміщень або в неопалювальних приміщеннях та не призначені для експлуатації за температури нижче 5 °С, на холодний період року необхідно переносити в опалюване приміщення. У таких випадках на пожежних щитах та стендах має розміщуватись інформація про місцезнаходження вогнегасників. Інформація стосовно перенесення вогнегасників відображається в журналі обліку вогнегасників.

10. Огляд вогнегасників при їх експлуатації здійснюється особою, відповідальною за пожежну безпеку на об’єкті, не рідше одного разу на місяць.

Під час огляду перевіряються:

1) відповідність типу і заводського номера вогнегасника зареєстрованому обліковому номеру та місцезнаходженню на об’єкті;

2) наявність інструкції з експлуатації та паспорта на вогнегасник;

3) дата проведення технічного обслуговування, яка має відповідати вимогам експлуатаційної документації;

4) наявність та цілісність пломби, пристрою блокування (запобіжної чеки), розтруба або гнучкого рукава (відповідно до типу вогнегасника) та кронштейна (якщо передбачено конструкцією);

5) наявність зовнішніх пошкоджень вогнегасників та слідів корозії на них;

6) положення стрілки індикатора тиску кожного закачного вогнегасника (крім вогнегасників, у яких індикатор тиску не передбачено виробником), яка має бути в межах робочого діапазону (у зеленому секторі шкали індикатора), залежно від температури експлуатації;

{Підпункт 6 абзацу другого пункту 10 розділу III із змінами, внесеними згідно з Наказом Міністерства внутрішніх справ № 765 від 28.10.2020}

7) наявність пошкоджень маркування (етикетки) кожного вогнегасника.

Результати оглядів реєструються особою, відповідальною за пожежну безпеку на об’єкті, в журналі обліку вогнегасників.

11. Особа, відповідальна за пожежну безпеку на об’єкті, зобов’язана організувати технічне обслуговування вогнегасників у таких випадках:

пошкодження або відсутність маркування, пломб або пристроїв блокування на них;

наявність механічних пошкоджень і слідів корозії на їх корпусах або запірно-пускових пристроях;

відсутність робочого тиску в корпусі та (або) наявність надмірного тиску (для вогнегасників закачного типу);

після використання за призначенням;

після закінчення гарантійного терміну експлуатації, передбаченого експлуатаційною документацією виробника.

12. Технічне обслуговування вогнегасників здійснюється ПТОВ, що мають відповідну ліцензію з надання послуг і виконання робіт протипожежного призначення відповідно до вимог ДСТУ 4297:2004 «Пожежна техніка. Технічне обслуговування вогнегасників. Загальні технічні вимоги», норм, правил (настанови з технічного обслуговування вогнегасників), установлених їх виробником, та інших нормативних документів і нормативно-правових актів з питань пожежної безпеки.

Під час огляду вогнегасників після надходження з технічного обслуговування особа, відповідальна за пожежну безпеку на об’єкті, перевіряє наявність на корпусі вогнегасника етикетки ПТОВ, форма та зміст якої наведені в додатку 3 до цих Правил.

13. Приймання вогнегасників після технічного обслуговування оформлюється актом, який складається не менше ніж у двох примірниках і підписується представниками споживача послуг та ПТОВ.

IV. Вимоги безпеки під час експлуатації вогнегасників

1. Під час експлуатації вогнегасників необхідно дотримуватися заходів безпеки, визначених нормативно-правовими актами та нормативними документами з питань охорони праці та експлуатації вогнегасників.

2. Забороняється:

1) експлуатувати вогнегасники з наявністю вм’ятин, опуклостей або тріщин на корпусі, запірно-пусковому пристрої, накидній гайці, а також у разі порушення герметичності з’єднань вузлів вогнегасника, несправності індикатора тиску (для закачних вогнегасників) та відсутності або пошкодження пломби;

2) допускати механічні ушкодження корпусу та запірної арматури вогнегасника;

3) розбирати і перезаряджати вогнегасники особам, які не мають права на проведення таких робіт;

4) кидати вогнегасник у полум’я під час використання за призначенням та завдавати механічних пошкоджень для приведення його у дію;

5) під час експлуатації вогнегасника спрямовувати його насадку (гнучкий рукав або розтруб) у бік людей, крім випадків використання для гасіння вогню на одежі та носимих речей на людині;

{Підпункт 5 пункту 2 розділу IV із змінами, внесеними згідно з Наказом Міністерства внутрішніх справ № 765 від 28.10.2020}

6) використовувати вогнегасники для потреб, не пов’язаних з пожежогасінням;

7) використовувати вогнегасники за відсутності розтруба або гнучкого рукава (залежно від типу вогнегасника).

3. Гасіння осередків пожежі, які виникли поза межами приміщень, потрібно здійснювати вогнегасником з навітряного боку та з безпечної відстані до осередку пожежі, але не менше ніж 1,5 метра.

{Пункт 3 розділу IV із змінами, внесеними згідно з Наказом Міністерства внутрішніх справ № 765 від 28.10.2020}

4. Під час гасіння пожежі одночасно кількома вогнегасниками не дозволяється здійснювати гасіння струменями вогнегасної речовини, спрямованими назустріч один одному.

5. Газові вогнегасники мають застосовуватись у тих випадках, коли для ефективного гасіння пожежі необхідні вогнегасні речовини, що не пошкоджують обладнання та об’єкти (електронна апаратура, музеї, архіви тощо). Застосування порошкових вогнегасників для гасіння таких пожеж дозволяється лише за відсутності газових вогнегасників.

6. Під час застосування вогнегасника, придатного для гасіння пожежі електрообладнання, що перебуває під напругою електричного струму до 1000 В, необхідно дотримуватися рекомендацій, зазначених у паспорті на вогнегасник.

{Пункт 6 розділу IV в редакції Наказу Міністерства внутрішніх справ № 765 від 28.10.2020}

7. Забороняється застосовувати водяні та водопінні вогнегасники для гасіння обладнання, що перебуває під електричною напругою, а також для гасіння речовин, які вступають з водою в хімічну реакцію, що супроводжується інтенсивним виділенням тепла та розбризкуванням речовини, якщо вони не призначені для цього.

8. Під час гасіння пожежі порошковими вогнегасниками необхідно брати до уваги утворення високої запиленості і, як наслідок, зниження видимості в приміщенні.

9. Під час гасіння пожежі газовими вогнегасниками необхідно враховувати можливість зниження концентрації кисню в повітрі приміщення, особливо якщо воно невелике за об’ємом. Забороняється триматися за розтруб вогнегасника.

{Абзац перший пункту 9 розділу IV із змінами, внесеними згідно з Наказом Міністерства внутрішніх справ № 765 від 28.10.2020}

У приміщеннях, де використання газових вогнегасників може створити небезпечну для життя людини концентрацію газів у повітрі, а також у разі використання пересувних газових вогнегасників необхідно використовувати ізолювальні засоби індивідуального захисту органів дихання.

Перед використанням пересувних газових вогнегасників слід обмежити кількість обслуговуючого персоналу, який перебуває в приміщенні.

V. Вимоги до оснащення об’єктів вогнегасниками

1. Будинки і приміщення різного призначення мають бути оснащені переносними або пересувними вогнегасниками відповідно до цих Правил.

2. Під час експлуатації будинків і приміщень різного призначення мобільні (інвентарні) будівлі і споруди та підсобні приміщення мають бути оснащені вогнегасниками відповідно до цих Правил.

3. Колісні транспортні засоби оснащуються вогнегасниками відповідно до Норм оснащення вогнегасниками колісних транспортних засобів, затверджених постановою Кабінету Міністрів України від 08 жовтня 1997 року № 1128 (зі змінами).

4. Норми належності порошкових вогнегасників для виробничих і складських будинків та приміщень промислових підприємств наведено в додатку 4 до цих Правил.

Норми належності водяних та водопінних вогнегасників для виробничих і складських будинків та приміщень промислових підприємств наведено в додатку 5 до цих Правил.

Норми належності газових вогнегасників для виробничих і складських будинків та приміщень промислових підприємств наведено в додатку 6 до цих Правил.

Норми належності вогнегасників для гаражів та автомайстерень наведено в додатку 7 до цих Правил.

Придатність переносних і пересувних вогнегасників до гасіння пожеж різних класів та діапазони температур їх експлуатації наведено в додатку 8 до цих Правил.

5. Для вибору типу та необхідної кількості вогнегасників для оснащення об’єкта слід враховувати фізико-хімічні та пожежонебезпечні властивості горючих речовин, характер їх взаємодії з вогнегасними речовинами, а також площу приміщень, будинків і споруд.

6. Необхідну кількість вогнегасників визначають окремо для кожного поверху та приміщення об’єкта.

Приміщення, у якому розміщено декілька різних за пожежною небезпекою виробництв, не відділених одне від одного протипожежними стінами, оснащують вогнегасниками за нормами найбільш небезпечного виробництва.

За наявності декількох приміщень з однаковою пожежною небезпекою необхідну кількість вогнегасників для їх захисту визначають згідно з нормами належності та з урахуванням загальної площі цих приміщень.

VI. Вибір типу та необхідної кількості вогнегасників

1. Під час вибору типу і необхідної кількості вогнегасників як елементів протипожежного захисту об’єкта слід також керуватися галузевими правилами пожежної безпеки, нормами технологічного проектування та іншими нормативно-правовими актами, що регламентують вимоги до оснащення об’єктів вогнегасниками.

2. Вогнегасні речовини повинні відповідати вимогам (залежно від призначення) ДСТУ EN 615:2017 «Протипожежний захист. Вогнегасні речовини. Вимоги до вогнегасних порошків (крім порошків для гасіння пожеж класу D)» (EN 615:2009, IDT), ДСТУ EN 1568-1:2018 (EN 1568-1:2018, IDT) «Вогнегасні речовини. Піноутворювачі. Частина 1. Вимоги до піноутворювачів, призначених для гасіння водонерозчинних горючих рідин піною середньої кратності, що подається на поверхню», ДСТУ EN 1568-2:2018 (EN 1568-2:2018, IDT) «Вогнегасні речовини. Піноутворювачі. Частина 2. Вимоги до піноутворювачів, призначених для гасіння водонерозчинних горючих рідин піною високої кратності, що подається на поверхню», ДСТУ EN 1568-3:2018 (EN 1568-3:2018, IDT) «Вогнегасні речовини. Піноутворювачі. Частина 3. Вимоги до піноутворювачів, призначених для гасіння водонерозчинних горючих рідин піною низької кратності, що подається на поверхню», ДСТУ EN 1568-4:2018 (EN 1568-4:2018, IDT) «Вогнегасні речовини. Піноутворювачі. Частина 4. Вимоги до піноутворювачів, призначених для гасіння водорозчинних горючих рідин піною низької кратності, що подається на поверхню», ДСТУ 3958:2015 «Пожежна безпека. Газові вогнегасні речовини. Номенклатура показників якості. Загальні технічні вимоги і методи випробування» та ДСТУ 5092:2008 «Пожежна безпека. Вогнегасні речовини. Діоксид вуглецю (EN 25923:1993 (ISO 5923:1989), MOD)».

3. Критеріями вибору типу і необхідної кількості вогнегасників для захисту об’єкта є:

категорія за вибухопожежною та пожежною небезпекою виробничих, складських та лабораторних приміщень;

клас можливої пожежі;

придатність вогнегасника для гасіння пожежі певного класу та відповідність умовам його експлуатації;

вогнегасна здатність вогнегасника конкретного типу за ДСТУ 3675-98 «Пожежна техніка. Вогнегасники переносні. Загальні технічні вимоги та методи випробувань», ДСТУ 3734-98 (ГОСТ 30612-99) «Пожежна техніка. Вогнегасники пересувні. Загальні технічні вимоги», ДСТУ EN 3-7:2014 «Вогнегасники переносні. Частина 7. Характеристики, вимоги до робочих параметрів і методи випробувань» (EN 3-7:2004+A1:2007, IDT) та ДСТУ EN 1866-1:2014 «Вогнегасники пересувні. Частина 1. Характеристики, вимоги до робочих параметрів і методи випробувань» (EN 1866-1:2007, IDT)»;

захищувана площа;

до використання допускаються вогнегасники з конкретним типом (маркою) вогнегасної речовини, з якою вогнегасник має підтвердження відповідності вимогам національних стандартів згідно з пунктом 4 цього розділу.

Класи пожеж визначено в ДСТУ EN 2:2014 «Класифікація пожеж» (EN 2:1992, EN 2:1992/А1:2004, IDT).

Категорія будинків, приміщень та зовнішніх установок виробничого і складського призначення за вибухопожежною або пожежною небезпекою визначається відповідно до вимог ДСТУ Б В.1.1-36:2016 «Визначення категорій приміщень, будинків та зовнішніх установок за вибухопожежною та пожежною небезпекою».

4. Якщо на об’єкті можливі осередки пожеж різних класів, слід обирати вогнегасники окремо для кожного класу пожежі або віддавати перевагу більш універсальному вогнегаснику. При виборі таких вогнегасників їх мінімальна кількість має дорівнювати більшому значенню, що отримане для кожного класу пожежі окремо.

5. За потреби використання різних типів вогнегасників допускається здійснювати заміну одного типу на інший із забезпеченням рівності сумарної вогнегасної здатності за класом пожежі, характерної для цього об’єкта. Коефіцієнти ефективності вогнегасників за їх вогнегасною здатністю щодо гасіння модельних вогнищ пожеж класів А та В наведено в додатку 9 до цих Правил. Наприклад, порошковий вогнегасник ВП-9 для пожежі класу В, що має коефіцієнт ефективності 13, можна замінити на два вогнегасники - порошковий ВП-6 (має коефіцієнт ефективності 8) та водопінний ВВП-6 (має коефіцієнт ефективності 5), які мають сумарний коефіцієнт ефективності 13.

6. Об’єкти різного призначення оснащуються переносними вогнегасниками, перелік яких наведено в додатку 10 до цих Правил, та пересувними вогнегасниками, перелік яких наведено в додатку 11 до цих Правил.

7. Будинки адміністративного та побутового призначення і громадські будинки, у тому числі підприємства торгівлі, на кожному поверсі повинні мати не менше двох переносних (порошкових, водопінних або водяних) вогнегасників з масою заряду вогнегасної речовини 5 кг і більше, а в разі площі поверху більше 100 м-2 кількість вогнегасників приймаються з розрахунку 1 кг вогнегасної речовини на кожні 10 м-2 площі підлоги.

Крім того, слід передбачати по одному газовому вогнегаснику з величиною заряду вогнегасної речовини 3 кг і більше:

на 20 м-2 площі підлоги в офісних приміщеннях з оргтехнікою, коморах, електрощитових, вентиляційних камерах та інших технічних приміщеннях;

на 50 м-2 площі підлоги в приміщеннях архівів, машзалів, бібліотек, музеїв.

8. Приміщення площею менше ніж 20 м-2, у яких розміщено оргтехніку, слід оснащувати переносним газовим вогнегасником ВВК-2.

9. Для захисту квартир багатоквартирних житлових будинків і будинків індивідуальної забудови слід використовувати переносні вогнегасники з розрахунку один водяний (ВВ-5, ВВ-6) чи водопінний (ВВП-6) або один порошковий (ВП-2, ВП-3) вогнегасник на одну квартиру або на один будинок індивідуальної забудови.

Як додатковим засобом для гасіння невеликих осередків пожеж на початкових стадіях, будинки та приміщення, зазначені в пунктах 7, 8 цього розділу та абзаці першому цього пункту, також можуть оснащуватися вогнегасниками водопінними аерозольними одноразового використання.

10. Для захисту приміщень від пожеж, пов’язаних з горінням речовин, які застосовуються для приготування їжі (рослинні або тваринні масла і жири), слід використовувати переносні вогнегасники з можливістю гасіння пожежі класу F з розрахунку один вогнегасник на одне окреме робоче місце.

{Розділ VI в редакції Наказу Міністерства внутрішніх справ № 765 від 28.10.2020}

Т. в. о. директора Департаменту
формування політики
щодо підконтрольних
Міністрові органів влади
та моніторингу МВС

С.Є. Житняк

Додаток 1
до Правил експлуатації
та типових норм належності
(пункт 5 розділу І)

робочого циклу вогнегасника

Додаток 2
до Правил експлуатації
та типових норм належності
(пункт 3 розділу ІІІ)

обліку вогнегасників

(найменування об’єкта)

Обліковий №

Тип вогнегасника

Місце розташування вогнегасника

Дата проведення огляду

Висновки за результатами огляду

Перелік вжитих заходів щодо усунення виявлених недоліків

Дата направлення вогнегасника на технічне обслуговування

Дата повернення вогнегасника з технічного обслуговування

Найменування організації, яка здійснила технічне обслуговування










Додаток 3
до Правил експлуатації
та типових норм належності
(пункт 12 розділу ІІІ)

{Додаток 3 із змінами, внесеними згідно з Наказом Міністерства внутрішніх справ № 765 від 28.10.2020}

Додаток 4
до Правил експлуатації
та типових норм належності
(пункт 4 розділу V)

належності порошкових вогнегасників для виробничих і складських будинків та приміщень промислових підприємств

№ з/п

Гранична захищувана площа, м-2

Клас можливої пожежі

Мінімальна кількість порошкових вогнегасників

переносний вогнегасник із зарядом вогнегасної речовини, кг

пересувний вогнегасник із зарядом вогнегасної речовини, кг






















І. Приміщення категорій А, Б, а також В з наявністю горючих газів і рідин


до 25 включно

А, В, С, Е











більше 25 до 50 включно

А, В, С, Е











більше 50 до 150 включно

А, В, С, Е











більше 150 до 250 включно

А, В, С, Е











більше 250 до 500 включно

А, В, С, Е











більше 500 до 1000 включно

А, В, С, Е











більше 1000

А, В, С, Е

На першу 1000 м-2 площі числові значення кількості вогнегасників згідно з позицією 1.6 таблиці; на кожні наступні: 50 м-2 - згідно з позицією 1.2 таблиці; 150 м-2 - згідно з позицією 1.3 таблиці; 250  м-2- згідно з позицією 1.4 таблиці; 500 м-2 - згідно з позицією 1.5 таблиці; 1000 м-2 - згідно з позицією 1.6 таблиці.

ІІ. Приміщення категорій В за відсутності горючих газів і рідин


до 50 включно

А, Е











більше 50 до 100 включно

А, Е











більше 100 до 300 включно

А, Е











більше 300 до 500 включно

А, Е











більше 500 до 1000 включно

А, Е











більше 1000

А, Е

На першу 1000 м-2 площі числові значення кількості вогнегасників згідно з позицією 2.5 таблиці; на кожні наступні: 50 м-2 - згідно з позицією 2.1 таблиці; 100 м-2 - згідно з позицією 2.2 таблиці; 300  м-2- згідно з позицією 2.3 таблиці; 500 м-2 - згідно з позицією 2.4 таблиці; 1000 м-2 - згідно з позицією 2.5 таблиці.

ІІІ. Приміщення категорії Г


до 50 включно

В, С











більше 50 до 100 включно

В, С











більше 100 до 300 включно

В, С











більше 300 до 500 включно

В, С











більше 500 до 1000 включно

В, С











більше 1000

В, С

На першу 1000 м-2 площі числові значення кількості вогнегасників згідно з позицією 3.5 таблиці; на кожні наступні: 50 м-2 - згідно з позицією 3.1 таблиці; 100 м-2 - згідно з позицією 3.2 таблиці; 300  м-2- згідно з позицією 3.3 таблиці; 500 м-2 - згідно з позицією 3.4 таблиці; 1000 м-2 - згідно з позицією 3.5 таблиці.

IV. Приміщення категорій Г, Д


до 50 включно

А, Е











більше 50 до 150 включно

А, Е











більше 150 до 500 включно

А, Е











більше 500 до 1000 включно

А, Е











більше 1000

А, Е

На першу 1000 м-2 площі числові значення кількості вогнегасників згідно з позицією 4.4 таблиці; на кожні наступні: 50 м-2 - згідно з позицією 4.1 таблиці; 150 м-2 - згідно з позицією 4.2 таблиці; 500  м-2- згідно з позицією 4.3 таблиці; 1000 м-2 - згідно з позицією 4.4 таблиці.


1. Знаком «-» позначені порошкові вогнегасники, які не допускаються для оснащення зазначених приміщень.
2. За наявності в приміщенні можливості виникнення пожеж різних класів кількість вогнегасників обирається за одним із класів, для якого ця кількість більша.
3. Мінімальна кількість порошкових вогнегасників визначає собою вибір однієї з позицій, відображених у графах 4-12.
4. Оснащення порошковими вогнегасниками для гасіння пожеж класу D слід проводити із дотриманням галузевих норм, погоджених у встановленому порядку.

Додаток 5
до Правил експлуатації
та типових норм належності
(пункт 4 розділу V)

належності водяних та водопінних вогнегасників для виробничих і складських будинків та приміщень промислових підприємств

№ з/п

Гранична захищувана площа, м-2

Клас можливої пожежі

Мінімальна кількість водяних або водопінних вогнегасників

переносний вогнегасник із зарядом вогнегасної речовини, кг

пересувний вогнегасник із зарядом вогнегасної речовини, кг




















І. Приміщення категорій А, Б, а також В з наявністю горючих рідин


до 25 включно




















більше 25 до 50 включно




















більше 50 до 150 включно




















більше 150 до 250 включно




















більше 250 до 500 включно




















більше 500 до 1000 включно




















Більше 1000


На першу 1000 м-2 площі числові значення кількості вогнегасників згідно з позицією 1.6 таблиці; на кожні наступні: 50 м-2 - згідно з позицією 1.2 таблиці; 150 м-2 - згідно з позицією 1.3 таблиці; 250 м-2 - згідно з позицією 1.4 таблиці; 500 м-2 - згідно з позицією 1.5 таблиці; 1000 м-2 - згідно з позицією 1.6 таблиці.


Розділ ІІ. Приміщення категорій В за відсутності горючих рідин


до 50 включно











більше 50 до 100 включно











більше 100 до 300 включно











більше 300 до 500 включно











більше 500 до 1000 включно











більше 1000


На першу 1000 м-2 площі числові значення кількості вогнегасників згідно з позицією 2.5 таблиці; на кожні наступні: 50 м-2 - згідно з позицією 2.1 таблиці; 100 м-2 - згідно з позицією 2.2 таблиці; 300 м-2 - згідно з позицією 2.3 таблиці; 500 м-2 - згідно з позицією 2.4 таблиці; 1000 м-2 - згідно з позицією 2.5 таблиці.

ІІІ. Приміщення категорії Г


до 50 включно











більше 50 до 100 включно











більше 100 до 300 включно











більше 300 до 500 включно











більше 500 до 1000 включно











більше 1000


На першу 1000 м-2 площі числові значення кількості вогнегасників згідно з позицією 3.5 таблиці; на кожні наступні: 50 м-2 - згідно з позицією 3.1 таблиці; 100 м-2 - згідно з позицією 3.2 таблиці; 300 м-2 - згідно з позицією 3.3 таблиці; 500 м-2 - згідно з позицією 3.4 таблиці; 1000 м-2 - згідно з позицією 3.5 таблиці.

IV. Приміщення категорій Г; Д


до 50 включно











більше 50 до 150 включно











більше 150 до 500 включно











більше 500 до 1000 включно











більше 1000


На першу 1000 м-2 площі числові значення кількості вогнегасників згідно з позицією 4.4 таблиці, на кожні наступні: 50 м-2 - згідно з позицією 4.1 таблиці, 150 м-2 - згідно з позицією 4.2 таблиці, 500 м-2 - згідно з позицією 4.3 таблиці, 1000 м-2 - згідно з позицією 4.4 таблиці.


1. Знаком « - » позначені водяні та водопінні вогнегасники, які не допускаються для оснащення зазначених приміщень.
2. За наявності в приміщенні можливості виникнення пожеж різних класів кількість вогнегасників обирається за одним із класів, для якого ця кількість більша.
3. Для гасіння пожеж класу В слід застосовувати водяні вогнегасники із зарядом води з добавками, що забезпечують гасіння пожеж класу В.
4. Мінімальна кількість водяних або водопінних вогнегасників визначає собою вибір однієї з позицій, відображених у графах 4-11.
5. Оснащення водяними вогнегасниками, що містять воду з сольовими добавками для гасіння пожеж класу F, слід проводити разом із дотриманням галузевих норм, погоджених у встановленому порядку.

Додаток 6
до Правил експлуатації
та типових норм належності
(пункт 4 розділу V)

належності газових вогнегасників для виробничих і складських будинків та приміщень промислових підприємств

№ з/п

Гранична захищувана площа, м-2

Клас можливої пожежі

Мінімальна кількість газових вогнегасників

переносний вогнегасник із зарядом вогнегасної речовини, кг

пересувний вогнегасник із зарядом вогнегасної речовини, кг


















І. Приміщення категорій А, Б, а також В з наявністю горючих рідин


до 25 включно

В, Е









більше 25 до 50 включно

В, Е









більше 50 до 150 включно

В, Е









більше 150 до 250 включно

В, Е









більше 250 до 500 включно

В, Е









більше 500 до 1000 включно

В, Е









більше 1000

В, Е

На першу 1000 м-2 площі числові значення кількості вогнегасників згідно з позицією 1.6 таблиці; на кожні наступні: 50 м-2 - згідно з позицією 1.2 таблиці; 150 м-2 - згідно з позицією 1.3 таблиці; 250 м-2 - згідно з позицією 1.4 таблиці; 500 м-2 - згідно з позицією 1.5 таблиці; 1000 м-2 - згідно з позицією 1.6 таблиці.

ІІ. Приміщення категорії Г


до 50 включно

В, Е









більше 50 до 100 включно

В, Е









більше 100 до 300 включно

В, Е









більше 300 до 500 включно

В, Е









більше 500 до 1000 включно

В, Е









більше 1000

В, Е

На першу 1000 м-2 площі числові значення кількості вогнегасників згідно з позицією 2.5 таблиці; на кожні наступні: 50 м-2 - згідно з позицією 2.1 таблиці; 100 м-2 - згідно з позицією 2.2 таблиці; 300 м-2 - згідно з позицією 2.3 таблиці; 500 м-2 - згідно з позицією 2.4 таблиці; 1000 м-2 - згідно з позицією 2.5 таблиці.


1. Знаком «-» позначені газові вогнегасники, які не допускаються для оснащення зазначених приміщень.
2. За наявності в приміщенні можливості виникнення пожеж різних класів кількість вогнегасників обирається за одним із класів, для якого ця кількість більша.
3. Мінімальна кількість газових вогнегасників визначає собою вибір однієї з позицій, відображених у графах 4-10.

Додаток 7
до Правил експлуатації
та типових норм належності
(пункт 4 розділу V)

належності вогнегасників для гаражів та автомайстерень

№ з/п

Кількість місць стоянки автомобілів у боксі гаража

Мінімальна кількість вогнегасників одного з типів*










до 10

один ВП-5 або один ВП-6

два ВВ-9

два ВВП-9


більше 10

На кожні наступні 15 місць стоянки мінімальна кількість вогнегасників визначається згідно з позицією 1 цих Норм.

* Мінімальна кількість вогнегасників визначає собою вибір однієї з позицій, відображених у графах 3-5.
** Водяний вогнегасник із зарядом, придатним для гасіння пожеж класів А та В.


Як додатковим засобом для гасіння невеликих осередків пожеж на початкових стадіях, гаражі та автомайстерні можуть оснащуватися вогнегасниками водопінними аерозольними одноразового використання.

{Додаток 7 із змінами, внесеними згідно з Наказом Міністерства внутрішніх справ № 765 від 28.10.2020}

Додаток 8
до Правил експлуатації
та типових норм належності
(пункт 4 розділу V)

переносних і пересувних вогнегасників до гасіння пожеж різних класів та діапазони температур їх експлуатації

Тип вогнегасника

Перелік класів пожеж*

Діапазон температур експлуатації, не менше














від мінус 20 °С до плюс 50 °С, або
від мінус 30 °С до плюс 50 °С, або
від мінус 40 °С до плюс 50 °С, або
від мінус 50 °С до плюс 50 °С








від плюс 5 °С до плюс 50 °С, або
від 0 °С до плюс 50 °С, або
від мінус 10 °С до плюс 50 °С, або
від мінус 20 °С до плюс 50 °С








від плюс 5 °С до плюс 50 °С, або
від 0 °С до плюс 50 °С, або
від мінус 10 °С до плюс 50 °С, або
від мінус 20 °С до плюс 50 °С *****








від мінус 20 °С до плюс 50 °С

* Класи пожеж: А - горіння твердих речовин; В - горіння рідких речовин; С - горіння газоподібних речовин; D - горіння металів; F - горіння горючих речовин, таких як рослинні та тваринні олії і жири в обладнанні для приготування їжі.
** Використання, небезпечне для життя людини.
*** Для водяних вогнегасників із зарядом води з добавками, що забезпечують гасіння пожеж класу В.
**** Для водяних вогнегасників із зарядом води з сольовими добавками, що забезпечує гасіння пожеж класу F.
***** Для водяних вогнегасників із зарядом води з морозостійкими добавками.
Знак “+” означає придатність вогнегасника для гасіння пожежі цього класу; знак “-” означає непридатність для гасіння пожежі цього класу.


Як додатковим засобом для гасіння невеликих осередків пожеж на початкових стадіях класів А, В та F (якщо підтверджено паспортом та/або експлуатаційною документацією) з діапазоном температур експлуатації (встановленим виробником), у разі дотримання умов його зберігання безпосередньо до моменту використання, можуть оснащуватися вогнегасниками водопінними аерозольними одноразового використання.

{Додаток 8 із змінами, внесеними згідно з Наказом Міністерства внутрішніх справ № 765 від 28.10.2020}

Додаток 9
до Правил експлуатації
та типових норм належності
(пункт 5 розділу VI)

ефективності вогнегасників за їх вогнегасною здатністю щодо гасіння модельних вогнищ пожеж класів А та В

№ з/п

Тип та позначення вогнегасника

Коефіцієнт ефективності вогнегасника за його вогнегасною здатністю щодо гасіння модельного вогнища пожежі

класу А

класу В














ВВ-5; ВВ-6































ВВК-1,4; ВВК-2



ВВК-3,5; ВВК-5






ВВК-14; ВВК-18
































ВП-12; ВП-20












* Для водяних вогнегасників із зарядом води з добавками, що забезпечують гасіння пожеж класу В.

{Додаток 9 із змінами, внесеними згідно з Наказом Міністерства внутрішніх справ № 765 від 28.10.2020}

Додаток 10
до Правил експлуатації
та типових норм належності
(пункт 6 розділу VI)

об’єктів різного призначення, які мають бути оснащені переносними вогнегасниками

№ з/п

Тип та позначення вогнегасника

Найменування об’єктів, які рекомендується оснащувати переносними вогнегасниками








Громадські будинки та споруди, квартири житлових будинків, приміщення гуртожитків, будинки індивідуальної забудови, кіоски


Виробничі, сільськогосподарські, складські та лабораторні будинки і приміщення, адміністративні, побутові будинки і приміщення та споруди промислових підприємств, громадські будинки та споруди, гаражі та автомайстерні




Громадські будинки та споруди, квартири житлових будинків, приміщення гуртожитків, будинки індивідуальної забудови, кіоски


Виробничі, сільськогосподарські, складські та лабораторні будинки і приміщення, адміністративні, побутові будинки і приміщення та споруди промислових підприємств, громадські будинки та споруди, гаражі та автомайстерні




Громадські будинки та приміщення з наявністю оргтехніки, приміщення обчислювальних центрів, споруди промислових підприємств


Громадські будинки, споруди та приміщення з наявністю оргтехніки, приміщення обчислювальних центрів, споруди промислових підприємств


Порош- ковий***


Квартири житлових будинків, приміщення гуртожитків, будинки індивідуальної забудови, приміщення для зберігання автомототранспорту, що розташовані у підвальних та цокольних поверхах житлових будинків, пересувні ремонтні майстерні та лабораторії


Виробничі, сільськогосподарські, складські та лабораторні будинки і приміщення, адміністративні, побутові будинки і приміщення та споруди промислових підприємств, громадські будинки та споруди, гаражі та автомайстерні

* Приміщення з наявністю горючих речовин, таких як рослинні та тваринні олії і жири в обладнанні для приготування їжі, додатково рекомендовано оснащувати водяними вогнегасниками ВВ-2, призначеними для гасіння пожеж класу F.
** Застереження щодо використання газових вогнегасників: при гасінні пожежі в приміщенні необхідно враховувати можливість зниження вмісту кисню в повітрі приміщення нижче гранично допустимого значення.
*** Порошкові вогнегасники слід використовувати після евакуації людей з приміщення.


Як додатковим засобом для гасіння невеликих осередків пожеж на початкових стадіях, будинки адміністративного та побутового призначення і громадські будинки, квартири багатоквартирних житлових будинків та будинки індивідуальної забудови, виробничі і складські будинки та приміщення промислових підприємств, гаражі та автомайстерні, кіоски та торговельні місця можуть оснащуватися вогнегасниками водопінними аерозольними одноразового використання.

{Додаток 10 із змінами, внесеними згідно з Наказом Міністерства внутрішніх справ № 765 від 28.10.2020}

Додаток 11
до Правил експлуатації
та типових норм належності
(пункт 6 розділу VI)

об’єктів різного призначення, які мають бути оснащені пересувними вогнегасниками

№ з/п

Тип та позначення вогнегасника

Найменування об’єктів, які рекомендується оснащувати переносними вогнегасниками








Виробничі, сільськогосподарські, складські будинки і приміщення та споруди промислових підприємств, склади нафти та нафтопродуктів, автозаправні станції



ВГ (ВВК)-18,
ВГ (ВВК)-28,

Споруди промислових підприємств та енергетичних об’єктів, склади нафти та нафтопродуктів, автозаправні станції




Виробничі, сільськогосподарські, складські будинки і приміщення, споруди промислових підприємств, гаражі та автомайстерні, склади нафти та нафтопродуктів, автозаправні станції

* Застереження щодо використання газових вогнегасників: при гасінні пожежі в приміщенні необхідно враховувати можливість зниження вмісту кисню в повітрі приміщення нижче гранично допустимого значення.
** Порошкові вогнегасники слід використовувати після евакуації людей з приміщення.

{Додаток 11 із змінами, внесеними згідно з Наказом Міністерства внутрішніх справ № 765 від 28.10.2020}

Про затвердження Положення про організацію оповіщення про загрозу виникнення або виникнення надзвичайних ситуацій та зв'язку у сфері ц... | від 27.09.2017 № 733


від 27 вересня 2017 р. № 733

Про затвердження Положення про організацію оповіщення про загрозу виникнення або виникнення надзвичайних ситуацій та зв’язку у сфері цивільного захисту

{Із змінами, внесеними згідно з Постановами КМ